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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/19/2006 5:10:19 PM
Roger, This is an interesting thought. I will think how we can offer way to handle it. For now you can open such a messages in a new window. To do this, instead of clicking on the link, point to it and click right mouse button. One of the menu option will allow you to open this message in the new window. You can read this message later when you finished in the second window. Bogdan
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/19/2006 5:23:57 PM
Hi, As usual Bogdan has impressed me by being on the ball and ready to adapt and respond. Thanks Bogdan. I am starting to see the positive side as so many new people put up a very good first forum but nobody visits, I have written a couple in the past with genuine requests for information in them, but few saw it. Maybe these annoying flashes will give a little life to the less well known but deserving newbies forums. The other Roger in this forum.
James Max

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/19/2006 7:19:30 PM
Hey Mary, While I was just now reading Mr Bodgan's post, one of those "Cute Puppies" came by for a visit. So I Right-Clicked my Mouse unto the Window and my Menu did not have a "New Window" Selection. But the interesting note is that before I could finish reading my Options, the thing took off like a Flying Saucer! Have you ever noticed that it will come up sometimes out of your way, and if you ignore it, it will plop down unto your writing page like an ignored puppy dog? I think this feature has artifical intelligence in it. Way To Go Boss! Thanks for your visits and comforting thoughts. maxinvegas
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Cheri Merz

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Re: Cool or confusion
6/19/2006 10:24:35 PM
Hi, Mary Thanks for clearing this up for me. I returned from vacation today and couldn't figure out what was going on. Until I read all the posts in this forum, I found the popups highly annoying. As usual, people have made points that I didn't think about before I made my snap judgement. On the whole, I still find them annoying, and frankly I'm not sure that they will serve their intended purpose with me. I doubt that a few words would make me stop what I'm doing, especially if I don't know and respect the poster. However, now that Bogdan has mentioned a couple of planned improvements, I'll wait patiently for them. Apparently in the couple of days since you started this, the position has already been improved. It seems to pop up in the upper left corner of my screen, and I'm now able to ignore them easily. If I have the opportunity to select from 'Get them all', "Turn them all off' and 'Select by forum', I'll take the last one. Otherwise, I'll be happy when we can turn them off. Thanks again! Cheri
Re: Cool or confusion
6/20/2006 10:20:33 AM
Hi all, Bogdan's post made sense, and so did your advice Mary. Now that I know how to use this new feature, I'll be checking the profiles of the people "popping up" on the page! Thanks for airing this issue out.

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