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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/26/2019 6:03:23 PM
Heavenletter #6575 Name Me a Dream, January 26, 2019

God said:

Beloved, settling down to Godwrite is much like the joy of deciding to go on a sea voyage. It is delicious to enjoy the thought of it. Suddenly, your heart alights on one ocean or another, on one destination or another, nearer to one dream or another, and then you go full-steam ahead on a voyage of your heart. You skim across an ocean of your choice, or is it your choice at all? You may not choose it. You may be compelled, as if this is a command performance. Perhaps you are stolen away, yet you are perfectly willing.

Is there any other kind of voyage but one you have been held captive in, ready, set, go? Every voyage is greater than that which a body takes. Every voyage is greater than that of the mind, and yet every voyage does occur in the mind. Ultimately, an ocean voyage is of the imagination, of the heart, of a longing greater than simply going somewhere. Even if you have gone there before, now it's a different journey.

There is also nostalgia and perhaps the song, "Toyland, Toyland, mystical magic Toyland, Once you pass its borders, you cannot go there again."

The same traveler doesn't travel to the same place again, which brings up the question of Who Are You now and Who or What were you when you traveled over the Bounty Main before, and what does it really mean to travel to and fro? Why is it that only some people are wild to travel and others might just as well stay at home in their slippers, as if a location amounts to home or here or there or anywhere? Is there a travel bug that bites?

And, yet, even if you are bedridden, isn't every day a show on the road of one kind or another? Who stays in place immemorial? Do you slide into place? Isn't every day a home run?

Is everywhere a base you want to slide into? Is it the name of a place that you really want to visit? Yes, the name of a place pulls you. Zanzibar. Mojave Desert. Lovers' Lane.

"O, Name me a dream.

"Give me a range to roam.

"Roll me up a magic carpet.

"Buy me some new shoes.

"Show me a new dance.

"Pack my heart.

"Take me somewhere where I have never been before.

"Restore my Soul.

"Where do I find You, God, prim and proper? Where do You take me? Where am I bound?

"There has to be more than once around the block, doesn't there?

"There has to be more than I already know.

"There must be somewhere more You will take me. I don't always follow the same route. Nor am I the same. Am I ever really reborn differently?

"Wherefore am I, and Why fore? And how is it You and I are One Wonderfulness? And what is all this about, I mean, really?

"Am I on a circular staircase? Have I passed this way before? Where have I been? What do I think I am doing - if anything?

"Is this a big to-do about nothing? Is this all there is, and what is it anyway?

"Wherein lies the heart?

"Where have I been hiding, or where have I been running to and from? Do I exist now? Do I tread water? Do I fly? Where do I find myself, and why should I?

"What button do I push? Where am I shoving off from? When do I arrive?

"Whose dream is this anyway? God, is it a sure thing that this very dream is mine or Ours or anyone's dream at all?"

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/27/2019 3:43:55 PM
Heavenletter #6576 Be Ready This Moment, January 27, 2019

God said:

Beloved, there is always more good on its way to you. You may not be positive about this, yet I affirm you have more good to look forward to right now. Sometimes right away, yet not always as fast as you would like. All the good awaiting you can come as a surprise when you least expect it - most definitely sooner than you may dare to hope. There is no reason that you should not have all you desire right in front of you at this very moment.

Whatever you may feel is missing in your life can come forth to you before you know it. You have every right to seek what you cry for, so go for it, yet not have to have it exactly when and how you want it. Leave some leeway. You don't have to desire with all your might. The way to receive is to let go. Can this point be made enough? Desire and not require is My slogan. Be open to everything, for everything you desire is possible. You don't have to pummel the world for your desires. Be more comme-ci comme-ça. You can wait your turn.

Meanwhile, enjoy life as it comes. Life isn't always now or never. All is not lost. Frankly, all is well. Never think that today is your last chance. More beauty will fall your way.

The surface level of life is only one level. How you picture your blessings is one level. There are levels greater than you can conceive. Be honest. Hasn't greater than you already have dreamed of not already appeared to you without effort? Blessings come on their own. Be knocked off your feet. It's fine to have your dreams come true easily the way the sun rises every day.

Every day the sun rises over the horizon. The sun will rise in front of you again soon enough. Always stay true to yourself. Never stop. Don't close your beautiful eyes. You don't have to be surprised. You can depend on love's coming true.

Someone's dreams come true. Good grief, why not yours?

