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Re: Stormpay Is Flexing it's muscles.
2/1/2006 10:05:38 PM
G'Day Bryan. Before I answer you, did you recieve that email I sent to your home email OK? As for that email from midas, yes I to got that, (I guess we are both in GDI too!) PayPal has a habit of doing that for no reason, if it thinks you are bending one of it's rules, or it makes up new rules without telling anyone,then looks for accounts with programs that may be breaking their 'new rules', then your account is frozen & you may as well kiss your money goodbye! Unless you have a really good lawyer, you will not see that money again. I use PayPal, but never keep any money in the account,as I just don't trust them. What Stormpay is doing, is quite ethical, if you read what they have posted, they simply state that they will no longer continue to be a payment processor in any of the paid auto-surf programs & HYIP's if the program owners want to have more than one payment processor. AS Stormpay puts it & I quote "StormPay." However, if another payment solution is used, please immediately remove StormPay from the associated website as a funding option and continue to use the StormPay account funds to finish payments to those members who paid using their StormPay account. You have to read their statement a few times to let the whole thing sink in (well I did anyay) As for what you have posted about PayPal & Midas, there are hundreds of similar accounts of this happening to people at that website. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas
Flag of John Partington

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Re: Stormpay Is Flexing it's muscles.
2/2/2006 7:12:50 AM
Hi Anthony, This is the action you will get from a firm who thinks its big enough and has enough businesses under its belt, to use bully tactics. I personally think that its got nothing to do with money laundering or fake accounts as all the other payment processors are prone to the same abuse. What businesses should do is tell Stormpay to disappear up its own rectum and move their business to another processor! Best Wishes John.
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Re: Stormpay Is Flexing it's muscles.
2/2/2006 9:54:12 AM
Isn't this the same basic story that will probably kill internet business? There are simply too many crooks in the whole proceedings. I recently tried to order a computer programme through an offer i received. When I placed the order they did not accept Paypal - they just wanted credit card details. Once they had this they then wanted a scan of both sides of my cerdit card, plus a scan of my driver's license plus a scan of a bankcard statement! How blatant can you get? They also use as a system called Metacharge for so-called 'pre-authorisation' (?). Whenever you try to get in touch surprise surprise - no way to connect!
Norm Clark
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Re: Stormpay Is Flexing it's muscles.
2/2/2006 10:16:23 AM
Anthony I think that is a really good ideal. Its a move that Storm Pay needed to do. They seen a problem and fixed it. You can't blame them. Take Care
Re: Stormpay Is Flexing it's muscles.
2/2/2006 5:28:43 PM
Hi All, It would seem that the majority vote is that what StormPay has done is good for the membership of StormPay. Personaly after a lot of surfing yesterday & today, it would seem that most of the Paid Auto-Surfs & HYIP's have thought the same way. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.

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