Re: Mold and Mildew
On the topic of mold and mildew, this information maybe of interest from a conference call with Dr. George Graham, a microbiologist from Knoxville, TN. He's an authority on "Mold." Government agencies have hired him to speak on the hazardous emissions from mold. Dr. Graham feels mold is one of the most dangerous elements you can have in your environment. Of the illnesses today, 65% is directly or indirectly related to mold. It releases toxins that compromise the immune system (it has been linked to the death of children in the Cleveland, Ohio area). Mold is a major factor in health problems such as cancer, lung disease, depression, skin diseases, eye infections, rheumatoid arthritis and more. Dehumidifiers are a great source of mold growth. Getting carpet wet, whether by cleaning solutions or water spills is another breeding ground for mold.
Mold is a plant-like form and it seeks a food source and grows into it. So it doesn't just grow on our food sources (bread, cheese, etc.), but it grows on dampness -- such as under carpet, in heating/air conditioning vents, inside walls that have gotten wet and many other places. If the humidity in the home is over 40-45% there will be mold. Using household bleach on mold will only remove the color. It will not kill it. Through lots of research, Dr. Graham discovered the properties in Melaleuca oil would kill mold. He placed an open bottle of the pure Melaleuca oil along side a lab dish with mold on it and covered both with a dome cover. In 30 minutes the mold was killed. Dr. Graham then sprayed sol-u-mel into the air conditioning system and placed a dish of mold on a table - THE MOLD WAS KILLED.
Mold may be a contributing factor in fibromyalgia and it can be directly related to ADD. Dr. Graham recommended spraying air filters with Solumel, diluted 5 to 1. Also, spray all your vents. You can also set an open bottle of T36 inside your unit. He recommended this for your automobile as well.
Just one more use for Melaleuca Oil & Sol U Mel