I will go so far as to say that the coming true of your dreams is beyond a lark. Why would you have your thought of your deepest dreams unless they are to come true? No dream is to be wasted. You have dreams for a good reason. A good dream dreamed is reason enough.

No dream has to be justified. Your dreams have to be welcomed. What friend would ever want to visit you feeling unwelcome?

I welcome you with all My heart. Doubting My welcome isn't a good direction for your mind to take. Right now, welcome yourself to Heaven. Here, I lift you up. You are My joy. Hand Me My joy. The joy you give Me is for you to feel as fit as a fiddle.

What a villain is doubt. Doubt sets booby-traps without so much as a by-your-leave.

Your role in life is to attest to greatness. Enough of nonsense. Now is time for you to leap to Heaven - why not?

If you haven't been receiving all your heart's desires, start believing in your dreams now. I believe in you. Why not join in with Me? I am beyond your present vision. I am right on the mark. Join with Me! When you are with Me, how can you miss? You cannot miss. Have more confidence in the Oneness of your One Self.

Be solidly with Me. This is for your sake, Beloved. And so that My Will be done.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/29/2019 3:11:48 AM
Heavenletter #6577 Hang On to Your Star, January 28, 2019

God said:

Beloved, be happy. It is so simple. If everyone were happy, what a happy world there would be. Happiness would volley into life. Life would be life at the sunny beach every day. What sweetness of life would not attend to you the way life is meant to. You would be strong. Nothing would sneak up on you. You would never be startled or feel as if you are falling apart.

You would wake up rested. You wouldn't crave to put the pillow over your head and go back to sleep in the morning again. You would want to jump out of bed. You wouldn't keep looking back over your shoulder. You would have no cares. The world would be at peace. Oh, to think of it! Everyone blessed, and everyone a blessing. You would not know what it is to be on tenterhooks.

You wouldn't know what it is like to worry about anything before you fall asleep, and you sure wouldn't wake up worry-worn. Every day, every hour, you would look forward to come what may.

How did it happen that you got turned around in life? Let's shake hands on it. From now on, be enamored with life and not feel underappreciated even once.

Happy days are here again. You will surpass sadness and woe from this day forward. No longer will you even consider yourself a star-crossed lover. Ah, life will not once again contain debts bigger than what you were first led to believe. How and when did life become a heavy weight on yourself? This is reversible.

Goodbye to worries and concerns. Yes, may the sky be your umbrella. From now on, consider yourself exempt from dealing with further disappointments in life.

Factor in joy. This beats frowning any day. Anticipate glad tidings.

You are alive again. No more woe again.The fact is that all is well with the world. Despite your self-ratings, you are rightfully capable now to include everything that your heart desires.

Bali Hai, life comes faster now than you could have dreamed of. Face front. You are headed in the right direction. This is is good news!

You may hang onto what you have been told and believe in because you have always believed in what you have been told. You believed bad news to be true because you always did. Bad news was instilled in you.

A human being can believe anything, and why not? Why not start believing in the coming true of all you desires while you are it?

If you can believe in one thing, you can also believe in another.

If you can believe in bad news, you can also believe in good news. Believe in the truth of good news over bad news. I believe in your wresting joy from life.

Do you remember the play I Remember Mama?

This is about a poor family in Denmark. Notable about this often desperate family is that Mama had a secret bank account that saved the family from the hardest of times again and again. The mother's daughter, who became a successful writer, wrote this story of great spirit.

To be truthful, it was not a bank account that saved the day. It was belief in a bank account that saved the day.

It is good to be totally honest. It is also good to have confidence and make strength come true as well. Mama heartened her family through thick and thin. Mama inspired her family. Because they believed in Mama's bank account to rely on, they were not poverty stricken. Mama made optimism true.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/30/2019 12:03:14 AM
Heavenletter #6578 A Hidden Gem, January 29, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you can look at life this way:

You, My dream, shine in My eyes. You fill My heart with happiness. Never have you and I been separated.

Inasmuch as you and I are true, how is it that you would clomp around in life out of sorts, disparaged, and perhaps outright cross? What ego is this you have, and what good does it do you?

It seems that life spars with you, that, in fact, life changes its mind. At first life seems to tell you Yes, and then life tells you No. At first, your dental work was going to cost you one hundred dollars, and now your bill tops off at $3,000.

"God, how did money come about? Money is so unkind. If you have money, it's not so bad when it is demanded of you. Otherwise, if you don't have money, it's pretty bad. Ye Gods, there was a time when people who couldn't pay their bills were put in debtor prison. Does this make any sense to You, God? Are there people who really want to be doled to?"

