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Ana Maria Padurean

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Sunday Post
10/8/2006 4:56:15 PM

Hello My Friends!


As many of you already knows, this is my seldomly posted (LOL) weekly forum of Sunday!... to remind and highlight some of the most interesting events of the passed week, decorated with some inspiration and funny things for you to enjoy as it is The End of the Weekend! :-)


The Meaning of Flowers


Soon as man was sufficiently civilized to have any appreciation of the aesthetic, he became vividly aware of the beauty of Nature's blossoms. There followed a symbolic and mystic attribution to these of qualities and meanings. Beautiful and poetical thoughts were conveyed by the presentation of a sprig of blossom, and whole messages were communicated by bouquets in which each flower chosen betokened a significant idea. Not only love and happiness were the tenor of these floral missives; coquetry, dalliance, prevarication, indifference and coolness; rebuff, refusal, scorn, contempt and insult-all were expressed by a suitably chosen flower.

Needless to say, the practice of using floral emblems was so convenient that it became firmly established in favor near and far. From the Occident to the Orient, these messages were current. A floral love-token handed to the favored one by a slave or a henchman could tell no tale to irate parent or spouse-at least no such tale as could an intercepted letter.


But the system was open to falsification. The messenger might hand the missive to a person other than the one for whom it was intended; late at night, or in the half-light of dawn, the hopeful knight-errant would appear at the garden gate to carry off his beloved, and she would fail, perhaps, to realize until too late the deception that had been practiced upon her. Or the flower might be substituted by another having a meaning that was far different from the one intended, so that unwittingly the maiden would give her admirer his conge'.

Despite its liability to unhappy breakdowns of this nature, florigraphy has flourished down to our own day, and the modem revival in the sending of valentines has fostered it. Floral cards for birthday messages are also very popular. To the discriminating sender and appreciative recipient, an aptly chosen spray of blossoms may mean much; only the most heedless or uninformed Would choose flowers at random.

Let us make it clear that there is a duality in floral tokens. A flower may indicate merely some sweet or lofty sentiment, or it may carry a verbal message. By combining flowers to form a bouquet, a longer message can be composed. The index of attributes given below makes it quite easy both to compose and interpret florigraphic "documents."   In selecting flowers for such a purpose, Great care should be exercised not to mistake the names; if a florist is commissioned to make up and dispatch or deliver a posy or a bouquet, precise instructions should be written, with a warning not to substitute any other blossoms for the flowers selected. Misguided zeal in trying to secure artistic effects in a floral token may entirely wreck the scheme.

It is worth remembering that flowers can be sent to many parts of the world. An order given to a reputable florist in most of our cities will -ensure a bouquet being made up at the distant city-even at the Antipodes-and delivered to the person whose name and address are specified. Thus oceans and continents present no barriers to the floral message, and the latest resources of science are pressed into the service of florigraphy - that romantic and poetical language of love which has come down to us from the far-away dawn of civilization.


- to be continued -


Who is Featured this week!

The Spotlight Gazette Feature:
Forum  and  Blog

...and in the HIGHLIGHT

Leslie Combs

Does one of your friends deserve to be in the highlight? Or is your friend a wonderful Networker? Do you want to share this with all of us? Remember, we are waiting for your NOMINATIONS ! Just, click and post!






Go and see who are the shining Stars of the Week!

Hosted by The Globe Trotters, Whiffen and friends are curiouse

"Where in the World have you Been!?"

2nd Feature

Let Whiffen know about your vacation excitement and share with all of us! Let's take us with you :-)




Wisdom of Youth 

Never give up because life gets harder as you get older. After preschool the road of life keeps getting bumpier and bumpier and bumpier. Angela Martin, age 11

Never blow in a cat's ear because if you do, usually after three or four times, they will bite your lips! And they don't let go for at least a minute. Lisa Coburn, age 9

Don't think life is easy, because when you get older it is hard work. I used to think life was easy, now I have to do the dishes every other day. Nick Coleman, age 9

Take risks. I mean, if you like this person and you don't know if they like you, ask them out and see what happens. I liked this girl and I asked her out. She said no and she hates me now, but I took that risk. Bruce Wagner, age 13

A realist is more correct about things in life than an optimist. But the optimist seems to have more friends and much more fun. Megan, age 14

When they broke open molecules, they found they were only stuffed with atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with explosions.

When people run around and around in circles we say they are crazy. When planets do it we say they are orbiting.

Rainbows are just to look at, not to really understand.

Someday we may discover how to make magnets that can point in any direction.

Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the daytime.

Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. There are 180 degrees between freezing and boiling because there are 180 degrees between north and south.

A vibration is a motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go.

Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to be oil.

Genetics explain why you look like your father and if you don't why you should.

Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they're there.

Some oxygen molecules help fires burn while others help make water, so sometimes it's brother against brother.




Kathleen VanBeekom: My Hometown Double Feature

Featuring Joe Buccheri: Life in Maryland

Feature Pauline R: Life in Madurai,India


Kathy Martin


You are all wonderful assets of AdlandPro.

FlowerTSet04Button1  WeddingSet1Button1FlowerTSet04Button2

to all the new members



Your HELP is needed!



In the end, I would love to wish all my friends who were celebrating their Birthday in the last week

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along with the fulfilment of most of
your dreams!

And a wonderful and very
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to the ones with their celebration
to come thi
s week!

With friendship,


PS: after so long I very much hope every link will wotk! :-)
Linda Harvey

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Re: Sunday Post
10/8/2006 5:51:16 PM
AnaMaria, Thank you for your wonderful write up! Linda
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Sunday Post
10/8/2006 6:01:40 PM

HI AnaMaria,

          This is a wonderful forum!!!!  It has it all, beauty, jokes, calendar of events. What more could we ask for?

           I thank you for doing this, my friend.

Your Good Friend


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Re: Sunday Post
10/8/2006 6:27:26 PM
Hi Anamaria :) Fantastic!!! great work! have a wonderful day :)
Juliana Bond

1559 Posts
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Re: Sunday Post
10/8/2006 6:44:54 PM
My Dear Friend Anamaria,

This is soooooooo Beautiful!

Thank you so much for sharing your I.T talents with us and for directing us all to these wonderful forums.

You are a very talented woman, I am merely a Rhyme Artist, you are an absolute Internet Guru!

I admire you so much,

Thank You for showing people where to find my forum.

You are an inspriation to all!

With Love and Respect

Your Friend

Juliana ~