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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 10:29:52 AM

Hi Cheri,


You said.


What I don't like about this editor is that you can't view it before posting, and after posting you can't edit.

The reason we don't offer preview here is because this is WYSIWG editor and preview wouldn't be different than what you see wile typing.
You can't edit post after you posted it and this was not the option previously. We only had option to preview it and then post.

You are right about returns. In most editors like these, keep Shift and pres Enter if you don't want space between lines. I see if we can change that.



Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:25:22 PM

Hey Bogdan;

Glad you popped in. Like you, I am from the prairies. I love the big open spaces. Just don't want them in between my paragraphs. lol. I see the spacing gremlins attacked YOUR post, too. Heh, heh. Seriously, though, I know it's lot of work to keep upgrading and keep it all working smoothly - and we appreciate when you look at our concerns. Thanks! Hope to see the editor working better SOON. lol


Ana Maria Padurean

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:46:18 PM

Hello Linda,

Looks I'm extra here, this time, because what I would say it's already said and even replyed :-)
Now, I'm experienceing the shift + enter to see how it works with spaces?!

Have a great weekend everyone

With friendship,


Ana Maria Padurean

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:50:22 PM

... looks Shift + Enter works great for "space economy" :-D

Thank you Bogdan for the lesson


Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 2:20:27 PM
Hi, I use the Firefox browser (Right now would NOT use any other browser on a regular basis) Previously I could see the new toolbar in this message area heading with all the new icons. Today all I get is just a black area to work in. Never did have a choice to check a box for "view html source" Can use that choice in some other programs, so assume that my Firefox is not the problem here for me. As stated, as of now, I have no choice of any icons, just a blank work area. So it appears that I can not insert a link because I do not see the "Add Link Icon". (At least, I couldn't a few hours ago) Tried to just type in a regular link. started it with http but when tried to type double slash // it was not accepted. Just tried the slashes now and they are being accepted. I appreciated the choice of colors and fonts, etc but if I had to choose between keeping them and Adland running slower or giving them up so Adland will speed up. I must vote for more speed. Wayne

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