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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/23/2018 11:58:39 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6327 The Courtyard of Heaven from Which You Arise, May 23, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I summon you. Each day I summon you to the Courtyard of Heaven from which you arose. Too often, you think of yourself as on your way to Heaven. This is true. Remember also, that from Heaven you have come. From Heaven, yes, and to Heaven you return. It is a pitfall to believe you were ever thrown out of Heaven.

Never, not in one heartbeat, were you ever thrown out. Now it is time for you to see differently. May I remind you that where I come from, there is always and forever room for you - for you who are the Light of My Heart. Inn is a metaphor, anyway. Heaven goes beyond any inn. In truth, no one rents a room in Heaven by the night or week. Heaven is your birthplace and your permanent Home - Our permanent Home of Oneness. You are definitely not an interloper in Heaven. You are a native of Heaven, for you and I are One. In Heaven I abide, and you abide in Heaven with Me as One. With Me is where you belong - nowhere else.

Heaven is Our One Abode from start to finish, although I must emphasize that Heaven has no beginning or end. What do you imagine Heaven is if not Infinity? Infinity has no openings or closings, no indeed. We don't race around in Heaven. Heaven isn't an occasion. Heaven isn't hit or miss. Infinite means Infinite Stillness. Heaven is a state of forever. This is the whole story of life. Born to means what it says. We are permanently based in Heaven. Heaven is true.

It is the Earth world that is temporary. You aren't on your way to Heaven. You are already here with Me. No exceptions. You may well have lost your memory. Your memory will come back. You cannot be reinstated, for you have always lived here.

There is no new passport you require. You are signed and sealed as a permanent citizen. I vouch for you, yet Our hands are entwined, as it is. This is beyond vouching. We are One. One We are. One I AM. This is more like it.

Beloved, never were We detached. Nope, always One Inseparable Oneness. So say I.

It can only be some kind of joke to consider for one moment the possibility that I could or would disown you for even one second in a million years. No way. Once One, always One. Let go of any fictitious idea once and for all. We are not even two peas in one pod. No, Oneness is. We are, as it were, joined at the hip. Of course, We (I) are Oneness. Oneness is far beyond individuality. Individuality is more like a splinter in the eye. What I speak of now is far beyond imagination. Put away any such illusion. Enter Truth. Abandon what is not so and never has been. Truth is.

The truth is, I cannot be torn from you. I could not and would not allow it. There is Truth Alone in Heaven. Let's get this straight once and for all.

Where I am, you are. Oneness I am, and so then are you Oneness. This is how it is, no ifs, ands or buts. Pure and simple.

Never would I deny My One Self My Utmost Joy. There is no you or I. There is I, and you are One with Me. We are One United Oneness. Anything else is less. Less is malarkey. Our Name is Truth, One Truth, so be it. God is Oneness no matter what language you happen to speak. Truth is, and that's it, once and for all.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/24/2018 2:30:07 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6328 What Is the Meaning of This Life You Seemingly Live Anyway?, May 24, 2018

God said:

Beloved, your current life may seem like a roller coaster ride to you, riding at break-neck speed with bright lights flashing, ya know, like somewhere you might go to on a Saturday night for entertainment. Nor does your life have to seem straight-laced either.

Take life in your stride, not make too much of life nor slough life off as if it were only entertainment either. Life is here to stay – the one and only you have at this moment, so to speak.

Don’t imagine you are stuck with life or that life is stuck with you. Something great is going on, and you are part of it. You are not blind-sided. A part of you really knows what is going in. You are not, by any means, the last to know. Of course, you may see through closed eyes, not quite staring life in the face.

This is your life, Beloved, not someone else’s, even as you may have moments when you are a stranger to your life. You see yourself, yet it is hard to believe that this is truly your life occurring. You may feel far afield. You may feel an error has been made. You may feel certain that your life was meant to be different from what it looks like. You are sure you are meant to have a life filled with certainty rather than a wanderlust life that falls by the wayside.

You may have waited long and hard for what is called true love, and true love never caught up to you. Strange, isn’t it? Alas, some of your dreams fell through. You don’t know what else to make of your life. Your life sure hasn't been a straight line – not at all – rather a most wavy in and out line, up and down, through crevices and also through bright skies, yet you can only wonder what to make of it, this unexpected life referred to as yours.

