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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:53:59 AM
I guess white-out on the monitor is a no-go. There's lots of forums that work slicker than greased pig.
Flag of Cheri Merz

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 1:02:28 AM

Rudy, that cracked me up.  I thought only blondes put whiteout on the monitor, lol.

OK, where's 'view html'? I don't see that.  Also seem to be missing the 'Notify Me' button. 

Maybe forum owners can still edit after the fact, but responders never could--the Preview was invaluable to make sure it was right before posting.  Now that's gone. 

But if past performance is any indication, there are some tweaks to come before the programmers are done with this.  When there are enough responses, someone should invite Bogdan.  It worked for the popups.


Flag of Dave Cottrell

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 4:11:35 AM

Hi Linda,

                                                                             mean!  lol!

I know exactly                                 you


I guess you saw the mess I made in  your other forum already!  Aaaaargh!

This new system is driving me a little nuts.  I use a text editor for absolutely everything and simply hate wysiwyg editors.   As someone who also publishes text newsletters and sends out a lot of business email, I follow the 60 - 65 character per line rule and automatically hit return at the end of each line, or two returns between paragraphs.  All my html documents are done in a text editor, too.  I find wysiwyg editors very restrictive.

(This one is really bad - sorry, Bogdan, but it really IS bad!  We need to AT LEAST be able to see a preview before posting.)

As far as the pop-ups go, I really like them.  At first they bugged me a little, but they are really easy to close, they notify me of interesting threads I might have missed, AND they bring more traffic to my forums.  You can't argue with success.

So - I would say, "Two thumbs down." to the wysiwyg editor and "Two thumbs up" to the pop-ups.

God bless,


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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 10:00:38 AM

They Must be Working on it as we speak!


Alan Smith, Your Guide to Being On-Purpose --------------------------- probably the best Identity Theft resource on the internet. ---- View the Movie: View the Presentation!
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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 10:22:38 AM

Hi Linda,


Thank you for bringing up this topic.


Here are couple of notes.


You said:


But the WYSIWYG editor drives me CRAZY!!!! It wraps p and /p around everything and makes way too much space between paragraphs, which looks really stupid. I am a professional business person. I refuse to put up a post that looks like I just discovered the Internet last week - and that's what this WYSIWYG editor makes my posts look like. So then I have to edit each post 5-6 times.


If you want to use the old way, just click the checkbox "View HTML Source" and type your message in there the old way.
I wasn't aware that the editor changes the look of the post. I will see how mine appears.

Then you said:



And, of course, every time I edit, I have to wait for all the photos along the top to load. Aaarghhh.


The photos at the top replaced the list of the names on the left side. We used to have list of logged in users displayed each time which was around the same size to be downloaded as all the pictures together taken. Each picture is around 1 K size and in total this is 14 K. In addition those pictures once downloaded on your computer are being taken from the cache and there is no need to get them again from the server whereas the list was downloaded each time. In essences you should see improvement with added pictures at the top comparing to the option before it.



We had originally installed more powerful editor which was compatible with all browsers but some users complained that it was slowing down their computers due to large number of controls to be downloaded. As of this moment I'm not quite sure if the problem was with actually downloading or weak computer which couldn't handle it.



As always thanks for the feedback and we will consider option for different users as we further collect feedback.
Probably we will use our new polling functionality to find out.




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