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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/28/2018 1:45:54 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6332 Let Us Mingle on Earth, May 28, 2018

God said:

Beloved, would that the world, the so-called world made of you - who are My representative of the world on Earth, who are also My child born from Heaven - would that you regard everyone with the common courtesy and respect due the one Child of God, and with the generosity of one brother or sister who gives love in full bloom to all?

Disregard has no business to exist. How can it be, that in public or in private, harmony doesn't always make itself known? Never did I okay anyone from grading anyone less than I do. I ask you to extend your heart to all.

Sometimes I do see beautiful occurrences of My Grace distributed so beautifully on Earth that I am in awe. I see the world lit up in wonderful ways where everything is just right and common courtesy abounds, and the world is a wonderful place to be, and I applaud you and I say: "This is good."

I am not speaking of a difficult deed whatsoever, just ordinary looking into another's eyes and uplifting ordinary hearts. Everyone remembers extraordinary examples of goodness, and, also, examples of what I will call thoughtlessness or even begrudging an ounce of shared light in the world. I say, let's mingle on Earth.

There still seems to be something called status in the world. There are people who may treat some so-called others according to a kind of appointed status, and, so, My children find themselves honored or dishonored accordingly. How can disparity happen in a world I created? In the world I create, can it not be that everyone is treated everywhere as a beloved child of God? In My book, yes, please say Yes!

No one has to be bowed down to, yet I ask that everyone have the courtesy to look everyone in the eye and no one be overlooked or looked down upon. How can simple awareness be overlooked in a world I created from all the love in My Heart?

Remember love. Remember Oneness. Why would anyone be condescended to or considered out of bounds? Of course, love is not to be feigned by a long shot. My love is meant to shine on all.

May I remind you that there is no separateness. Stand up and do not declare even a possibility of a them or an us - certainly not an us who deserves all blessings, and a them who arbitrarily must wait at the end of the line. When you live in a rich country, accommodate. Be rich of heart and welcome all. Draw no lines of separation. Without question, in God's World, make room for all. Hearten all hearts by expanding yours.

Oh, the silliness of distinctions in the world. Please remember I created this world, and I created this world for all and not for just some. I am an equal-empowerment God of Oneness, and Oneness is all.

Come and stand by Me. On what basis would you stand across the street from Me?

Excuse Me, dear, of course, be grateful for what you are blessed with, and also find room in your heart to embrace all whom I embrace. Would you really choose to do less? Open, open, open your heart.

There is such a thing as the Milk of Human Kindness. It runs through you. May you bless all in the world with your hospitality. Keep your heart open. Be glad to welcome all to your heart. You make Me glad as well.

Beloved, would you choose to close your heart tight to keep out anyone from My fold? If you are higher, then come from higher. Be One with Me and all.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/29/2018 1:20:48 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6333 Great Horizons, May 29, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you cry out: "Heaven Help Me!"

Beloved, often, I hear you cry out: “Heaven help me.”

Please know that I, as a representative of Heaven, hear you loud and clear. I hear you with all My heart. I hear you, and I reply to you. Simply, My listening to you alone uplifts you. Hear Me speak, and you are uplifted.

When you are uplifted, what answer cannot you hear?

In reply to you, I cry out:

“Hear Me. Hear Me. Beloved, it is My deep desire that you hear Me. I am here for you to hear. I am for you. You are Myself. We exist on an even keel. I hear your every breath and your every thought. I love you plain and simple. My heart is yours. I am behind you every inch. I am strongly for you and beside you and ahead of you as well. We are One.”

My very question to Myself is:

“How can We be One as We most assuredly are, and yet you feel isolated from your very Source? How can this be? It’s beyond ironic, isn’t it?”

Actually, I do understand. On the surface, so far as you can yet see, I do not fulfill your every wish. I speak not of your whims. We are speaking of what is understandably downright deep and true to My One Child. You speak of deep weeping for the loss of loved ones. These are holy matters to your heart.

Beloved, be assured, I am well aware that your heartaches have a basis. Be assured, I do not leave you high and dry. Beloved, your feelings go deep. I am allegiant to you. I am your support. This does not mean that I always do your bidding instantly or to the extent that spares you all grief. My Will is always with you. My Will isn't opposed to yours.

The thing is, you presently see only so far as you can see.

If you could see as I see, you would cheer Me on every inch of the way. Even as it is, sometimes, in hindsight, you do see far beyond the surface physical level.

