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Pauline Raina

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Re: Daily inspiration in prose
7/26/2006 11:13:22 PM
Thanks for the invite Robert, very inspiring indeed, just to add a line or two.... Who can see tomorrow, 'cept He who put us here, to carry all our burdens and to HIm draw near, and when at last we lay in bed and thank him for the rest, can we say with sincere hearts,' Lord Ive done my best.' Blessings Pauline
Robert Talmadge

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Re: Daily inspiration in prose
7/27/2006 5:17:33 AM
Thank you Venerina. That is a wonderful concept Pauline. It reminds me of Enya's
song "Only Time"

Regarding Butterflies from my poem here is an excerpt from the New York Times:

In Texas, Conditions Lead to a Rabble of Butterflies
Tens of millions of snout butterflies have taken advantage of an unusual drought-and-deluge cycle to breed in spectacular profusion.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Robert Talmadge

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Re: Daily inspiration in prose
7/27/2006 5:33:17 AM
Who Knows

The deep inner need
That something inside of us wants freed
It is deep within our being.
Having seen beyond seeing
I wonder who knows
where it is from our head to our toes.

It is something beyond comprehension,
That lies in another dimension
of our selves in this way.
A deep inner need
that something wants freed
and it goes on day after day.

Even one who has everything
has felt it's sting
When something is missing
What is this thing?

That burning desire
that rests on a spire
of our innermost  depths of our soul.
Even when we try to fill it
The emptyness is still in it
and it leaves a deep yearning hole.

So what is it that we are looking for?
We have never opened the door.
Like something reached in
and our heart has been torn
this condition we are in?

It is the connection with the infinite
that we find so definite
that we are missing indeed.
That certain something
That goes beyond being
And the need has to be freed.
Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Re: Daily inspiration in prose
7/27/2006 6:39:14 PM

Dear Friend....!

Thank you for your "inspirational" poem, which is really wonderful and I enjoyed it a lot.

Thanking you, once again.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.........!

Your Ever Loving Friend,



Robert Talmadge

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Re: Daily inspiration in prose
7/28/2006 6:51:02 AM
The Soul

We can not see it with our eyes
we can not sense it with our fingers.
but we know it when a baby cries
or after death something lingers.

Where I ask is the soul?
How can I possibly find it?
When I pursue my lifes goal
The inspiration that lets me do it.

It is in the wind swaying the trees
The ripples on the lake from a breeze.
The wild flowers in the field
The Gentle rain on my face I feel.

You won't read it in any book.
It dissapears the harder we look
Like an unknown painting or work of art,
Using the flashlight to find the dark.

When we shed a tear of happines
Something is there, something real.
That passes my understanding.
It is the soul I feel.

"God made man from the dust of the earth, breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul"

Genesis, The Bible

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.