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Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 2:03:43 PM
John-Please feel to respond to my post in public. It is not me that is stressed out, I simply handle things, it is another gentleman who has now left AdLand due to many derogatory posts that I am referring to. I hope this is clear. I simply said that I could not sit back and watch this happen to him and not say anything about it. Thanks so much! Tom :o)
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 2:04:21 PM
Oops-feel free....
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Jo Matthias

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 2:27:46 PM

Hello Mohamed Gani, 

I have never thought of Muslims as Arabs, nor have I thought of Arabs as Muslims....Nor have I thought of Arabs/Muslims as terrorists...  I have friends that are Arabic and Muslim.  I am ashamed that there are Americans that believe Arabs and Muslims are the ones responsible for all the terrorism!  This is not the American way!  The Terrorism is not just Arabic, nor Muslim.... We are all responsible....

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 2:39:12 PM

Dear David, and all my other REAL friends

I only wish that You could have seen the man who
only want to care for his friends and the community.
I have not been sleeping, my tears comes when I get
all this supportive messages and posts. I have done
what I believe and stands for, fighted for OUR friends
and therefor has been the bad-guy in some eyes. I am
so hurt, that I can not tell how much, as it takes so much of my little energy there is left.

I know I always will stand up for my friends, always protect them and care for them, and to all my REAL friends: I LOVE YOU ALL and I dare to say so!

Thanks to all my friends for being there for me, I needed You all so bad now, almost deleted myself as member for what I stands for.

Take care..

Best regards

Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 2:46:13 PM

My Dear and Respected Friend Jo Matthias....!

Thank you for your understanding.  I have not particularly blamed anyone, because, everyone in our Community is "Very Good" and that is why, our AdlandPro Community "Stand Out of the Crowd".  Believe me or not....I am a humble member of "Amity International", Visakapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India (Mrs. Razia Begam, is the Organizer),  "Swati International", Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India,  "Beebeejan International", Nagpur, Maharashta, India, "Signal International", Finland,  "Bombayite", Bombay, India (Mr. Kishore Meshwani is the Organizer) etc.  These are the "International Friendly Organizations"/ Community. 

Comparing with all these Communities/International Organisations, our something "Special" and "stand out of the crowd".

So....let us join together and bring a "Family Atmosphere" in our "Wonderful Community".....AdlandPro.

Thanking you, once again, for giving this opportunity to share my "humble view" on the topic.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers....!

Your Ever Loving Friend,

Mohamed Gani.


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