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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/20/2019 6:56:52 PM
Heavenletter #6569 Who Amongst Us Cannot Think Twice?, January 20, 2019

God said:

Beloved, no matter which Beloved reads this page, I hold up My heart-rushing love to you. Partake of love.

You can ask anything of Me. You cannot ask too much of Me. Of your individual self and the world, expect not perfection, for you may well ask too much. It is always My desire to open you to greate love, yet never do I wish your ego to rush to the task. You live in a moment of erstwhile time, and I ask you to be accepting of yourself and of others.

If I ask you to write a poem for Me to greet My day today, the idea is simple enough. Play with the idea. Have fun with it. Never will I actually ask you to write the world's most splendid poem.

Beloved, when your attention goes in the ultimate direction of perfection, that's when you likely invite ego to star.

Ego demands you to be the fairest of all. Superlative! Unmatched! Exceptional! Ultimate! The best in the litter! In this way, you call disappointment to yourself. Ego often finds itself lacking. You are not lacking, yet ego is a tough cookie. Ego starts you off in an incorrect direction that may well stunt your growth.

Beloved, there used to be a firm fair statement in the world that went like this: "I'm okay. You're okay."

It didn't state: "I'm the Fairest of All which of necessity means that, if I am the Fairest, you can't be. You can only be fair to middling. Sorry, the best you can be is: 'So-so.'"

Do you remember the true story of a modern-day behaviorist who did an experiment with some teen-agers in what is referred to as a primitive society? The experimenter instructed a group of boys in the woods like this:

"The first one of you who finds the most mushrooms will win a prize!"

The prize turned out to be an accompanying meal fit for a king. As soon as one of the boys won the prize, he served the meal to all his friends. When the behaviorist asked the winner why he did that, the boy answered: "This way, we all are happy."

Beloved, don't you feel good just reading this story? Don't you wish sharing worked like this in the modern world? Surely, the behaviorist learned the most in this study. Bravo to sharing. Hurrah to sharing. How simple, and how great. A new way of thinking? Primitive? Hardly. The way to go? YES!

There was a photo recently taken of a scene in an impoverished country. Wealthy people sat in an outdoor restaurant and ate to their heart's content while starving children stood by. This is how it was every day in this part of the world. You may well have disapproved.

When the wealthy people finished eating, the hungry children crawled around the earth under the table to pick up with their fingers whatever food may have fallen to the ground. You, from the comfort of your own home, may have been condemning the wealthy for their selfishness.

At the same time, the hungry children may have been blessing the wealthy ones for the scraps they left on the earth that fed the children's empty stomachs that day.

Before you say to yourself: "How can these adults be so heartless as to eat in front of hungry children?" who then quickly afterward crawl around the ground to gather scraps for their empty stomachs.

Who cannot think twice in this world and see further?

In your wealthy country, good food may be tossed into dumpsters from which later hungry children dive into to eat from. Who amongst Us cannot think twice and see further and change his mind?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/22/2019 4:40:25 PM
Heavenletter #6571 Timing!, January 22, 2019

God said:

Beloved, where is there you and I cannot travel to with or without an airplane as a motif? Ah, Beloved, so is it, Oneness is One. Oneness is solid, yet definitely not rigid. Hurray! Oneness is Infinity Itself. This is how, at every moment, I hold your hand, and you hold Mine. Forever is Our One Tryst, as a Valentine Card might say it is so true as can be.

I tell you one thing: You don't go anywhere without Me, and I don't go anywhere without you, for you are My Beloved and I am yours.

Bright, solid, mobile is this Oneness. Hallelujah! Oneness forever and ever. Ever on the same path has Oneness been sewed up and freed up in love so ardent and so singular and so beautiful.

Love comes from everywhere and anywhere.

Let Me tell you something.

When Christ first walked on water, Christ wasn't thinking about it. When Christ first parted the seas, he wasn't pondering it. He wasn't debating it. When Christ first turned water into wine, Christ wasn't asking himself: "Shall I or shan't it?"

A need appeared, and there Christ was, walking on water, parting the seas, changing water into wine. This was Divinity. There was need. Christ was here. Christ answered a need. Filling a need is usually the act of a moment without preparation.

To walk on water isn't a thought-out decision. The same is true for parting the seas and turning water into wine. It is a spontaneous need that the moment calls you to fulfill. It isn't a big deal. The act arises. Before you know it, it is a done deal. It isn't not a labor of love. It isn't a labor at all. It is love, and it is done in the doing. It isn't a self-conscious exercise.

