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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/11/2019 12:07:14 AM
Heavenletter #6590 Fly with Me to the Moon!, February 10, 2019

God said:

Beloved, Joy to the World. Joy to you. Make the Sun to shine. Give yourself peace. There is nothing else you are to give but peace. What else is there to give but love and peace, peace and love, joy and love, love and light ascending? This is the whole story.

So far, add the pace of serenity to daily life. Does serenity sound too blissy for you? Then be blissy, what do you care?

You sure don’t want to underscore war and battle, toil and trouble, frustration and more frustration, tension and suffering. On what pretense would you settle for getting by? You are God’s Child. You are worth something. Life isn’t here just for you to drag out and, so to speak, slide by in, get away with. There has to be more for you. You deserve more than just being able to say you got away by the skin of your teeth.

Is it true that you relive childhood disappointments again and again on a grand scale? If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. If life isn’t all sweet, do you keep having to keep bumping your head on the same brick wall? Nor, frankly, you don’t really want all new sorrow. Nor do you want to miss out on life. You don’t want repeats, and you don’t want a dry run either.

Sometimes you feel you are waiting for life to begin for real.

You may want to fly to another planet. Lounge on a different couch. Hydrate yourself. Smile for real. Think a happy thought. Roll over on green grass. Catch a dream or a mandrake root. Kiss the palms of your hands.

Go to the beach even in your mind on a freezing day, not that details have to matter all that much. Life doesn’t have to wait for the weather you prefer or anything else. How eagerly you may be waiting to win the lottery. Many of My children are waiting to win the lottery. May you win all your hearts’ desires, yet does your life have to be great by definition? Otherwise, are you overlooked and some kind of demotion awaits you unless you are victorious?

Have your heart set on your goodness all you want. You are drooling for all good things as if you are all-dependent for a scream of “Eureka, I won!”

Have in mind that you are blessed as you are. Is this a new idea? Sniff a flower today and be happy anyway. Today doesn’t have to be the sunniest day on Earth. Today can be a good day just the same. Bless yourself. Who decides what you are to make of today?

Look, I do not demand that every day must be a piece of cake. I know the score. Some days come out better than others by a landslide.

Count your blessings rather than your disappointments. There is even good in disappointments. There is freedom! Now you have a second chance for ultimate happiness tomorrow. Anyway, there is greater happiness than $500 million dollars’ worth of lottery winnings. Believe Me, you don’t really have to jump over life. Greet life.

Beloved, your purpose in life isn’t to be an escape artist. You don’t have to slide through life. You want life to amount to far more than simply coming out alive. Life amounts to more than a thrill in a manner of speaking. Welcome life.

Life isn’t something you have to brace yourself for. Life isn’t something you have to take on the chin. Go ahead, Beloved, shake hands with life. Go for it! We are in this together. Fly with Me to the Moon!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/11/2019 3:49:22 PM
Heavenletter #6591 To All that is Holy, February 11, 2019

God said:

Beloved, in terms of daily life, you are in the present. I wonder, does the present mean between one moment and another? That is: Where does the present exist?

It's clear to Me there is no past that resides. There is no time after all. Time can only be transient. There is no way that Infinity and Eternity can be staggered in separate spaces. Wholeness is Wholeness.

Infinity is more than a pillow you sleep on. Yes, Infinity is a comfort, yet Infinity amounts to more than comfort. What is it about life that you want to get to the heart of things? What is it exactly about life that it wants to be absorbed? Or is it you who wants to know about life ceremoniously or definitively?

If life wants to be known, what is there about life that wants to know itself ceremoniously and definitively? What does it come down to? You do like to travel the by-ways. What does it actually mean that you know something anyway? What do you know? What does this mean that you know it anyway, really know it?

It's a puzzle, and you like to exclaim loud and clear: "EUREKA!" You like the moment you see the light.

On one layer, there also seems to be the unknowable. You can get a feel for the unknowable and knowable, yet you can't quite carry it over your shoulder or frame it on your wall.

Then what is the next soldier of understanding that stands before you that you will like to grasp? He arrives. What arrives seems to exist and wants to be consumed. In itself, desire to understand is like a craving to eat. You have this appetite. It does not seem to be fully appeasable. I address this realization like a soldier who comes before you and salutes you, perfectly dressed to the nines, and I mean the hunger may enjoy its appetite more than its satisfaction.

Beloved, you may be more wild to pursue the solving of a mystery more than you are to actually receive the answer to your question. The tantalization of the question stirs you perhaps more than the actual moment of receiving the sought-after answer. Of course, both appear before you. You may love being tantalized more than you love having the answer. You desire the answer, yet you may find you desire more being strung along. This might explain the power of Scheherazade and the Thousand and One Arabian Nights.

Well, look, life on Earth is made up of dreams anyway, the next one a more powerfully fashioned dream after another. After all, life is but a dream. Life is fueled by dreams. You are egged along by dreams, one after the other. Merrily, merrily, life is but a dream and you, beloved, a dreamer, who hovers lightly over Enlightenment, the whole shebang of the Awakening behind and before you, the Awakening underlying it all, the Realization before you all, the Source of All Knowledge as it wakes up to you, Beautiful.

Waking up is greater than your dream of it. O! the waking up to the reality that exists beyond the dream. O! the Enlightening that sweeps you off your feet as the One of One fly away to the Moon and the stars and all that is holy.

