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Andrew Birse

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Re: Manifesting One Million Dollars
3/27/2006 5:56:38 PM
Hi Linda, This reminds me of a story I heard about Jim Carey, the actor. When he was young, he wrote himself a cheque for $10,000,000 vowing to be able to cash it one day.... he kept it in his wallet and voula.. look at him now.
Regards, Andrew Birse Do you want to retire in 4 years or 40?
Linda Miller

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Re: Manifesting One Million Dollars
3/27/2006 11:32:18 PM
Hi Johnny, There are no accidents or coincidences... so the timing of this message and your current ventures is in perfect order! Wishing you success on your ventures! Visualize it as you desire it to be and you will have it!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Linda Miller

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Re: Manifesting One Million Dollars
3/27/2006 11:37:00 PM
Hi Andrew, Well, another synchronicity. I just received this story today from another friend. Here is what my friend wrote: I was watching an interview of actor/comedian Jim Carrey (his movies include Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, The Truman Show, etc.) this past week, and in it, he said he has always had great karma. From the examples he was giving, it was clear that by karma, Jim meant that things always seem to work out very well for him. The interviewer dug a little deeper, and Jim began explaining the methods he used to create his initial huge success: 1. Jim put his goals in writing, and read them every day. You may already know this story: when Jim was a struggling comedian, laying his head on whatever pillow he could find, he drew a $10 million dollar bill (his goal) and put it in his wallet. He took that bill out every day and looked at it. Four years later, he earned his first $10 million dollar movie deal. 2. Jim visualized his goals every day, with feeling. Apparently Jim used to drive into the hills of L.A. after his comedy gigs each night, and he would sit by himself looking out over the city, and he'd just imagine the life he wanted to be living. He sat there each night until he had imagined his dream life so vividly that it felt real - even though he would then go ‘home' to a truly hand-to-mouth existence. Your goals are in writing... How intensely are YOU picturing and feeling your goals when they pop up? Wherever you are with this is fine. However, if you want your results to be faster, do what Jim Carry did: picture and feel them so they become real to you. Barbara Pratt
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Cheri Merz

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Re: Manifesting One Million Dollars
3/28/2006 1:29:07 AM
Hi, Linda What fun that you posted this today! Yesterday, my husband told me it was time to play and asked me to find the most luxurious house I could on the Multiple Listing Service that was vacant and keyboxed so that we could go look at it. The one I found, just a few blocks from here, was a 12,000 square foot palatial house listed for sale at $2.5 million. Our average home price, by the way, is $250,000, so we expected this one to be spectacular! I called the agent and asked if we could go to see it, and she said 'sure'. Now this is our market, agents with listings like this usually question you about your client's ability to buy, but she didn't. So we went, and we were not a bit disappointed in what we found. We spent over an hour exploring this magnificent house, soaking up the experience and just dreaming. Now when I want to visualize my dream house, I'll have some real experiences to revisit! Next I think I'll go test-drive a Porsche. :-) Cheri
Danny Mills

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Re: Manifesting One Million Dollars
3/28/2006 3:21:25 AM
Hi Linda, I believe you are right and that more people need to focus on this fact. After a long time of studying and praying for answers to challenging questions in life I came up with the cliché one day that just popped in to my head. "Absolutely nothing good, great or worth millions was ever achieved or created by saying it sounds to good to be true. Not one thing ever." If negative thought can hold people back then it has to be true that positive thought can move people forward. Simple and easy to understand concept. If you think you cant then you cant. If you think you can then you can. Why I received the cliché? Because my father always said, "If it sounds to good to be true it probably is." He also always said, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer". Then one day the truth popped in to my head. If the rich get richer and the poor get poorer then some one is doing some thing right financially and it's time to stop doing what the poor do to get poorer and start doing what the rich do to get richer. These are universal truths that common sense can fully understand if one is open to analyze them deeply. Prejudice against money can also keep some one from obtaining wealth as it is a negative attitude that holds one back from achieving success. My point here is this, if you have any negative attitudes against success or money or the rich or against the haves verses the have nots, then you must get rid of all such negative sources of thought that can hold you back from achieving your goal. If you secretly harbor doubts then you are hendering your efforts to achieve what you desire to achieve and those doubts can come in the form of a negative attitude towards one thing or another pertaining to the goal. You actually end up being a walking contridiction. If you don't over come the negative then it will not matter how many zeros you write on that dollar bill. First use the dollar bill to remind you that you ( may ) have some unknown negative sources of thought that hold you back from achieving your financial goal. Keep a pen and paper by your bed side and in your pocket every hour of the day in case you detect a negative feeling pertaining to success, wealth, money the rich and so on. Write the feelings down to deal with them honestly and to dispute them honestly. At the same time as you are focusing on your goal of earning $1 million dollars you are also over coming any enemy that may exist in the form of negative thought that is there to hold you back from reaching your goal of earning $1 million dollars. When my father was presented with the truth of his negative concepts that held him back he was shocked to discover that mere negative thinking had been his stumbling stone all of his life. Yet he went on with a renewed hope of achieving more in the near future. It was as if he had been released from an invisible prison. All his life he came home from working hard welding with dirt from head to toe and he would say with a groan of pain in his voice “ Son if you ever find a better way, let me know”. I was nine years of age when I finally understood what he was really saying. I thought that the work my father did was killing him so I set out to find the better way to save my father. However I soon discovered that my greatest resistance and rejection was in fact my own father with all of his negative rejecting clichés. The stinking thinking. Over coming any such stinking thinking as you are building your focus to earn a million dollars can only aid you in the process of earning a million dollars. Again I say that there are many who secretly desire to earn a million dollars and yet harbor negative thinking ( prejudice ) against wealth and people who achieve wealth. I was afflicted with this problem my self and had to discover how to over come it. I had to read a thousand motivational books, memorize a thousand motivational quotes , and scriptures and learn to turn negative in to positive. My older brother would say, “We need new parents “. where as I would say I must have been given the parents I have for a good reason. Indeed I was right. My fathers negative attitude inspired me to search for the better way to save his life. He set me up for the future. His negative rejection prepared me for the rejection I might receive in the future as a young man seeking after my wealth goal. My father put me in such a position that I had to discover the truth that he him self had yet to discover. With my fathers skill and talents he could have been the most wealthy man on earth but he let his own negative thinking hold him back. Before he died my father had mastered 30 different professions and had learned to play twenty two different musicale instruments and people loved to hear him play guitar. Even thou he never strived to earn one million dollars he always secretly desired to do so. Many times he would set around our kitchen table talking with his friends about woulda, shoulda and coulda if they had only known. Using the past as a means of justifying their failures. Yet little did my father know that through this process of life he was preparing me for success in the future and through me he is the greatest success of all because he vicariously helped me to achieve what he him self could not. Food for thought. Dan

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