Could it be that you really received someone else’s life, and someone else received the idyllic life you sought? Of course, it’s also possible some of your received life hit the nail on the head. You can’t deny that some of it did. Yet, how can it be that you wrote this tale yourself when you feel like such an onlooker to it and not always dancing for joy?

Who are these people you seem to know? Who are they really, and what are they doing in your life? How did they get here really? What is anyone doing in this that is called life? And, it would seem that not all are meant for each other. There has been a lot of fury, you must admit, even as there were particles of love enjoined yet perhaps put aside.

It could be possible that you were switched at birth, yet, switched with whose life though? It could be that the life you receive is meant for you, as wild a ride as it may be. Yes, it is hard to figure. You might as well, then, just as well leave it at that.

How can it be that you were born into the family you were, and you were the first-born or the last born, or the only one? How did you get here, and what are you doing here, all by yourself, so it seems?

There was a sci-fi book called A Stranger in a Strange Land. You may not have read it and just heard about it, yet you figure that the title of the book was taken from your life as it played out.

It’s not so easy to follow your life and relate to all of it. For all you know, your life could have been written in a foreign language. You never did really understand what you were trying to say.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/25/2018 2:23:53 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6329 Beloved, You Are Already Reborn, May 25, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is no need for you to develop a conscience during your tour this time around on Earth. Live your life as best you can, and let go of worrying about past influence in the world. It isn't a virtue to carry a heavy-duty conscience around with you. Be of good will. Honor yourself and the world.

You are born innocent. There is the expression: As innocent as a new-born babe. Believe it. This is true.

Accept that you begin life with a clean slate. Don't carry over all presumed earlier lives stuffed in your pockets. Live your present life now. Give this present life your all. Make this new life a happy one. Should you begrudge yourself your present life and, as pay back, make it as miserable as you can and, at the same time, treat others to misery as well?

I say: "No!" I say: "Have a pleasant journey this time around. When you have a worthwhile journey, you make the world a better place. Beloved, why not make the world a better place while you are at it? Please stay away from unpleasantness and other forms of agony. Pay off presumed past debts in joy. Does anything else make sense to you? I see no virtue in suffering. I am stating strongly that no matter whatever past you might have to pay off, pay it off in joy to the world."

Will you do this for Me and for all the others who live in the world you live in? If you presumably have a debt to pay off, consider that I paid it off for you. You now have clearance to enjoy this life and make it merry for all. I wish to say that your karma, if karma is to be considered this time around, is to be merry. This is what makes sense to Me and what I share with you.

This lifetime of yours is not meant to follow a dark past. I forbid it. Look, life is a just a dream anyway. Relax into a fine dream. Shed woe. Dance in joy. Let go of the past. The past is behind you once and for all. Consider that you know better now, for, of course, you do. All the past may have served a good purpose anyhow. The past isn't for you or anyone to figure out. Be done with the past.

It is a good bet that you are on high ground now. Beloved, you are already born again. Peace to the world. Not by default are you to consider yourself unwelcome this time around. Consider yourself here for happiness and good will and not for any less. Consider that I hold you in the palm of My Hand, and I whisper all glad tidings to you.

To everyone I say: "Enough of the past. Be done with it. Let it go. For Heaven's sake, the past is the past, and it is done and over with. Today is a new day. Pile on the joy of a new day. You live in a new calendar year now. Write in on your page joy and more joy in the temporal world.

You have new dances of joy to learn. Learn fast and never forget that I sing out: ‘Joy to the world.'"

Hail to today! This is a new calendar - not an old one to keep track of. Where is common sense? Is there some kind of thrill for you in being an unsavory relic from the past on Earth? You deserve more love than ever. You have new ground to lay today. Get on with it.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/26/2018 6:09:55 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6330 All Along, May 26, 2018

God said:

Beloved, there is something about bowing down your head that is more about awakening than submitting. There is something about recognition. There is something about finding your way clear, something about seeing doors opening in preference to doors closing. A light bulb goes on for you. You begin to rise to behold your Self as a Beautiful Soul and so, My heart brightens within you.

You don’t see struggle so much any longer. It is more of a sighting you see now. It is as if you see a star in the sky that suddenly bears your name. The star is your Namesake. It isn’t wholly that you have arrived to what you might call deliverance. It is more that a portal within you begins to open before your very eyes.

Once you were blind, and now you can see. You have more than an awed glimpse of the glory of the Lord rising before you. You understand, this is a sighting of your Self as it is in Heaven. Your true vision overtakes the extant world beyond happenstance.

