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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/2/2006 3:35:00 AM
Hi Larry, Oh, my! God, keep Stephen in Your Sight! I'm praying for him!
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/2/2006 10:31:35 AM
Turn trash into treasure Feed your tank or feed your tummy Are you or do you know a diabetic Looking to buy a new home, get more for less money If you answered yes to any of the above, contact me with that choice in the subject line and I will be in touch with you. Ralph Coppley 910-754-7392
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/2/2006 10:31:49 AM
Turn trash into treasure Feed your tank or feed your tummy Are you or do you know a diabetic Looking to buy a new home, get more for less money If you answered yes to any of the above, contact me with that choice in the subject line and I will be in touch with you. Ralph Coppley 910-754-7392
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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/4/2006 1:31:34 PM
New update on Stephen Vanslette Hi Larry, Just to fill you in: Stephen has had the collar removed from his neck as there appears to be no damage to it. He is off the ventilator, but is still on oxygen. (not much, so that may change). They are taking him off the sedatives, and pain medications, so he will be more awake soon. Surgery on his jaw went differently than anticipated because the brace was still on, but it looks good at this point. He is still a bit sluggish on his right side, but that is expected, with the damage to the left side of the brain. We hope therapy will help this. That is left to be seen, as is all the therapy he will be needing. I was informed last night that he will be in ICU for another 3 weeks, about another 3 weeks on another floor, and then transferred to a facility to do major he won't even be released to go home for more than 2 months. This will be making it more difficult for the entire family, because we all miss him and want him back home, but he needs to be able to function as much as possible, so it is a sacrifice we all have to make. If we do move to Vermont, assuming we can catch up on the mortgage his dad left with the house, we will have him moved to Burlington University Hospital. They have a great therapy unit, and they are one of the best hospitals we know. It will be about 30 miles from the house, but it can be done. That is about all we know right now, but I wanted to keep you updated. Thank you for being my friend, Lola Vanslette
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
3/4/2006 1:38:25 PM
Dear Larry, Thanks for keeping us updated. Sounds like good news! Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol

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