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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/15/2018 7:23:17 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6289 What Metaphor Might We Name Your Soul, April 15, 2018

God said:

You may find yourself filled and arrayed with all the colors of the rainbow. If this is the case, consider that you can think of your Soul as a gemmed necklace made of beautiful colors, here a color, there a color, all the colors of the rainbow! Let Us call all the colors your inheritance, or your DNA.

O, Beloved, who could you not be? What could you not be? What are you possibly not? What wondrous gift are you that you do not yet see?

Here it is: All that you may dream of, you are. I won't say you possess your dreams. You do not possess. Your dreams are you. All the ingredients you consist of truly lie within you. You will realize your splendor in all its shapes and sizes by allowing and unleashing random ideas to rise up through your Heart of Dreams. You run with your dreams up and down and across the galaxies. Follow your paths, no matter how wistful your dreams may seem to be and wherever your dreams may take you. Run with them. You are not making a decision except to discover what dreams are true for you.

Be led to still waters.

First, relax the reins. The reins are not yours to hold onto with all your might. The reins are yours to let go of.

Let your Dreams take you where they will. Ride in the carriage of your Dreams led by white steeds that know their way around the Galaxies. Go down the byways and freeways and country roads of your dreams. Be taken for the ride of your lifetime!

You can be anything and everything you want to be. Within, you contain a hidden map to become what you already are. What can you not reveal? What heights can you not grow to?

Of course, you do not yet believe that you can be all the cards hold for you to be. You don't actually do it. The choice is not exactly of your making.

To reveal your True Heart likely includes work and focus down the road, yet not right away. When composing music, for instance, is your destiny, the time will come when you will compose music. When music is your destiny, you will have found a branch in your world to hang your heart on.

Then, now, you consciously and actively work toward your announced dream.

Listen to this:

For you to be what you innately are isn't hard work. All the gears will tumble down, and all the little maids go in a row.

How would you really desire deeply to become anything you are not? The glamor of something isn't enough. Pressure from a parent is not enough. Talent and skill are not enough. Before hard work comes the gift of passion.

Allow your passion to find its way so you may shine your Light. Stardom is a sidebar. When you have a true passion, odds are that you will excel.

When you become a great actor, not everything you do is your piece of cake. Every vocation has its details you may not favor: Getting up early, having to work late and spend time waiting, having to travel, go on stage to perform, etc. Most likely, well, you go along with the details because of your dream.

Going where your dreams take you heads your show. How fortunate you are to have a strong thirst to quench that takes precedence. We speak of your Star to follow and an inner flame that moves you forward.

Of course, Beloved, this can only be an inside job.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/17/2018 1:41:40 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6291 I, God, Know What I Am Doing, April 17, 2018

God said:

I could have said:

God says:

Yet it seems to Me that God said carries more weight. God says may come across more like God sez: and that might come across as downright irreverent.

I am not One to be guided by impressions, yet impressions make their mark. I am not courting favor, yet why not put My best foot forward and bring you closer to Me while We're at it? Who knows who might be waiting to get a glimpse of Me and perhaps interview Us on international television! (smile!)

Neither of Us is looking to gain points. Our true leaning is toward being a blessing - simple, first and last. Love is the finest blessing I know. It doesn't have to be love on a grand scale. It can just be love coming around the corner, welcoming all. Beloved, welcome all on My behalf. I wish you to be My Messenger from Above.

Say, "Yes!"

The Truth is that I am ready as I am anytime, and it is My Joy to be heard by hordes of thousands. It isn't fame that I look for. I look to be heard and understood, the same as you do. I aim to reach a cast of thousands. I do not seek dramatic effects.

I am simple rather than complex. There isn't a whole lot to figure out in life when We come down to it. Life is more than a search for Happiness. Life is more about strewing gifts around rather than it is about receiving a bounty.

I will say this another way. You are here on Earth to be a reminder of love and all its benefits willy-nilly.

Of course, someday you will see more than you presently see. Oh, yes, there is more to see and more to know according to the wisdom of your heart. Your heart first, dear one.

Yes, on occasion, your beautiful heart may be off-target, yet your heart does make its come-back and surges forward to serve My Will again.

I don't use thunder and lightning to make an impression - only for the pure use of rain, mostly in summer under certain conditions do I put forth sound effects and colorful raiment. I speak of nature in autumn, for instance, and fields of green in spring, and white snowscapes, and multi-colored flowers to bend down to and inhale.

