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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/31/2019 6:54:20 PM
Heavenletter #6580 What Day is Not Beautiful?, January 31, 2019

God said:

Beloved, let Me ask you! Can it not be enough for you when a day in the world is beautiful? What day is not beautiful – simply something to enjoy, something to feel good about, something that smiles out at you saying that this day is a good day, a good day just to think of it? Why not feel good today about a burgeoning day for you, this day just as it comes out from the package? To think of it, an embracing today that says the day itself, without effort, makes you begin to smile. Why not today a day elated?

If you had an umbrella, you would swing it! There would be a bounce in your step! You might step in puddles! You might know that this day recognizes you, and you would feel worthy. As it is, today is made up of your very life. You are ready to be happy!

Perhaps you would imagine My taking you aside and saying to you: My Beloved, Beloved, today is a day I have set aside for you. It is for you, and it is good. It is for you to take hold of. As time goes on, later you may well will wish you had given acknowledgement to a day that was gone before you had a chance to love the day just for a handful of itself. If you were really a sport, you might have hugged and kissed this day and given it a run for your money.

Well, what might you have done? Taken the day out on the town? Actually called it up on the phone, sent it a text message and said: “Pal, you were really something. I knew the extent of you from the beginning."

Is there any point for you to not feel refurbished and glad to be alive? What is the point in being alive unless you pack something into it?

Here is a poem, The Vision of Sir Launfal by James Russell Lowell.

And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days
Then Heaven tries the earth if it be in tune,
And over it softly her warm ear lays

I, God, could ask you as well:

And what is so rare as a day in January when there is a blizzard of snow…

Why is not any day so rare as any day of any year? Who is not given a chance on any day to find a treasure of a day in the world on his own and claim it? And if all are One, as I say, then the deed is done. Oh, yes, be happy to invest in life and pick it up for one and all.

If a day must be anything so fragile as any day on Earth – this is not how I would want you to accept life. Why grow old and gnarled when life is meant to be a bouquet of flowers to proclaim?

You may think that protest is your right to proclaim. I say No. I say your right is to pick up the joy again and again. Of course, you are to be about peace and love. Where did this idea of toil and trouble come from? This is not – I repeat – not My idea. I would like you simply to be as happy as I desire with all My heart.

I do not ask for a variant of fussing or fuming. Absolutely not. Why on earth would you want to hobble along a rough road? Not at all. Set the table for yourself that I would set for you from the fullness of My heart.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/1/2019 4:28:41 PM
Heavenletter #6581 What Do We Know?, February 1, 2019

God said:

Beloved, We meet here and now in this world that is called a small world and also may seem vast and insurmountable. You find yourself here on Earth all the days of your life. You may not quite know how to express life's brilliance. There are times you hardly know how to contain yourself here on Earth. You don't know what kind of covering to put on life or how to go about it at the same time as you desire to know more, to know all, to frequent the stars and the mellow Moon and the yellow Sun and planets and all sorts of wondrous life to behold and never forget and, yet to be freed from.

How did you get here? You don't know what to make of life on Earth. You don't know what conclusion to jump to or to run from.

Perhaps, in another lifetime, perhaps life will come with instructions. You would definitely like bigger print. What would it be like if you could trade in one life for another with the slip of a switch? At the same time, you may prefer life to be as God wills it. You're not sure you can follow through and be the highest, let alone high at all. You're not at all sure about life. You're not sure you can manage. You are almost sure that you cannot.

You're not always sure you want to. You are not given enough information. You're not even sure you want to come out alive. Where do you go then, and where have you been anyway?

You're not sure you learned the right language. When it comes to language, you feel sad about leaving this planet, the planet you landed on. You might miss this familiar language more than you can bear. You don't want to learn another language all over again.

You want the same language and the same parents. Can you do better a second time around? How do you know? Do you really get second chances, and how do you fare?

Is there anyone you can save or give a second chance to? What do numbers mean anyway?

Einstein got off on numbers. "I never really got the hang of them," you sigh. You say:

"I might choose colors this time around and jewelry. Or I might live in the mountains, and I would be taller, or would I be shorter and at one ocean or another, and what are pueblos?

"Did I lose my heart somewhere? Is it time I got my heart back? I don't want to lose sight of it. How will I know it is my heart, or will I just have to guess? Can I swear by it?

