Hi Jerome.
Yes the two pieces (& Links) you have posted show the reason why myself & a lot of other Internet business users do not use Internet Explorer as their main browser.
I have not actually used IE for over a year now, because of the vulnerability to hackers & it's poor security.
Crazy Browser is another browser that uses IE technology & should also only be used if you are totally sure of your PC's security protection, better still do not use them at all.
Keep your virus protection updated, your Adaware, Spyware & Malaware, protection programs updated daily & USE THEM!!!!
By that I mean run your Adaware, Spyware & Malaware scans daily!
If not daily every other day.
Virus protection programs should always be left on, still run virus scans daily also. There is no point having this type of protection if you do not use it.
Thanks Jerome, it's not really about emails, but the links to these sites can be sent in emails, thats why you NEVER, NEVER click on any hyper links in suspicious emails.
Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.