You can say that I am a virtual virtuoso of all the senses. Of all the senses, the Greatest is Love. No argument here. Sometimes I will go even so far to say that there are households where arguments are a form of Love. Love is expressed in so many ways. May Love now be Peace to behold.

Yes, there is more to life than meets the eye, so very much more than may at first appear to fill the heart.

Truly, there are many roads to love. Be tender with love as you would be with a tender and sweet Lily of the Valley. Be tender with love and, oh, so gentle. Love - including your love - is for all, not for just a few. Love is to be given more than merely to one here or there. Love has many receivers, so I desire. Why would love be sequestered when it can vibrate and grow? Too many people hunger for love, even when they may not fully know what they are seeking. Now, you can know it is always love you seek, and, love itself, always seeks to give itself out to all and so lighten the load of life in the world.

May you bless all who roam the Earth.

You know now that love is always looking for the Sun to shine.

True, yes, there is merit in cloudy days as well. Look for the merit. Seek to give and ye shall find.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/20/2018 6:58:12 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6294 Finding Yourself Divided, April 20, 2018

God said:

What if you could see yourself as beautiful? If you could just take My Word for this, you would see you are beautiful just as you are. I can say conclusively that I see you beautiful, and nothing less. Just as you are, you are perfectly you!

Why are you so hard to tie in to your Self as I see you? Is it because you carry a body around, and you can be seen? Is this what wears you out, being on pubic display all the time? In addition, you have a house or apartment to keep up with and fill it to overflowing. Must you really clutter your mind, heart, and surroundings to overflowing?

Sometimes you are sure you were born at the wrong time and in the wrong place. You like to think you were meant to be born in the times before traffic, before you had to go to the store to buy things, before racing around with cell phones and computers, maybe even before countries became civilized, when there were no standards to live up to but your own. Maybe you have thought you would have better been born in the times and places when and where you could sleep under a tree, and there was no grass to mow, no mass marketing to encourage you to become a worthy consumer.

Oh, to be free to live in peace and quiet and not have to be loyal to mass marketing and buy one essential object after another. Oh, to be free! To be free! This would be Nirvana!

As it is, you always liked reading books and going to the movies. For the most part, you did like what you called education.

Here is how you find yourself divided:

You love to travel all over the world, yet you do not desire the actual traveling that goes with traveling.

You do have a certain amount of fear about getting lost. What would you do without GPS?

You may have been less independent on life as you know it if only you had had a clue as to how involved you would become. You hadn't understood ahead of time how absorbing your place in the world would be. Only after the fact did you begin to see. Honestly, you don't truly know how you would have fared in earlier days.

Regardless, even as you love bargain shopping, still, you like to believe you favor a simpler life.

In the summer, you do like to go to a cabin in the woods. At the cabin, you have one pot that doubles as a mixing bowl, one fork, one knife, one spoon. All the conglomerate choices you have at home seem like a disarray. At home, nothing seems dispensable. Every drawer, closet, cupboard is filled to the brim. At home - why not leave room at home to spare? Why not less rather than more and more? What is it that you feel obliged to keep and can't let go of? Everything you own seems to possess you! What is there about you that keeps you in bondage to possessions? I ask you, and you ask yourself.

You may even promise yourself you will cut back. Are you like this? Then raise your hand.

You have read many books on emptying out your house. You are an expert if you could or would practice it. What glue are you stuck in that you must hold onto what fills up physical space? What happens to your vows of keeping only what is necessary?

Your vows may go by the wayside, and your physical objects still stay where they are.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/21/2018 3:21:23 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6295 You Sit at the King's Table, April 21, 2018

God said:

Certainly, you see the difference between being downright unhappy and not being happy, yes, do you see it?

I suppose there is also something equivalent to being HAPPY or just being happy enough or fairly happy or with a modicum of happiness on any one day. Cannot any amount of happiness fulfill you on any one day? Do you have to be a peak winner every day of the week?

It’s okay to laugh where you are called to. There is no requirement to laugh all day. You can laugh or not according to your realization of any particular day.

You don’t always have to go around exclaiming for joy about a day, or you may if you choose. Any day can be an extraordinarily happy day, or a day can be called plain happy, or even comme ci or comme ça.

What do you ask of life any day in the week? Can every day’s quotient of happiness be measured to fit you? What gain in doing so can there be? Can there not be a range of happiness? In any case, you have as much right to happiness as anyone.