Holiness is all that is holy. You are all that is holy. You are not a Johnny-Come-Lately. You have always been right here with Me. We have eternally been at the peak together as One. We have eternally been on the same key, and, yes, a lot more surety of Oneness is right around the corner.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/12/2019 3:26:40 PM
Heavenletter #6592 Second Chances, February 12, 2019

God said:

Life gives you second chances, and human hearts ache for revelations to be the way life used to be when you were young – barefoot and rosy-cheeked, life new and full of glory when you made leaps and bounds, and a surprise dawns, calling to you, a new twist, a delightful upturn, an accelerated brightening, a stirring, a reconnoiter, a love for life as it arises on the horizon. As it happens, two twists unexpectedly came your way today – sort of two Universes – can they be called Parallel Universes?

A long-ago acquaintance wearing a big smile, her arms full of a big hug, rushed up to greet you in the supermarket this morning. She, whose name you can’t remember, was overjoyed to see you. She made seeing you an event! She walked out of the mist happy to see you.

“Can this be true?” your heart wept. “Does this someone from the past have any idea how happy she made you?

Then you hear yourself say to yourself: “My sense of Oneness, come back to me. Come back, and stay.”

Later, something like this experience in reverse hits you like a ton of bricks.

Years ago, an on-and-off friend had loaned you an instructional CD. You stumbled onto this CD today stashed in an out of the way place, this CD loaned to you by a friend who was often irritating. Taped to the CD, How to Rewrite a Screenplay in 30 Days, this note attached, this note so weird:

“This CD is probably the most valuable one in the set to watch first.”

This is the only one you found.

Life is not always how it appears. This occasional friend used to drive you up the wall. Once you saw her refuse to loan a limping old lady her cell phone on the table to make a quick call from the café. Your friend proudly, victoriously, turned up her nose at the old lady's request because your erstwhile friend was too good to say Yes.

This woman who loaned you the CD, on the contrary, could also on occasion be the most splendid person in the world. One day, over thirty years ago, when you were called away on an emergency, who but this unsatisfactory friend ran right over to your house to start taking care of your two beloved dogs while you had to be away? This friend, when she was good, she was very good.

Since then, this friend died without saying goodbye. Looks like the CD is yours to keep now. Who but you would want to claim it anyway?

Suddenly, you are stricken with a loss bigger than you can bear. Nothing will ever be concluded now. This woman had a granddaughter who raised her two children with only Yes and never No. The granddaughter and her young children lived on a continent far away. Now who will ever catch you up in the lives of your friend’s grandchildren? All of a sudden, it is this woman you want to talk to more than anyone else in the world.

You had no clue that this person, of all people, would ever mean so much to you. You just have to hear about what strange situations your friend’s grandchildren will get themselves into and out of again.

If today someone could come back to life, this is the one friend you would run up to in the supermarket to give a big hug to today.

Beloved, you learned two big lessons in life today. These are everyone’s lessons.

The first two are:

1. Kindness and generosity win the day.

2. Love whom you love before it’s too late.

Plus, you had three more lessons, which are:

1. You are loved.

2. You love.

3. The main reason not to judge any other is so you can spare yourself from the heartache of judging yourself later as you are doing now and, alas, finding yourself wanting.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/13/2019 3:47:25 PM
Heavenletter #6593 Friends Left by the Wayside, February 13, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you think of another long ago friend of yours from many long years ago. Your heart aches to talk to once more to this friend. You have no way of knowing if this long ago friend is still alive.

You were girlfriends, that's all. You don’t know how would you would reach this long-lost friend from long ago if she should happen to still be alive. Did she live in New York, New Jersey – where?

Her first name definitely was Helen. You can’t bring her last name back to life. She mattered to you. Her forlorn face digs into your heart.

Her eyes were brown-eyed doe eyes. Dreamy-eyed, moist, soft. Her eyes look up for answers. Her eyes pierce your heart.

You have abandoned far more than one friend over the years and miles.

If Helen could be alive today and you could locate her, would you? Would you pick up the phone? Would you start an email and leave it unfinished in the middle and never send it?

Regret seems to be so far as you can go. You have too much daily life to keep up with. You are pretty sure her name was Helen. Her last name, if only you could think of it, fit her perfectly. Did her last name begin with a B or D?

You don’t remember where you knew her from. She was a skinny friend, perhaps, bony with thin lavender-cast veins. What was her last name? Helen what? The thing is you would never have left her behind, yet you did. You know you did. And how many yet more dear others have you left by the wayside? She may not even have a thought of you.

And the people you did somehow keep up with? If you had checked, might you have noticed that you may not have felt so close to them? They were just there, or it was that they had made sure to keep up with you?

Here is Helen: She had once asked you why men did not seem to have had any interest in her. She had never had anyone ask her out.

Who knows what gibberish I had given her? Looking back then, I don’t think I had any idea of the bigger picture really. What I am sure of is that her heart wasn’t worth all the attention it took.

“Now I believe the answer is that Helen didn’t have much of a bosom, nor did she know how to use her beautiful brown eyes to flirt with.

“God, Helen was a spectacular thoughtful person fit for a King. Any man who would win her would have been crowned fortunate

“Now I would know better how to answer Helen.

“Helen, dear angel,” I might say now, “you just haven’t met the right person. There is someone very special out there for you.

“You just aren’t like everyone else. You are a jewel befit for a King and no less. He would be the happiest man in the world.

“Helen, may you have been swept up off your feet by now by a wonderful man who deserves you. May you have many rare children just like you who also are not like everyone else. The man who wins you – he cannot be a run-of-the-mill man in this world either.

“You are more subdued, Helen, than most of us. You are not giggly about life and men in general the way the world often seems.

“Many women may be just as sensible and serious as you if truth were known.

“Many women, to their sorrow, leave their true selves behind in the dust.”

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Nathan Services Inc

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/13/2019 5:06:09 PM
Myrna in all the years you've been here, I still always love to read your blog and your letters and the way it blesses me to hear from. May God continue to bless and keep you. Amen