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Barb Doyle

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:36:35 PM

Hi Jenny,

Thanks so much for your post. So many problems in life could be prevented by taking just a few minutes to think before acting. When you act from emotion you oftentimes make mistakes.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

At some time in everyone's life they will stumble across opportunity. Sadly, most people will pick themselves up and walk away as though nothing happened. - Winston Churchill


Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:51:03 PM
Dear Arild,

Please do not say you will not be the one who cares anymore. You will always care. Your story of the friend you had who was drowned. That is why you care. You have labored to help other people, warn them if you see danger.

If they turn on you in anger, that does not change the fact that you saw danger. I fully believe you had evidence for what you have posted. Ambassador John Sanchez has now been given evidence he says that there have been some very serious things committed.

Hang in there Arild. Are we all here for the truth or are we here just for friends no matter what the truth is?

I believe Arild is here for the truth. I know I am. Innocent until proven guilt is a good course. For now I will wait and see as those who can decide and have heard the evidence have not given their judgement yet.

Until then, those who are sure the accused are innocent harm themsleves, I believe, by making broad accusations against others because they stood up for what they believed was the truth.

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:53:45 PM

Jenny--great article.  I was taught to think before you speak, but unfortunately, the Internet has created a new moral we should pass on to all of our internet buddies--think before you write!  Written words are often more powerful than spoken words.  Your article serves as an excellent reminder to folks who fill up our inboxes with useless posts that have little, if any significance to what the topic is about!


Jenny SJ

1902 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:55:30 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am glad that this forum has got some people thinking and includes some healthy discussion.

When posting please will you remember  one of the basic forum rules on this

No Shouting Please
Shouting is  also a symptom of the IPF Virus, which we dont want spreading to this forum! 


Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:58:23 PM

Dear Friend.....!

Thank you for your invitation and this wonderful post.

Honestly speaking....different people have different openion on this and most of the people have shared their personal views on this.  There are many aspects governing this topic and few of them have already discussed like....sharing of our thoughts and ideas with other friends/members, thinking before speaking, freedom of speach, etc. including the letter size of the Forum(s).

Once, one of my friends (a lady friend) misunderstand me...the reason being ..... I am a long as I signed my name as "Gani" she was a very good friend of mine.....and soon after I started signing as "Mohamed Gani".....I became bad (she came to know that I am a Muslim) for her and removed my name from her friend's list.

Onething I want to share here is.....all the Arabs are not Muslims....all the Muslims are not the same way....all the Muslims are not "Terrorists".....( I hope that I have made it very clear here...ofcourse, I have thought "twice" before I "speak").

Another lady, mistook the "word"....."Love".   Another lady mistook the word...."Dear" (She asked me not to address Dear......).

Thanking you, for giving me this opportunity to share my "humble views".

With Warm Regards and Best Wishes with Prayers.....!

Friendly Yours,

Mohamed Gani.


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