"Sometimes I wander.

"I know what. I want to be redeemed. I want to find the exit. I want to find a new door. If only I knew what I want, then I could put in for it.

"Do I want to lead, or do I want to follow, if I want to do anything at all?

"The truth seems to be that I never got to know myself.

"Do I really want to get out of my skin?

"Are there people I really care about? Will I do better with people a second time time around?

"When I come back to Earth, God, give me an update or a new character or take me around the block. I could use an update."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/2/2019 5:07:33 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6582 Get Your Project Said and Done, February 2, 2019

God said:

Beloved, there is a new readiness for Heavenletters in the air. The world is ready to eat up Heavenletters. The time has come. What are you waiting for?

If dreams are coming true, it is time to celebrate. You, in opposition to My thinking, tend to want assurances, want to be absolutely sure this is the case. You don't want any wooden nickels. You desire immediate and full satisfaction. You want to be sure of the highest assurances. You are not the one who has to have reassurances.

Here's the thing: Sometimes this absolutism you crave can take too long. I say it is better to have the celebration now and all the rest can scramble into existence. I say: Let's get everything set up for the birth of the baby. It is enough that the baby is due.

Truth does not have to be manifested before a celebration of what is coming forth into the world.

There are all the signs. This is good enough for Me. This is good enough indeed. The world has been waiting long enough, too long. Life isn't all about facts and figures.

I do not have a yen to put off a celebration. The guarantee is already in your heart. Let's adore the full weight of this warrantee.

Let's clear the floor and start the dance. We don't have to plan every detail. We want to get the dance up and running. Not every detail must be in place. Yes, We want to get the decorations up. We want to have fun now and not wait longer. Who is it up to anyway? Let's get the show on the road. Joy isn't to be held back.

You, like Myself, have seen people fuss around too much and never get going on time. No delaying this delivery, Beloved. How does a business begin? You begin it. It begins. The proof is in the pudding. The event has been foretold. There is no celebrating too soon. The time is overdue. Here it is: The time is NOW! Tomorrow is not too soon. Deeds are not to be promoted. Deeds are to be out and about.

Stop examining where your feet are. Your feet may be behind the times. There is much to do. Where does the energy come from? The first minute, spring joy on yourself.

Whoever told you to wait. It wasn't I. I don't say to take all the time in the world you feel like. Then you simmer down. Who told you to simmer down? Stay lit! Have all four burners burning. Do a fast dance. Keep the fires burning.

How do you do anything? You do it. You don't collect it. You don't store it. Above all, you use it. You are supposed to get at it ready without further ado.

You can use up all your energy planning.

There must be a fairy tale somewhere that tells a fairy tale about never getting a deed done. Later the pep is over and the deed is not yet done. Everything is for something and not for nothing. Perhaps everyone else is waiting for everyone else like mowing the yard or shoveling the snow. We are talking about action! Let's get this movie reel into distribution.

Of course, you have also heard that what is worth being done is worth doing well.

My slogan is different. If today something is worth doing, it is worth doing now. There isn't time for you to be low key. Go take a vitamin if you have to. This is your day in the sun! Pull out your energy of the sun and make hay while the sun shines!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/3/2019 5:23:47 PM
Heavenletter #6583 Like Mittens, February 3, 2019

God said:

Beloved, sometimes you feel you are overlooked in the world, or, perhaps, at the very least, one of the least favored people. Indeed, sometimes it seems that the world hardly gives you the time of day or notices you or takes much notice of you. If this is your situation, you do have to get beyond this. Everyone is rushing forward to notice or to receive notice of some kind.

Everyone in the world merits a smile. It is true that not everyone receives attention to the degree they are worth. To the best of My knowledge, I am the One who attends to you most of all, although you may not feel that I respond to you with enough care as you would like. See if you can listen to Me better. Put your hand on your heart to feel Me closer to your heartbeat. I AM the close of the close.

We want to fix your sense of feeling unloved. Unloved isn’t a good way for you to feel – too extraneous. No, never, you are not to be extraneous. You are to have God and everyone in your court.

Even if you live alone and on the surface have no one close, then respond to everyone you meet and lift all hearts. Bear in mind that all are One. This way you will remove a sense of distance altogether.