If you could follow My thinking through its whole course, you would see greater horizons. Some of your desires are seemingly compatible to what you see now as a good-hearted loving future. My vision goes further than yours. Nevertheless, you are on your way to expanded vision.

If you could see from My view now, you would see all the ins and outs. You could rely on more than trust. You would see as I do see, and you would see greater purpose in whatever adversity you may take to task at present. You might look at Me and say:

“Thank You, God, for your loving watchfulness over Me.”

In any case, it behooves you to stick with Me. Let’s run the course together, Beloved. My desire is to further you and bless you and extol you – never to compete with you.

Trendy statements do reveal some truth, yet none of these may say the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Truth in the outer world isn’t the whole truth by a long shot. There is more to the relative world than its skinny legs. There is always more than meets the eye.

My God-given responsibility is to serve you in the long haul. I clearly see further developments coming down the road by and by for you that go beyond what might quell your beautiful heart right now. My foresight leaves your foresight lagging behind.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/30/2018 2:02:06 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6334 Gardens Renew Themselves Each Spring, May 30, 2018

God said:

There are times when good friends part ways. How can this be in the world I have given, yet this appears plentiful on Earth. This seems absurd, doesn't it? It is not only in marriages that hearts go down different paths. Don't take asunder that which I brought together. The breaking up may have been done before you knew it, or Oneness may never have been the true story from the beginning.

Alas, there is, nevertheless, heartbreak when two paths that never fully met then depart. Even a semblance of converging meant more than you knew. Breaking up is hurtful on Earth and often more than the human heart can bear.

There must be an antidote to this, yet where? Perfect openness from the beginning may complete a true Oneness of Heart. This can happen.

Dissolution of two hearts that did not meet on firm footing is also more than the human heart can bear. Once there was hope, and now hope has flown. This is heavy-duty for lives that live on Earth.

An end even to the pretense of Oneness is tragic. A pretense of Oneness that comes apart may rip two hearts apart. You were more tightly bound together than you realized.

Even when two hearts meet only on a street corner for a short moment, parting may also be tragic. It is no easy thing for hearts to fall from grace. Grief eventually fades into the background where not a whole lot matters much to you any longer anyway.

Life certainly can be a beautiful dream, yet, unhappily, a beautiful dream may not be your experience.

Could there be a button to push? Surely, life is meant to be more than a toss-up or a put-down.

You already know that life is too short for misunderstanding, yet misunderstanding or dark knowing seem to shine in life. No matter how much joy is meant to shine in your heart, joy too often lags.

Deep within your heart, you know full well that life is meant to be full of happiness. What else would life be for? Be not attached to having to learn knowledge when it is natural to love life on Earth. The human heart may ask what kind of error is this when happiness seems to be out of reach.

Life is meant to be a treat. What happened? Did you start off on the wrong foot? In what mist has the sunshine of your life been hiding? How is it that you know grief more frequently and easily than joy? What got inverted? Have you taken signals amiss?

Gardens renew themselves each spring. Are gardens nearer to Heaven than the joy allotted to you?

Life is not meant to be suffering, yet life too often may not seem in accord with happiness. What's the deal here anyway?

How can it be that you could miss the point of life? This seems off-track. Unless happiness follows you, when and where did you go off-track?

Without the blooming of flowers in your heart, what are you doing limping along sans happiness? Where is the changing room for hurt hearts? How do you recover the joy that is meant to be yours? Where, oh where, did joy go? How could your heart lose itself to debris? How can unhappiness fall into place so easily and pure joy seem to lag behind? When did you forget to look forward to life? What a silly place you are wedded to when you already have experienced what it is like to be happy.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/31/2018 2:18:34 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6335 The Word is with God, May 31, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you may see that life is meant to be your Knight in Silver Armor. Or, in the heyday of Rome, your Centurion.

No matter, consider God, your Initiator, as your very strength. Nothing surpasses Our connection. Nothing. For what is Our connection but love, and love is all there is. You do not need an army or high walls to protect you. I am enough. There is no need of great protection. You have God who erases the concept of need. I am ever at your service. I am your true shield. That is, love and light are your shield, and, of course, your Guiding Light.

Accept no substitutes. There are no substitutes. The greatest army in the world is no substitute for Oneness. Be aligned with the essence of Infinity, which is named love in the world. There is nothing to equal it.

You are mistaken to assume that money and repute and swords are equal. Have more faith in the Power and Glory of the God I am, and that You are as My clarion call. Harken unto Me. Harken to the lasting Power and Glory of God.

