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Cheri Merz

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Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/6/2006 1:46:49 AM
Hi, Norm, Well, I thought I had posted the answer, but it isn't there, so I'll try again. Art posted that a kind neighbor has run an extension cord under his door to keep him online. That's what alerted me to the seriousness of the situation. For Kenneth, I can only say that you must not know Art. He has not asked for handouts, only to have someone who can really deliver the goods to step up and show him the way. He thought it would make an interesting statement, and judging from what Linda reports, it has. NO ONE can deliver the goods, i.e., an instant money business as so many are posting their programs are. Norm, again...thanks for the info about publish on demand companies. I knew they existed but didn't know their names. I'll file that away under useful information I may need for myself someday. Cheri
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/6/2006 2:10:31 AM
Hi: Bits and pieces on the last posts... mostly so I don't have to look at my own mug 4 posts in a row. lol Jennifer's... ========== In other words, we might use the internet for marketing, but we have something to sell. ========== EXACTLY. The road to success is selling something people want to buy. It's a pity so many people set up shop selling pipe dreams, and so many others follow along. The creators make money, the followers don't. Norm... ========== I am at the moment working through a project with a company called so I can't give an actual recommendation as to the final ptroduct just yet, but the costs are zero thus far. The site is very good - and Art should check it out. I have heard about two other companies - and http://www.parapublishing. com . ========== Pay to publish companies like Lulu can be okay if you plan to sell your own book, such as online. If you want to get your book into bookstores or retail stores, though -- they're a bad route to go. Retailers and bookstores won't touch a pay-to-publish with a 10 foot pole. and are names that are poison in the book sales industry. No one takes the authors seriously because anyone can get published. There's no third party quality screening. Cafe Press is higher priced than the others and has the same 'do it yourself' reputation as the others. And... Para Publishing is Dan Poynter. Great guy, but not a publisher. He's a self published author and book consultant. I know the book industry like I know the website design industry. If you want more info, I have some great articles on publishing. Just let me know... otherwise I won't bore anyone with them. lol Ken... ========== And they will gripe and say they can't afford a mere $4.00 - $5.00 a month for their business but you'll see them talk about the family outing on the weekend, bought something precious for their pet, new game for the kids .... ========== For the most part, you've got THAT right. Another common one is the folks that can't afford hosting or a domain, but they've bought all the "internet marketing" packages out there and signed up for their fair share of get rich quick programs, too. It all depends on what a person's priorities are, I guess. Some folks don't take their own business very seriously - and then they wonder why no one else does. Cheri's... ========== He has not asked for handouts, only to have someone who can really deliver the goods to step up and show him the way. He thought it would make an interesting statement, and judging from what Linda reports, it has. NO ONE can deliver the goods, i.e., an instant money business as so many are posting their programs are. ========== Yup.... that it did. NO ONE can deliver on what they're pumping out. I've PMd a couple of ad slammers (the folks that use Direct Contact or message me) and asked them how much THEY are making with this "oh so wonderful" program. The answer is always the same. Well... nothing yet. But I'm GOING TO. *sigh* Different place on the learning curve.... in a BIG way. : ) Linda
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/6/2006 3:21:18 AM
Hi Ken, it rather depends on what you use a book for. My current one and my previous one (published by Saatchi & Saatchi) are and were credibility and promotional tools - and they work. Re. shop booksellers, well you would know they are battling like mad against the online suppliers - amazon, barnes & noble etc. They are never a great source anyway as their stock levels and variety are limited in the extreme. Quite legitimately they also require 40% markup at retail (onlines are a bit less, . IF you wait to go through a 'legitimate' publisher - well good luck, it's a good way to learn to accept rejection, and go old in the process, but that's about all I can say for them. Plus, even if succesful you only get 10% of the cover price as an author, whereas on-line sales release about 40%. Your choice I suppose. The average text book is regarded as a best-seller if it makes sales of about 5,000 copies. My first text sold 2,000 and I made peanuts on the sales - but the fact that I had authored the book opened up an amazing number of doors. My new book is just starting to move a little - and