If Christ had taken time to figure it out, the moment might have past. You understand an impulse. It is like eloping. You can wait too long and the moment is past. You may be swept off your feet in eloping, yet you decide it. In terms of creating a miracle, it is done before you know it, and there you are.

It is a miracle for every child to walk, to speak, to understand, and so is a baby's first smile. It isn't scheduled. It is opportune. The child has no planned curriculum, and how the child discerns and grows without deliberation. A child learns to stare at the stars and to respond to his mother's voice naturally. A child doesn't have to look up any of this in an encyclopedia or on Google.

How is a discoverer led to discovery? How is a sailor led to the sea? Instinct may even be too disciplined a word. It must be My instinct, Beloved, highly mixing and matching love and strewing it everywhere.

Nature sets the seasons, and the seasons come forth and live to display themselves as if they were patented. When a season has its joy come forth, can it be said that the season disciplined itself? It came of its own accord in the same way a child opens up his life to joy.

Suddenly, like spring, a child moves ahead. The child has not been watching the clock.

It's like this. Einstein had an inner mechanism, and so do you. Something comes on its own time. Einstein learned how to speak when he was six years old. He was a late bloomer. He must have had so much to think about before he was ready to speak. Probably he could have written books if he had known how to write or do a mathematical formula by then.

All is in its good timing, Beloved.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/23/2019 5:11:38 PM
Heavenletter #6572 Beyond Description, January 23, 2019

God said:

Beloved, world expectation goes down a different road from the aspects of spirituality as they deliver themselves to you in an instant. Beyond description does not begin to reveal the possibilities of what may exist directly in front of you that you do not yet see. Whatever you think you already know, go beyond. Beloved, go ahead and step into the Unknown where there are no limits.

I come back again and again to what is called beyond the veil. Spiritual perception is not beyond you. It is near you, just as near as I am, yet spiritual perception is beyond your expressing in language as it is. Spiritual perception is more like a new language or pre-language and goes deeper than language as you know it.

There is nothing you cannot perceive when you open up to a blank slate. You are light of wing in what you do not carry over in assumed or learned language or anything at all.

O, yes, be as a new-born babe without all you have picked up by the wayside. Be a book you have not yet read from cover to cover. Don't be all-knowing. Come from an island deep in your heart filled with innocence. Know less. Know nothing instead of everything. You have no need to know everything that ordinary mortals aspire to know. You have more going on than what's going on in the front burner. Who told you that you have to be a limited Being. Don't believe everything you hear.

There is far greater revolving within you than meets the eye.

Overlook the presumed known. I speak of a greater horizon beyond the next bend.

Hold My hand. Follow Me. Why follow some arbitrary little wood wagon when you can be far seeing and follow a Great Star?

Long ago, you were smitten by the world, whereas the world is the least of life as it is. Don't misunderstand Me. The world has its merits, Beloved, yet the world is far from all there is. I will go so far as to say that your foot isn't yet in the door.

Why do you require introductions or a maître-di to introduce you to Me? Who on earth is to be what the past says it's supposed to be? Introduce yourself to Me.

You have no new lease on life. You have a new view on life. There is no need to brace yourself. Lead yourself, or, rather, let Me lead you. What is this about following the crowd when you can follow your own heart? Let your heart take you where it wills, and I will accompany you. My heart is yours. Follow Me to your destiny. Your destiny awaits you. Here, let Me show you the way to go Home.

Today is a new day. Today is better than good enough even as, in one way, no day is quite good enough for you. How do you know that the best red apple on top of the tree is good enough for you? There is a greater tree and a greater apple. You don't have to have them, yet they are yours for the asking.

Today, as marvelous as today is, it is not yet quite good enough as when a new day is dawning for you.

I ask you to take a jaunt higher and wider and easier and in your stride. Beloved, will you kindly do this for Me without looking back, only looking forward without any grand aplomb? Especially important doesn't do it. Easy does it. Here I am, and here you are in fine fiddle!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/24/2019 5:40:10 PM
Heavenletter #6573 Screenshots of Your Life, January 24, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you live your life marked in screen shots. In making this current movie of your life, you may use short frames, one after another. Think of it, you are making your own movie of your life for all to see! Think of it, you are alive on Earth! And you put your movie together as you go along. Somehow, you have become a movie star and director and a fan and critic. You are a person. You have no idea how this actually occurred.

What does it mean that you inherit the earth? You are here to do greater good than you know.