No one is to feel left outside in the hall. No one is to have a sense of loss of Oneness. Please, no. I want no one to have a muddy sense of being left out or not wanted close to all hearts on Earth. This is not too much to ask. This is a minimum. Love isn’t something you have to put in a bid for.

Sometimes, around Christmastime, you really do soak in the Christmas spirit. You feel it in the air. Or, you may feel extra lonely.

May everyone live this sense of Oneness blessing the world. I tell you factually that you are blessed. You are loved more than you believe. The thing is: Take love into account and bless all your heart would long to. Get yourself busy with blessing others. Care for others just as you care to be blessed. No one, no one in this world is to feel less than adored. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were more secure than ever you felt before?

Something really has to be lavished on the world. No, no, no, no one is to be bent low. No one is to have to pick crumbs of love from the floor of the world. No one is to have less love than the most love there is. What are We going to do about this?

Everyone is invited to God’s Heaven. Life, every moment, is meant to be a surfeit of love. Every single person on Earth is My son or daughter. Did you think otherwise?

The world isn’t intended to be a bare table. Embrace. Embrace yourself. Do something today that will, at the very least, confer more than a modicum of happiness on this Earth and on you as well. Where did the idea arise that your due love could be overlooked?

Also, please let go of the idea that anyone gets too much happiness. Don’t think so for even one moment. Absolutely, don’t have the idea to wrest away anyone’s excess happiness. I would love everyone to experience a sample of too much happiness. You deserve great happiness, and so does everyone. I am giving you an introduction to greater happiness right now. Look for this love to be falling on you. Do this.

Together, We are going to make it possible for everyone to knit greater happiness just the way you knit mittens and hang them on the mantel!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/4/2019 3:14:28 PM
Heavenletter #6584 Life in All Its Guises, February 4, 2019

God said:

Beloved, come to Me in whatever capacity you desire most of all. What else can you do? Remember, there is a full-blooming capacity called Free Will. Your Free Will. Yours. Think of such a liberty. This is one of the greatest liberties in the whole wide world. Certainly, I don't just fill Myself to the brim. I want everyone to be filled to the brim. How could I not?

Nor do I predict less for Myself than anyone else. Most assuredly, I don't hold Myself back. Room at the Inn includes room for Me beyond a doubt. Anyway, as it is, We, you and I, share the same room on the same Earth.

I don't see today as an occasional bonus day. Every day is a blockbuster sale! I don't save things for remnant sales or anything like that.

I love beauty, and I love beauty to be shared. What better way than with everyone? Let's share everything. Isn't this the truth anyway? Isn't this what We do? We all share the beautiful.

Much lies over the rainbow. And more also lies beyond pain in one form or another. Life in the world seems to be about matters of degree. Life may go this far or that far depending, and so life on Earth is identified as the relative. Next to this or next to that, relate to something else. Self-expression matters a whole lot to you.

How do you know this also isn't great as it is? What is the idea that life, as it is, has to be improved in one way or another?

If Paradise exists, you want to be able to live here in it right now. Of course, this brings up pesky questions and disturbances.

You would like ideal, yet in a relative world, how can there be room for perfection, or does everything have to be perfect or what you like to think has to be perfect? From your point of view, naturally, you would like everything to be perfect. Why not? If the word perfect exists, why can't you embrace what you like to with no holds barred?

At the same time, part of your nature does not want life to always be prettified.

You want some challenges. You don't always want everything sanitized, as it were. Are you to only accommodate some of life and not all that God hath made? What is the value of life? If, in winter, your nose didn't get cold, would that be a loss?

Cannot life just be life? Must everyone be stronger than life? You don't aspire to be Pollyanna.

Nor are you all wrong, nor are you perfectly correct. Life isn't structured just one way or another. And, then, you wind up with the addition of the idea that life is to be YOUR idea!

Yes, why not? Why not life any way you want it? Why not your pick of life and grapes? Life on the outside changes enough plenty.

Why not have life on the vine be more like what it wants to be? Isn't this life of yours your biography? Who is supposed to tell your story, if not you? If this life is yours, well, then, it jolly well ought to be yours.

If it's your surprise, okay, be surprised then too, yet it is your story to have the last word on. Yes, you have a yen for privilege.

Well, then, what about destiny? What guise is destiny to be under?

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