Give up on impediments. Enough, enough, I say. Come back to joy. Joy isn't something to dispense with, not when you can have and give happiness instead. Must you be without?

Nor, dear One, are you entitled to gripe. You are entitled to release all that which does not enlighten the world or anyone. Share light and not sorrow. Joy is My desire for you.

Yes, you have known unhappiness. Sometimes you have great cause as the world sees it. No one wants to feel down. Nor are you entitled to poor behavior. What are you about?

Move forward in life here and now. Change your tune.

Be chivalrous in your life and in the lives of others. Take sorrow with grace. Uplift others and let go of thinking so much of perceived lack. Start a new chapter. Get onto a different page. Do not keep on singing the same old song. Sorrow is not meant to be a stopgap. Nor are you to dwell on sorrow, nor are you to be proud of sorrow nor feel demeaned by it. Sorrow may be, yet brag about something else. Unselfishness is not meant to be a sacrifice. Unselfishness is courage. Don't justify that which is not to go on forever.

If you must, do your crying, then repudiate attention on the suffering. Grief exists, yet you don't have to make grief the sum total of your life. From the way life on Earth is seen, life is tragic. Yes, there is plenty of cause to weep. There is also plenty of cause to rejoice. I do not diminish how deep the loss of a loved one is, for death seems to be interminable. Death is seen as forever, when, in truth, it is life that is forever.

Beloved, anything can change. The world turns. The sun comes out. Rain falls. Bless yourself. Bless the sun, and bless the rain.

Someone in your life died recently. Life may have held a great trial for you with this person until you finally became emboldened to say to Me:

"Thank You, God, for this dear friend who came to mean so much to me in this world. Out of all the myriads of people whom at first I struggled with, I miss him so much. Why did it take me so long before I recognized this friend as a rare gem when it is so clear to me now?"

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/30/2019 9:43:53 PM
Heavenletter #6579 Life Can Be Whatever It Is, January 30, 2019

God said:

Beloved, there is a consensus that says you are on Earth, and this must be for a reason. Another consensus says that life on Earth is but a dream. What happens now? Where does this leave you? Certainly not always foot loose and fancy free. Anything can happen in life. Life on Earth can be rather subterranean, like it or not. You seem to be posted wherever you are. Trying to survive is not quite enough.

Your purpose is to grow in love. You may not always welcome a Prince Charming to wake you up. Can someone who breaks your heart teach you how to love? Well, you can be riveted.

You would wish to learn greater love from someone who shows you how to love and means it. You sure don’t want hard lessons. Of course, you want to bless and be blessed – if only you knew how.

You personally have come to the conclusion that you are not wonderful at hanging out for love to come in style just like that. You haven’t had the knack. Actually, you’re quite good at falling in love. When it comes to lasting love, you have been start and stop. You haven’t been good at being true to love. Perhaps you are too impatient. You might like to be different than you have proved yourself to be. Who would chose tumultuous over enduring?

You may prefer to be alone more often than you want to stay together with someone else. That’s the rub – someone else. Frequent companionship disrupts your thinking. You have always wanted to have a forever love, yet it hasn’t worked out that way. You may like the idea of togetherness more than the the joy of the reality of it. You may prefer a home on the range.

Once you had different dreams.

Perhaps it is true that some people make hay while the sun shines, and others don’t seem to be able to spritz enough Spray-On to make life stick. It is very possible that you simply lack the backbone? Perhaps another day or time in life, you might have taken to day-to-day life in the world, yet who can say?

You have heard of both destiny and free will or perhaps you, in life, just are rolling along, and there is no neat ending rolling forward, so it seems. You just keep turning around and not finding a strong clue as to an answer to your existence. In any case, it is all water under the bridge. Or, okay, the cards would wind up remarkably if only you could stop stirring things up.

Sometimes you wonder if anyone’s life really and truly turns out right.

Why would you try to make something of old cloth from here or from there as if life could replay itself with another tune or two. Honestly, to which end? You might well do better to leave well enough alone. When will you know when to close four aces and your eyes and be done with yesterday?

“To be frank, God, I might like to pick up like an unclaimed true dream here and there for old time’s sake.

“I don’t believe that means you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. This must happen every day for someone. In any case, many people are inventive. Some people are good new learners and embrace where even the stars are surprised, and life actually gets wound up and set on a new course that winds up somewhere else sooner or later.

“I never liked that other saying either about leaving well enough alone. I wouldn’t mind learning something new while I’m at it.”

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