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Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:25:34 PM

My dear, sweet Nan,

I have only 3 words for you .... I love you ... You are just such a beautiful person and I will treasure our friendship for ever!!!

Thank you for your company, your support and all your help ... thank you for lending me your shoulder to cry on and .... thank you for all the times we've laughed together .... worked together and shared so much ...

You are truly a very special woman ...

God Bless you always


Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:27:25 PM

Dear Jo

Thank you very much for coming by and for the congratulations.

I wish you every success and a brilliant week ahead ...

Best wishes


Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:33:49 PM


How are you?  It's so good to see you .... Did you see the flowers I posted for your mum in one of the other forums?  I bet you didn't even see them did you? tut tut tut .... heheheheheh .....How is she now?  Much better I hope....

Thank you for your very kind words and believe me the honour is all mine to have such a kind gentleman, as yourself, as a friend here in Adland ...

God Bless you too and have an excellent, prosperous week ahead.


Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:52:32 PM

Donna .... my dear, sweet friend and colleague,

Thank you for your beautiful words ....

You are another beautiful person I have had pleasure meeting and working with here at Adland ...Thank you for all your help, it was truly appreciated ....

I even appreciate and enjoy the "Go to bed" messages at 4am!!! (Mum!!!) hehehehehehehe

Thank you for being a wonderful friend ...

Love and hugs to you



Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/31/2006 5:11:45 AM

Good morning My Atlantean friend Jill,

Take the week off? hehehehehe ...... I just love your style and phyilosophy, lady!!! lol ... I wish you were my boss!!! hehehehe

Thank you for your very kind words of appreciation and for all your support throughout the various forums ... I actually look forward to reading your replies, you've got me so use to them!!! ... wouldn't be the same somehow without you there....

Take care, a big hug and have a great week




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