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Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:26:01 AM

Okay -- I know that all the changes happening here are to make it a *better* place.  And some of them are okay. I know some have complained about the popups. They don't bug me. I can close them. And I know sometimes people see an interesting tidbit and forum traffic has gone up since the pops were added

But the WYSIWYG editor drives me CRAZY!!!! It wraps p and /p around everything and makes way too much space between paragraphs, which looks really stupid. I am a professional business person. I refuse to put up a post that looks like I just discovered the Internet last week - and that's what this WYSIWYG editor makes my posts look like. So then I have to edit each post 5-6 times.

And, of course, every time I edit, I have to wait for all the photos along the top to load. Aaarghhh.

Thing is, if the goal here is to have more people visiting and more people posting, wouldn't it make sense to make the pages load faster (not slower) and make it easier (not more frustrating) to actually put up a post??

I love the people here. Right at this precise moment, I'm NOT loving the tools we have to work with.  Ah well, at least the people aren't the tools. Well - most of them, anyway. Heh, heh..... lolOkay, I'm done.

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:31:44 AM

Hi, Linda

What I don't like about this editor is that you can't view it before posting, and after posting you can't edit.  So while I like not having to hand-code italics and font changes, and the expanded capability for emoticons, I have some frustrations with making sure everything looks right before I post permanently.

Similarly, I didn't like the popups when they started, and now I'm an enthusiastic fan.  This is the same editor that's in the PM section, so I think I'll get used to it.

Just don't put two hard returns between paragraphs, and the spacing will be fine. But then, you knew that, right?


Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:34:41 AM
Hi Carol, For some reason the WYISWYG editor does not load for me anymore. It did earlier today. Now it does not. I am using the latest FireFox browser. PS: Cheri, I can no longer get preview though. The polling option does not seem to work. Maybe it is a step by step after the message. I do not know. David
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Flag of Cheri Merz

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Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:36:01 AM

I just noticed the polling while answering Linda before.  What is that supposed to do?


Re :Aaarghhh. I hate this crazy WYSIWYG editor.
7/8/2006 12:44:27 AM
Hi! ===========
What I don't like about this editor is that you can't view it before posting, and after posting you can't edit.  ......  Just don't put two hard returns between paragraphs, and the spacing will be fine. But then, you knew that, right? ===========

Interesting. I can't view before posting either, but I can edit. And I find that the "one hard return" rule is hit and miss. Sometimes it leaves one space, sometimes it leaves multiple lines. If I hit "view html" I can see row after row of p and /p tags, yet I only hit ONE return. And, it puts nbsp's between some words, but not others. ??

And David's right, too. Today's WYSIWYG doesn't work in Firefox. The one they had last night and this morning did, but it changed.

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