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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/4/2006 2:01:15 PM
Dear Shannon You're welcome
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/4/2006 7:55:27 PM
I appreciate the update. Lawton
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/4/2006 9:22:39 PM
Hi Lawton you're welcome
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/5/2006 6:20:09 PM
Dear Members, Larry Anderson asked me to post Lola's latest update, so here it is: "My family visits me over the weekend, but next weekend, it will just be my husband. Last night his pupils were dialated and they were getting worried because he refused to follow their requests. They feared there was more damage to the brain, but the neurosurgeon said he was doing better. Today, he was watching TV, and following me and my husband with his eyes, although one is still a bit "lazy". He squeezed my fingers when asked, wiggled his toes and pointed to my husband when I asked where daddy was. I was told again that he wouldn't respond to their requests, but while the nurse was there, I made the same requests, and he followed just fine. I think he just didn't want to do it for them, or is getting tired of it. I barely touched his toes and he jumped and made a slight grin. Even though he can't talk to us because of the wires, we have conversations with him. He stayed alert all the way through Blues Clues and Danny Fantom, his two favorite cartoons on at that time. (I plan on finding Transformers for him so he can watch his all-time favorite show). I was also told that he may be moved from ICU to another floor because they didn't feel he needed to be there in ICU. I will be able to stay with him more, so that would be better. That is where we are at this time. Thanks, Lola"
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
A Great Update and Info About Larry Anderson
3/6/2006 4:11:25 AM
Dear Friends, I forgot to mention I have put together a forum to try to help Larry Anderson. You can read all about it here: I also received a new update from Lola, and I almost started crying tears of joy when I read it: "From Lola Vanslette: Re: Your Updates Date: 3/5/2006 Hey Shannon, I just came from the hospital. Stephe(n) kept fidgetting and I couldn't figure out what he wanted, so I undid the ties on his arm. He reached around my neck and pulled me down for a hug. When I asked if he loved his mom, he did it again. He didn't like me leaving, so I will be going back soon, but I feel so much better tonight. Thanks, Lola
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol

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