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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/18/2018 2:11:46 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6322 Your Garden Grows New Fruit Now, May 18, 2018

God said:

Beloved, to what do you devote your time and energy? Sometimes, perhaps too often, to toil and trouble, sorry to say. No go in the direction in which you truly want to devote your mind and heart.

Beloved, and I mean, Beloved, does it make sense to divert your attention to what you don't want in the first place? I ask you not to carry a sense of dread about what might be coming up in your life and the world you happen to live in. What possible advantage can there be in this for you?

Yes, soon or late, so-called death awaits you and awaits your loved ones. To your sodden heart, this is sorrowful news beyond measure. It must not be allowed - I understand that this is the way you see it, yet I am asking you, what possible virtue can there be in your mourning ahead of time? Simply, you don't know how to desist. You seem to be held captive by the idea.

When it hasn't rained yet, for what purpose would you carry a big black funereal umbrella before the actual occasion?

Beloved, must the thought of pulling up a chair in Heaven for you or a loved one present its entry to you as such a somber event? Leaving Earth offers up more than doom. Beloved, there is more than one color to choose from in your pencil box. In fact, there is a whole line-up of colors. Help yourself.

Permit me to tell you that all is well. In truth, there are greater glorious possibilities than you dare dream of. The water is fine. All is well. Let go of your fears. You are going to be happy, very happy. There is gold waiting for you, yes, for you and your loved ones.

Even in the world, when you move out of one apartment, soon you begin to live your new life in your new quarters. It may take a little getting used to. Or it may not. You live in your home now. You sure can't bring the old place along with you. No longer are you concerned with repairs or redecorating of the old place. You have a new place now to paint and a new garden to plant. To think of your new garden pours happiness upon you.

From the vantage of Heaven, there is no cause for sadness. You do live in a fortuitous new land now, and your garden grows new fruit now. The Sun still grabs you to shine on.

Wherever in the world you happen to inhabit now, every thought you have and every sound you hear influences you. Every bird call zings your heart. Every word has its vibration that affects you. In your song dictionary, the word tonight and the word spell take longer than the word but. But cuts itself off short. Each word has its sounds and syllables and its influence.

There is nothing where you live that is inconsequential to you. Sun and snow have their own vibrations. Big city or little town, dry or moist, all words paint their own portraits as do the illusory when and where and how come.

One view of life is that nothing is as it seems. Another view may be, oh, yes, everything is just what it seems, take it or leave it, yet, in habit, you may ask again and again. With all the fullness of your heart, you feel duty-bound to know for sure. Beloved, let go of all this pre-knowing and put aside the idea of forestalling what may come.

All you really need to know is to live in this moment right now as a bird on the wing. A bird does not have to ask ahead of time for a date on which he is to fly south before winter or about anything at all.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/19/2018 1:16:52 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6323 Music! Music! Music!, May 19, 2018

God said:

You and I, as Oneness, are as close as close can be. One is One. Yet, this Reality may continue to seem far-fetched to you. Alas, you may well feel closer to the presence of loneliness than you feel to the beat of My Heart.

Our Oneness does not mean that I own you, or that you own Me. If I were a guitar, it would mean that in Oneness, you and I are One and the Same Guitar. We’re not talking about two guitars. There is One Guitar, and it plays Itself for all to hear. We don’t have to get down to brass tacks with this metaphor, you understand. Music is Self-Evident.

Ah, the Music of the Spheres.

There are no two ways about it. We speak of music being played, and We speak of music being heard. Who is the Listener, and Who is the Player? In one sense, We can say there is the Music Supreme, and that’s it. We may speak of an observer as well as a player. There is no observer. I suppose I (or We) could say simply that music plays itself. A song is sung. The song sings itself. Humanity is attuned to it.

It could be said that there is a host and there is a guest, yet who can differentiate, and why?

Music exists. Music is heard. Love is. There is a piano, and its keys go up and down. Music creates itself. You and I are the Music We hear.

It could, perhaps, be said that We or I, the One of One, am the Music heard. I can be delineated as the Music itself. What matters is the Music and not any delineation. There is nothing to find out but to hear the Music that the Universe plays for one and all. Music is no secret. Rhythm exists. Bang the drums.

Who discovered music? Can something that has always existed be identified as discovered? When has music not come across? Ever since Creation, does not the wind whistle in its wake? What about rain beating its tune on the pavement or a pond? What about little feet running up and down and breaths being taken and a baby’s gurglings? What about the percussion of hands clapping?

Yes, the world makes music. Music is to be heard far and near. There is no missing a beat or the shape of music.

O, My, Yes, there is a chorus of heartbeats in a symphony.

