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Herb Gruenewald

319 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 12:29:19 PM
Great forum Jenny, you covered all the bases!

Warm regards,
Herb G

Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 12:53:31 PM

Thank you Jenny for your thoughtful handling of this situation.

Your friend, Nancy

Nick Sym

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 12:56:48 PM

Hi Jenny!

I had to make a doctors appointment because I think I have some of the symtoms - LOL

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:03:13 PM

Thank You for a good topic my Dear Spanish Senorina.

I know it is easy to have a impulsive finger, but brainless is another thing. This post tells me a lot
of what people so easy can do to others WITHOUT
knowing the truth or will believe in it. And therefor I
will not be the one who CARES anymore, as all the other answers will be given from people who not have a impulsive finger.

Take care and beware my friend..

Best regards

Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 1:04:39 PM

How about this...If you have an issue with someone, why not email them direct with your concerns and keep it out of the public unless something can hurt people that everyone needs to know about. On top of that, make sure before it does go public that you have AMPLE proof before spouting off for ALL to see... Hmmm, interesting concept, eh? Imagine that...having total concrete proof first!

Another interesting comcept about trashing people in public... I prefer to keep this under my hat unless someone who I know is under attack that does not deserve it gets raked over the coals again and again! If these certain people could simply THINK about how this other person feels after these public attacks, I wonder if they might reconsider their position on public harassment? Not only may they cause this person public embarassment, but they can change their lives too! Some may even go as far as committing suicide or have health issues due to the amount of stress it created! Imagine that!

Defender of innocent people! Tom :o)

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716

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