already I have received lecture offers - totally on the strength of it being seen. Anyway I like people who want to write to be able to get the satisfaction of producing a book. There is what is called 'self-actualisation' in life - which is the best antidote I know to depression and rejection. If someone has the skill and patience to write a book - why should they be locked out by the Random House dictatorship? Nobody is forced to buy - but if you just want some credibility out there - or plain satisfaction, then why not? Authorhouse DO charge, and I can't say my experience with them was altogether a happy one, mainly through timing problems, although the end-product was and is fine. As I said earlier I am looking to see what Lulu comes up with. I am also looking to India and China where my business seems to be taking off (fingers crossed). Of course I am talking business books here, although my autobiography does cross over. No mainline publisher is at all interested in this area unless you are a 'personality' - footballer, TV newsreader, fashion model etc. However as these don't and can't write, then their material is all 'ghosted' How credible (or interesting for that matter) - is all that? I genuinely believe I have had an interesting an varied life - even living and working in 12 countries does have some interest I think? Plus having spent 50 years in Advertising and Marketing - a pretty varied product base, has also been interesting to review over the time. I was prompted by others in the business to write this latter book, and although it is not yet finalised. I have enjoyed doing it -and maybe others will enjoy reading it. If they do - fine, if they don't - no big deal. For me the real pleasure is in the creation - anything else is a bonus. In my art, the same thing applies. The first and main person to please is myself. Self-publishing also allows this to happen -and where there are no upfront fees to pay - there is little or no risk. Sorry to rave on about this - but if you want some real cynicism look at the Random House contrived Court Case The Holy Grail v. The Da Vinci Code, which just happened to rejuvenate sales of the former after 25 years! Brilliant PR - but don't tell me it had anything to do with the books. Pure business folks. Anyway - nothing will ever stop me writing. I love it as a craft, as a leisure pursuit, and as an interesting hobby when combined with all the research - particularly with my Social History CD's. You may have noticed that I have not provided titles to any of these things. I have no desire to bore people with promoting the things. I have already mentioned them on other posts and that's enough. Back to the keyboard!! Cheers, Norm
Norm Clark
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/6/2006 3:28:06 AM
Hello again to all, I just want to clarify what I said a moment ago. My posting was in general for the most part and not directed to any one individual. I did use scenarios that I came across during my membership. As for Art he found a way to stay online besides the cyber cafes or libraries. Props to him and his neighbors. I guess the thing that really get's under my skin are those that are looking for a handout without any effort on their part to succeed. The ones that just don't want to work and they expect you to give them everything. Sorry, I'm just rambling here. It's not too othen I rant this way (I hope) but with me dealing with wanna-be marketers (in general) and then facing 400+ students at Job Corps that are with the same mentality, "What are you gonna do for me or give me", sometimes I question how did they ever get this far in life? Do they not ever have a clue? I guess I come from a different mold. Thanks for putting up with my thoughts here. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group "Nothing But Net Entertainment" New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Lynda H.

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Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/6/2006 3:00:56 PM
I don't have an answer for ART either, but you can go read my profile and see that i am also at the end of my rope. I have maybe 3 weeks to figure out something before my house goes into foreclosure.. how's that for honesty. the only thing i have made is 1 sale on freead guru - never go that $ be/c I didn't exceed the amount needed to get it some commissions from Telebay - YES, I GOT PAID!!! FOR REAL - not a lot, but a little, but I did get paid... their threshhold for payment is set at over 15.00 - works too.!! received a notice that I had made 60.00 on veretek.. that says I was paid in April.. 1. never got that notice, and 2, they give u 10 days from post date to collect. am still trying to run that $ down.. man o man, i need it - need to also say I am a free memeber and only get comm. from 1st leve... and other upgrades have been made but since i haven't upgraded (199.) i can't get them.. so.. oh well - those are all I know about. I have my own website and I am pushing a few things there, but no luck. only hits i get are to adlandpro - GO FIGURE! LOL.. good message you posted. Keep it up, maybe somebody will really put something in that works.. ????? Lynda

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