You are a starring and directing blazing soul on Earth. Somehow you got here. How did you get here to Hollywood or BBC as it happens?

There is no band that plays. As a matter of fact, you don't usually get much applause in the mundane world - if any at all on many days.

You have heard the refrain that virtue is your own reward? Beloved, life itself is a valid trust fund. You learn in life day by day, don't you? You learn from life.

Yes, you are the son or daughter of a King. This can hardly be happenstance that you grow up in God's Court. Accept that you are My accolade. Unless I put you together, how could I have been quoted as saying that which I have put together, no one is to put asunder?

Kindly get that idea out of your head that I can make any mistake where you are concerned.

The whole wide world may see you as a mistake, yet what does the world know? If there is a mistake, it is the world that is mistaken. You are meant to lead a chorus in the world.

There is no impression that you have to make. No matter what, you are Mine. And you are precious to Me. I am God Who loves ceaselessly. Not everyone on Earth sees as I see. The world presents itself this way or that right and left. I see through camouflage and misrepresentation that the world may consider common knowledge.

Nothing gets in the way of My love. Nothing is less from wherein love comes to or wherein love goes to. Every animate and inanimate creature or what-not requires love. I request that you give love. You do not do anyone a favor to be courteous in My Kingdom when you feel differently.

There is no question that what is acceptable to Me is easier on you regardless of your perceived comfort and the hold the world has on you. My expressed desire is that you love all. There is no one you are to take asunder. Build God's Will out in the open.

Beloved, find no reason to separate My children into factions because of one idea or another. Beloved, how do you imagine you follow God's Will?

Align with Me. Do you present God's Name before Me? Follow goodness and mercy. Do not put other Gods before Me. Do not court strife. Cast no one aside. Bring no sorrow to any other.

Now come the Commandments. The one above all is to love.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/25/2019 3:04:09 PM
Heavenletter #6574 Claim Your Good Fortune Tout de Suite! , January 25, 2019

God said:

Beloved, come closer to Me, and We are in good shape.

When you desire to come closer to Me, you and I, on Our Own, are a bright sun dawning.

When you are on your way somewhere, of course, hop to it. Don't be shy. I call you to Me. No more tarrying. What is equal to the importance of Me to you and you to Me? As One, We whisper as One. My clear desire is to be by your side and that I be by yours. Let's do it!

I offer you a menu. You might as well get the juices flowing. This is your day to wind up your baseball arm and sail into My arms. Why not you, for Heaven's sake?

Sure, you can wait and wait, yet why?

You may have not known that today is the day that My angels pull you to Me. I, God, go to all lengths to call you to Me. Get over here. Find out what music Oneness plays. Let's get going. No longer will I wait. I have been seeking you for a long time, and now We leap forward. I do admit that I have been calling and calling you. Give no excuse for waiting for a better time. What could I possibly think could be a better time than this very moment to go forward?

The time is always now. There is no better time. Strike while the iron is hot.

The time is NOW. There is only Now.

Look, I have been waiting for you long enough. You have also been waiting long enough to get hopping. No more waiting. No more dilly-dallying. Beloved, has there not been enough waiting time until now?

My hand is on your shoulder. We are as near as Oneness is.

Don't think for one moment that the first awareness of Oneness is the hardest. There is nothing hard about Our meeting. You have been a long-time waiting.

Do you think you really want to keep me waiting longer? For what Godforsaken reason?

Step forward. I am calling to you.

Let's be on Our way. Why would you linger now? Honestly, I ask you, let's make no mistake. Let's get on with it. No more time wasting. Why waste non-time waiting before We get the show on the road?

Don't you see Me chomping at the bit? I can wait for you patiently, yet this isn't My heart's desire. Let's go full steam ahead with no further ado. We have a date. Claim your fortune. You can win the lottery well and good, yet still you have to claim it. Let's no longer evade the issue. We have a date today. Is another day better than today? Chop chop!

By the same time tomorrow, it will be like old times for the One of Us. There are many ways to Me. Our meetup is no big deal. We have known this joy many times before. We are no strangers. We have long known each other again and again. Knowing each other is joy in whatever venue we are in. I am well-pleased. This is the natural flow of life. We are in the swim if it. Hallelujah. We are One.

We can dance a jig! We can get onto the dance floor and do a few somersaults and an amazing high-stepping revue! We venture forth into Unity where We belong. We dance, and We Godwrite as if We had never paused for one moment. There is no pause in Oneness.

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