In Heaven, it is impossible that to the victor go the spoils. In Heaven, there are no spoils systems from which to declare victory. Be true to God, for anything else is less, no matter how highly viewed it may be in the world forever and anon. In the world, there is no forever and anon. The world is temporary. The world has its value, yet the world flits around. Everything in the world is temporal. This means temporary. That which is temporal is not lasting.

Well, sure, what is temporary is not the Truth of God. Infinity is the Truth of God and is also the truth of every One.

That which is evident in the world is less than what is invisible to the eye.

You may say that income tax is true and love is untrue, for you have known a temporal love that was not true in that it did not light a candle to the Truth of God.

Beloved, it can be said that you have bought more than one bill of goods. The ground underneath your feet on Earth is not solid. The world seems flat. You can see flat mesas, yet a mesa does not make the world flat any more than a pancake does.

The measure of truth is not contained on a yardstick, nor is the measure of a man.

I repeat Myself. That which is invisible is more to the point than what is visible.

The quality of iron that can be hammered surely is less than the quality of a soul. A soul can be known yet not visible to the senses – not sight, not touch – yet known by a higher sense than all the graphic senses in the world.

Bushels can be weighed accurately. This has value, yet its value is limited.

I speak of a far higher value. I do not speak cavalierly when I say there is no scale in the world to measure a soul. The closest to the measure of a soul lies in an inner sense of awareness.

It is not strength that second-guesses My Word.

Give Me your fealty. Put anything aside as you want, yet kid yourself not.

Through My Heart is the eye of the needle through which you pass.

If you seek Truth, hear Me and abide in Me. Anything less amounts to advertising or propaganda. Don’t be entrapped in the world.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
6/1/2018 1:38:41 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6336 The Eleventh Commandment, June 1, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I will give advice that consists of two magical words, two simple daily words to assure your happiness. Your happiness is of significance to the world at large as well as to you personally. And this is not even to mention My investment in you.

The idea I bring up is one that young children never forget. The remembrance of these two simple words that I offer, alas, fades away as adulthood approaches. This remembrance can easily return at any moment you happen to recall it to mind. You have ever been given instruction in other good things in the world to do, such as tying your shoelaces and sitting up straight.

Naturally, I offer you deep silence, relaxation and more. I refer to something else now. What I offer is like getting out of school for vacation – nothing restrictive whatsoever. If I upset the apple cart of the world, then so be it.

The new commandment I wish to offer you today is short and sweet. This isn’t brotherly love I speak of, although most assuredly I do invite you to love your brother and yourself more and more.

I have something else in mind. We already know you would welcome the skill of loving on cue. I venture that what I have in mind is not something you can do on command either, although this may well be easier for you to approach.

Commanding you to perform is often counter-effective. Had I thought sooner, I might well have added to the Thou shalts these two words as an eleventh commandment. I also could well have named the 10 Commandments as “10 Ways to Be and Give Happiness on Earth.”

Now I suggest a wholehearted eleventh way.

You are still free to think up your own ideas. This new suggestion heads the list of the Thou Shalts, which will also include, as I see it now:

Yes, thou shalt come forth with your own ideas. Make thyself comfortable in a wriggling world. Respect thyself. Seek and value yourself as you appear on Earth now. You don't have to have everything everyone anyone else has. I could go on and on.

Now I present in brief the 10 Commandments and also 10 Ways to give and receive happiness on Earth. You already know that happiness in Heaven is yours forever and forever, yes?

Here We go:

One: Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me.

Beloved, there is no other God but I. Love Me. Take Me into your heart. Know Me, know thyself. You are One with God, and be happy.

Note: Beloved, were there only One Commandment I might give, I expect this first one would be it, for this pretty well covers all bases. Know definitely that you and God are One.

Two: Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Enjoy Life and God!

Three: Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day Holy.

Share God meaningfully. Rest in God.

Four: Thou shalt honor your father and mother.

Bless your mother and father.

Five: Thou shalt not kill.

Honor all life.

Six: Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Make Life Simple. Stay away from situations that are apt to lead to guilt.

Seven: Thou shalt not steal.


Eight: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Speak Truth!

Nine: Thou shalt not lust after they neighbor’s wife.

Keep life simple.

Ten: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his.

Know all you have been given. Your value is not in possessions but in love. Wonderfulness is already yours.

Note: 6, 7, 9 and 10 duplicate themselves. My One answer repeats itself as well. Make life simple.

Eleven: Here are the two words I wish to lead you to: Have fun! I say them again: Have fun! You have three simple steps to travel in life.

These I ask of you: Be joy. Give joy. Welcome joy. I could go on and on.

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