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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 3:37:58 PM
Dearest Jenny,

I am following your Forum from its first reply. I am not able to give you a push up as my posts now have the lowest traffic.

You have done a great forum and you got lot of good replies. I will give a bigger size on my letters to help John read them.

I will just need two sentences to make things clear. People who are in a difficult economic situation don't care if they get money legal or illegal as long as they get money, they do not care if somebody is telling them truth or not. Arild is right and I say this: Let everyone care for him self, this is capitalism in its highest level and all rules are capitalistic "the big fishes eats the small ones". I will not step back and I accept to take the consequences. By now I know who the good friends are.

So long  my friend
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 4:03:07 PM

Hi Jenny,

     I think this is exactly what we need right now. To step back and look at this whole situation with a little humor.

     Thank you, Jenny.

Your Good Friend


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Jenny SJ

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 4:18:52 PM
Hi Folks,

 It very  heartening to see that the majority of the people here clearly understand the need to "control that finger"

Could I politely point out to those few that are still suffering from the IPF virus referred to in the Reply category Section 3.of the disease  (yes you'll have to go back to the first page unless you have a memory like an elephant) that  if you wish to discuss the "Great Drama" of this week's POTW elections  and support or defend any of the candidates on the list - you are on the wrong forum and you may well end up suffering the side effects to boot.

Back to topic - yes - the virus is easy to recognise.  The difficult part is to implement the cleaning up process.  It has to start with YOU - you cant wait for the other guy to do it first.

Think before you press that button!  Practice makes perfect.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 4:54:38 PM

Hi Tom,

I certainly agree with you on this matter. Hard to believe as it may seem, it was only yesterday that I became aware of the noise and am just beginning to understand a little of it. But the awful things I have been able to read by now against other members have made me think of anything but what a community forum as Adlandpro should be. I am astounded. 

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Tom Sparrow

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Re: A (New?) Virus Disease at Adland!!
9/23/2006 5:07:25 PM

Thanks for your response back to my post Luis! I really don't need to elaborate anymore since the posts speak for themselves. People are all adults and can decide from posts who their friends should be and who not to associate with. Those who do the harassment will find out sooner or later what the ramificiations are...the shame of it is someone and possibly more people who leave AdLand because of it! I will never let someone bully me into leaving AdLand, it will be for other reasons if I do!

Thanks again and enjoy your weekend! My Best! Tom  :o)

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716

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