The waves of the oceans play their songs. Does each soul hear the same tune? How can this be known, and what does it matter? The oceans sing. Even when you are not present at the shore, Music of the oceans may play in your ears. Yes, Music is contained within you. Music is the speech of your heart.

You also have been granted bird song to listen to at your leisure.

What does it mean to strike up the band when there never was not music at the ready for you to hear and feel it running through your bloodstream and tapping into your ears as if from somewhere within you? You are the music you hear. Cicadas appear, and they sing to you. Your response is to listen and to know that the cicadas intend their music for you. Cicadas sing for you, or they rub their feet for you. Music! Music! Music!

Music was always. Sticks were rubbed. Leaves unanimously fell as a chorus of leaves. Your heart cries out for music, and music appears as naturally as dolphins swimming in the ocean.

Who makes the music? Who makes the ears that hear?

You also have something to do with the entrance of music into the world.

Hmm, without silence as a precursor, how else would music exist?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/20/2018 6:21:07 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6324 Hello, I AM Here, God!, May 20, 2018

God said:

Beloved, if the beautiful created world We live in has been taken over by outside sources or wayward inner sources, We, the lovers of life, are reclaiming the world now. We reclaim the extant world with simple grace and truth. We rise with Our hearts attuned to love, and that's it.

Love is Our motivating factor, or forget about it. To prove anything is not Our purpose. To receive can't be Our goal. Our aim is to give back to the Universe the joy that may have been eclipsed and hidden away for one kind of misinterpretation or another - from foolishness or short-sided importance of less than truth when love is Our straight goods. It's clear now that individual self-importance is no kind of importance at all.

There are directions to go in, and there are directions to leave behind. Reclaiming the world in no way is a coup. We certainly aren't kidnapping the world. We take love seriously and not rule to heart. We supply nutrients. We give the world back to its origin. We do not have to be very serious, yet nor are We frivolous. No one here with Me today lacks awareness that the world, as it was created, may have been somewhat tossed aside. It may be that ignorance was exalted, whereas goodness and mercy may have been fragmented. There may have been awareness, yet lack of alertness.

Always, who is responsible for anything? No pointing fingers elsewhere. Reclamation begins with all who are here today. Now, look, this is no big deal. This is no grand sweep. We set Our intention to the return of generosity to all the world - which means for everyone. No one is singled out for more, nor is anyone singled out for less.

We speak of constituents of a world that somehow unzipped themselves from Paradise when no one was looking. This happened without full realization. Too many were snookered. Those who led the list were also snookered. Now, let's return to rebuilding and restitution. We are talking about loving your brother as your Self or more.

This is not an all-at-once action. This isn't ganging-up. There aren't any factions. This isn't splitting anything in two. Everyone is a winner, and there are no losers. This is reassembling and realigning. Start off on your right foot aligned with Mine. This is all it takes to uplift the world. Come with Me. We are on a Peace March. We are right out in the open. This way to Heaven. Return to Heaven.

In truth, We go forward. Peace and love are on the rise. Make a commitment to give your heart to the truth of goodness and mercy. You do not try to make up for anything nor to placate anyone, least of all not anyone's little self. Simply now, all are lining up for peace on Earth and Good Will to all. This is what We do. We are speaking of this wonderful Room at the Inn. Beloved, what else is so fitting as to make more room for all? Frankly, I know of no other way.

Somehow, Room at the Inn was being cramped. As this was happening, too many were not looking. This isn't about having regrets. Now We are about an upsurge of more rooms being built. This is all. This isn't stretching boundaries. This is using the space there always was and building anew. Perhaps there was hesitation for the mistaken idea that you or someone would be left out. Come, return to the land of milk and honey. This is where your Consciousness rightly belongs and has belonged all along.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/21/2018 2:53:41 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6325 You Are a Hardy Flower, May 21, 2018

God said:

Beloved, what if you would stop seeing life as it appears to you possibly as an outright challenge? Life isn't meant to be seen as a duel you are offered. Life is meant to be, if not a piece of cake, at least a peace-offering - certainly not a boxing match in Madison Square Garden.

What if you didn't put on your boxing gloves in readiness? What if you could see a new offer in life - not as a confrontation, yet more like a handshake or a step toward progress? If you would, if you did - wow, how differently you might treat life! Do you see this?

Life today, as it may appear to you - often at the last-minute as a guest who doesn't give you prior notice - may indeed make you feel off-guard. If life would have given you some advanced notice, you might not have felt left so high and dry with dishes in the sink. You might have had a nice dessert baked to welcome life with rather than a last-minute dash to the store feeling empty-handed.