You absorb truth from the tips of your toes to your fingertips, the same way rays of My Heart radiantly relay Heavenward through you.

No longer are you seeking Light. Now you see the radiance of Light itself. Now you recognize that the Light you have been seeking has been yours radiating all along. Your doubting has dispersed to the winds.

No more are you wondering where God’s Light has been hiding out. Now, you see that My Light has ever been yours. By God, all along, without exception, you have been the Light of the World. Ever were you the emanation of the Light of the World shining through your eyes and lighted fingertips. You are the Light of the World and ever have been since the first moment of Creation. So has Heaven ever been flowing outward from within you.

You are no longer a seeker of My Light. You had been knocking on your own door all along.

All along, you have been exactly what you imagined you were seeking from far away. You see now that you are the Light you thought you would realize when you rose higher. You hadn’t realized that you already stood at your full height.

It isn’t that you have arrived. You begin to notice where you have always been. You have been in a state of total Oneness, not as an addition or subdivision yet rather in Wholeness. There has never in truth been an outer you, only the inner you. You, I, the One God have been hanging out as One within you all along. Fancy that.

All along you needed no introduction. All along you were My Self. You were never actually sprouting wings. You were already wing-ed. You were ever the Being on High you sang to and yearned for. You were your heart’s own longing for your Self. It was always to your God Self you prayed. I am you, and you are I – the One. You did not just arise to this. You have been the Grace of God all along. You have been the Power and the Glory all along. You only imagined you were shuffling along when all the while, you were the God in the Highest your heart cried out to.

This is the plain truth. You have been missing the point only in the telling. Get used to this idea. You have been seemingly turned Heavenward in your search for your Self when you always were and never were not in the flow of Heaven. Never were you Godless. You, yourself, and I equal the greatest discovery of mankind. You as I and I as One always have been singing on High.

Hello, My Self.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/27/2018 5:30:19 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6331 You Are a High-Rising Star, May 27, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you are a high-rising star who hasn't quite caught onto the idea that you are a star already risen high in the sky. You have been a high-rising star while you imagined you were planted deep into the soil on Earth.

This goes to show how a mistaken idea has been the crux of all your perceived lack. My Oh My, imagine all the power even a mistaken idea carries. Imagine the power of truth that you are. The phrase, "Hallowed be thou!" takes on a whole new meaning. "Hallow-ed be thy Name."

Time to fly! You already have wings, and you have always been flying high above all the world for all the time you thought you were Earthbound. You are waking up now to truth. This is your moment of truth. Now you begin to see as you have never quite seen before. This is a singular baptism you receive now. Don't laugh, Beloved. You are truly God in the Highest. Are you not newly enthralled now? What a discovery to latch onto your True Identity. No longer do you merely walk through life. You are a High Flier now.

I give you your birth certificate now to be yours forevermore. Yes, now you are signed and sealed where you have always been but had not yet quite conceived. You hadn't grasped that you are the bird on the wing - that you are the Light of God.

This is a realization you now take in your stride. You accept yourself. This isn't pie in the sky. Long have you known the truth of your birth. It's okay, for you now know the extent to which you are risen. There is so much power in knowing the state of affairs. You were sure you had missed the boat. No more. Now you know exactly Who you are and make no bones about it.

You are the real thing - not a fill-in for Me. You are!!! And this is all there is to it. You are getting used to carrying My Name. You are getting used to the idea that you and I are truly One. God bless truth. You are expanding to truth right now. Now that it is your reality, you are not so impressed as you might have thought, for now you are God in all humility. It is the God's Honest Truth there are no Gods before Me. There is One God for all time. The One is I in Wholeness, and you are the One as well. Separation in truth does not exist.

To be Oneness is very simple. It is tried and true. It has always been. There is no trick to established Oneness. Wholly One AM I.

There is no beginning to this road, and there is no ending. Hail Truth. There is One in the whole Universe. Oneness is. Oneness lives and thrives, and it has always been so. In this sense, there is nothing new under the Sun. No longer are you surprised by what has always been so and never was otherwise.

Hail to the Humble King, the Sun Himself Who shines brightly and lights every corner of the erstwhile world. There is no longer any place for the illusion of darkness to hide. All is in the light now. Darkness cannot even be conceived of. Now there is celebration. That there is celebration goes without saying. Yes, now there is cause for celebration and naught else. No longer do you kid yourself that you are helpless. The concept of victim can no longer exist. End of issue.

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