There can be a state of happiness called HAPPY or HAPPY or happy. Cannot the actual quotient of a day satisfy? Must each day’s share of happiness be staggering? If you think so, what makes you think so? What is the advantage to extraordinary? Cannot ordinary walking-along happiness do well?

One day you reach a peak of 100% happiness. Can a share beneath that also be acceptable or even well-met? Do you have to go to a ball every evening? Must you have to win a bonanza five or more days a week in order to feel you are in God’s graces? Can your lucking out one day a week or month also carry merit?

Sayings are not happy, like hot and cold – this is a relative judgment. There is a wide range. Does a specific estimate of happiness have to be toted up? Does your happiness have to be rated the way a top movie does, or cannot it not still be great?

I ask you not to require a dazzling white Christmas. Christmas can just be Christmas as it is on any day of the week. Thank God for all bounty that comes your way. Be happy with what your day brings. You don’t have to be attached to a particular day as to how it appears or doesn’t appear. Any day can be its own happiness as it comes. You have the remains of your day. This day is as much yours as the most popular day in the year.

Be happy. Be happy with cloud or Sun. Be happy to live today. Be happy without sequins. Be happy even when the Sun doesn’t shine. What you receive or do not receive isn’t the determiner of your value. If you live under God’s Light today, big or small. Cannot good enough be good enough? Where is it said that you have to have a bushel of happiness on one day or another bushel on another inn order to smile?

Look, you do sit at the King’s Table. You have all the benefits of the King’s Cuisine. You don’t require to be fed tidbits from the King’s fingers at will. The King is feeding you from one day to another. Long live the King, and long live you, full-knowing that the King loves your presence. All is well, all is splendid, or all is well enough for this one glorious day under the Sun.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/22/2018 3:52:45 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6296 What Are You Doing Alive on Earth?, April 22, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I ask you frankly, must life on Earth exist all about what you want on this day? I mean, think about it. Do you give the impression that your life may be one disappointment after another, one question another about how come? How come you didn't get the job? How come you got passed over for a raise? How come today is cold and windy? How come, on some days, everything seems hard, and nothing seems to go easily, let alone right?

Is this sometimes so for you what I am saying? Sometimes life seems to be made up, that of hurdles, and sometimes life seems uphill and you are betwixt and beside yourself no matter how hard it is for you to say that life, your very life, seems to like to trip you up, as if life goes around catching you out, saying "Aha!" to you again and again when your whole-hearted desire is to progress.

You ask: "God, do I really ask too much?"

With all My love for you, I ask you: "Must you complain so much?"

How come you tend to bad-mouth your life so much? Why would you do that? How come you're so hard to please? How come some days, nothing is good enough for you? Or, life is not good enough and it lets you down.

No one is asking you to be a Pollyanna. I'm not. I ask you to cross over to the sunny side of the street and get past seeing a losing streak.

How come you're still not an up and rising star? If not a rich man, cannot you at least be a worry-free man?

Maybe you don't want to have to keep up with all the record-keeping. Maybe you don't want people you know coming to you for a hand-out. Maybe you don't want the responsibility. Even as you may wish to be a rich man, maybe it just isn't at the top of your list. You may desire an end to all kinds of difficulties. Do you really have to even explain to yourself? When all is said and done, you don't. You just don't, and that's it.

Of course you think a lot about what you're doing and about all that you're not doing and what basically you are alive on Earth for. Many possibilities seem to hang over you. What are you really doing here? Sometimes it may feel to you that, if life on Earth were a dance, you are sitting it out like a wallflower.

You do know you're not a good-for-nothing. You know that much. That's something, isn't it? You're good to your mother! You've done a good deed here and there - even to strangers. When you come down to it, you could start counting good things about yourself that go beyond toil and trouble.

Now start to see yourself in a new perspective. There may be matters you may have forgotten about or just didn't think worth mentioning.

I'll tell what is not worth mentioning. Your angst. Begin to look through your collections of thoughts and dig deeper. Rummage through the day today and come up with a collection of well-turned-out events. Even start thinking of yourself as being given opportunity right and left, or that you are even blessed inside and out! Be superb!

Pat Me, God, on the back, and give Me a good report card. Give Me a few C's, if you must. A C isn't bad. It's okay. Strew some A's and B's while you're at it.

Say to yourself cheerfully after a hard day: "Good try, Man!"

Say to Me: "Thank God!" Say: "Thank God! I mean it!!"

Say to Me: "In fact, God, You've helped me out of a jam a time or two in my day!"

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