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Larry Blethen

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Re: Be Warned a new Scammer Today in Adland 20/7/2006
7/20/2006 10:02:55 AM


Thank for the example of a scam..I get ones like this also.


Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Venerina Conti

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Re: Be Warned a new Scammer Today in Adland 20/7/2006
7/20/2006 12:03:27 PM

Hello Larry

You're welcome.  I reported it to Bogdan who has already assured me the user has been deleted from Adland.

Have a wonderful day

Take care


Re: A scammer here in Adland
7/20/2006 12:15:06 PM

Hello Venerina,

I received a scam again, now sent to my business e-mail address.  Don't forget to check out the date of this message:


From: "Mr. Baguio" <>  
Subject: Together we do this....
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 13:11:36 -0800

My name is Mr. Baguio, and the reason for this
email is that you and I might share something in comm0n.

At some point in our lives many of us have contemplated
or tried to start a h0me busi.ness. Don't worry, I'm not
trying to se1l you anything. I just want to ask you a
simple question?
If I helped you start a part-time busi.ness from your
h0me and in two years you R E T I R E, "would you send me a
Thank You card?"
If your answer is yes then please reply with a subject


and the foll0wing inf0rmation in the body of your email.

1. Full Name
2. Email Add
3. Telephone Number
4. Country

and you can see how I can help you achieve this in 2 years.

If your answer is no then please drop me a blank-mail.

I hope you will at least take the next step and take a look.
It's fun and there is abs0lutely no binding on your part
for this inf0rmation.
Thanks for your time.


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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: A scammer here in Adland
7/20/2006 12:43:32 PM

Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention!

How stupid does this person think people are?

*  "You must keep this transaction a secret at all times until you have recieved the funds in your account."

Hello?  Does this scream S-C-A-M or what?  (LOL)

Thanks again for the "heads up"

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: A scammer here in Adland
7/20/2006 1:17:39 PM
Hello Venerina,

Thank you for the information. I got a prive message from same bank some days ago. Jus inform Bogdan or Michael DeLaCruz to delete him.

Warm Regards
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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