Of course, you would rather be gracious. So, note, I do not tell you to be prepared. No, I tell you to be simply gracious.

Imagine yourself now as the Queen of England. You would never close the door and tell your guest - life - to stay away or to come back later.

You would smile and say: "Please come in."

You might think inside: "Hmm, what will I serve?"

You might remember that you have a carton of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream in the freezer, and you would take it out, or you would buzz a servant to put this joyous ice cream in your best dishes with your best silver.

Of course, your guests would never plan to come at the wrong time or not well-dressed.

Beloved, you never know who is going to knock on your door or how dressed up or dressed down your guest may be.

What you can know is that you will open the door and say: "Oh, please come in. Please sit down and rest your feet. Let's see what I can get for you. You have gone to all the trouble to come and see me. How may I help you?"

If the Queen of England arrives to tell you that you lost the latest rugby match, you would remember your manners. You know that tomorrow is another day. You may receive heavy news that leaves you crestfallen, yet you will be patient. Life may be the messenger at your door, yet, as it is said, you don't have to shoot the messenger.

Perhaps you say to Me : "Oh, please, dear God, give me a chance to swallow this news," even as you may regard today's news as a noose around your neck.

"Forgive me," you may say to your uninvited guest. "Excuse me a moment, please. I will be right back."

Now, consider yourself as the Queen of England receiving an unexpected guest. You take the news on the chin. You may well be astonished, yet you also know deep down that this news is not the last news you will ever receive. You also know that you are a hardy flower who will recover. Yes, you may feel deeply stunned, yet you will not always feel stunned.

Life also gives you the opportunity to recover. The same life that delivers the hard news will also soothe your brow and make you strong and resilient and help you find ways to honor life on your behalf with the good grace worthy of one who is a guest of Mine in this world no matter how zany the world may appear to you, Beloved.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/22/2018 2:27:23 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6326 Love Is Like the Scent of a Hyacinth Announcing Spring, May 22, 2018

God said:

Beloved, from one heart to another, love is on the wing. Silently bidden, love is passed on, as if stirring in the breeze. Love is called for, and love is exchanged, newly burst as it may be - love stirring, love happening, love recurring as if new, newly distributed from Heaven, as if love were something new when love has always been as newly bidden as the Sun each day.

Something wanted, something warranted, as if love were new when love has been always. Beautiful love is dispersed and appears and reappears like dew on the bud, like love bursting into song, as if love dawns from the High Heavens, which it does. Love extending itself all day long again and again, a chorus of love from Heaven borne as lightly as air, from a Source known and yet a surprise, a daily gift from on High. Surely this is daily sunshine spilling over in the world, meant for all, meant to be the bounty of Earth as it is in Heaven.

Love is the Town Crier. A ship sets sail, and the cry is: "All aboard."

What a wonderful sunrise love is as it catches up to you and emanates from where you seem to know not, yet love is and love is never not. Love is the real estate of the world, and love is here and now. Love puts a spring in your step.

Love is like the scent from a hyacinth announcing spring, filling the heart, the scent of love permeating the world. Holy, holy is love as it enters your heart and refills the Universe that your heart is and occupies and commandeers as if love were ever unknown, when, Beloved, love is all that is known. Love is anticipated, and love is ever new and no surprise.

Love is the stairway to Heaven. There is no climbing. There is only Being, and Being you are, all the love in the world. You are not new to love, for you are permeated with love, love in each breath, love in each petal, love thrown to the hearts of all in a heartbeat.

Made of love, love you are. One heart beats and encompasses the world. Love answers every heart. Love is not captured. Love arrives and scatters itself. Love is ever new as love answers its own call. Love is always in season, in valley and mountain top, and love is the top of the morning to you.

Love recurs, and love is remembered. Love shines like love. There is no absence of Sunshine, and there is no absence of love, only presence of love, the overflowing of love, love spilling everywhere and love opening its bright eyes everywhere. What else is there to speak of but love as it beats in the chambers of your heart and in every cell of your Being that is and in every dandelion puff that is carried in the air to replenish itself? Joy to the world is love. There is no other joy to compare. Life and love are this love planted in the Garden of Eden and which you replenish by your very Being. Love is not enacted, Beloved. Love is, and you are a bearer of love as love dances in your heart for all the world to breathe in and breathe out as a balm to the world, as Manna from Heaven, free to all and to My delight.

To think that love is and that love alone is, that there is naught but love - what wonderment. You are My carrier of love, and there is no beginning or ending to love. This is how I made the world full of love with you, love seeded with My love gloriously intact within you. Love, Our Holiness.

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