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Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
1/26/2006 3:15:29 AM
HI John, CONGRATULATIONS MY BROTHER AND GOOD FRIEND!:) John, I am so happy that you won this honor, although, I really had no doubts that you would. You are truly deserving of this honor, not only for all that you do for AdlandPro, but for being an all around great person and friend! You were one of the first people that became a friend to me here, and was always so nice and friendly, and always offering to lend a helping hand! You truly are a people person and you genuinely care about your fellow man. You are an inspiration to us all. You are a very special person, and a good Christian. Your faith in God shines through in all that you do, and God has truly blessed you. I am proud to be able to call you my friend and Brother in God's name. Keep up the great job you are doing, and much success to you in all that you do! God Bless You My Friend! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
1/26/2006 3:22:59 AM
To John Sanchez, Well Bro you finally got a wee bit back as mate you have been the backbone to all of it's happy place blog and I see it's doing rather well on the stock market,Yes that's right matey This is a list of all recognised outgoing links from this blog. URL Valuation B$3,222.92 Added 00:45 15 Aug 2005 - Pending: N/A Last Updated 00:39 20 Oct 2005 Status Available to Trade. Jeffreyobriens blogspot AdlandPro's Happy Place! Blogger Developers Network Well done my good man and Keep up the great positive influence you have with all that you do Mr John Sanchez I shake your hand with Honour of what you can achieve.You have topped this List P.O.T.Y. 2006 AWESOME HONOUR JOHN SANCHEZ regards Jeffrey OBrien
Craftie Linda

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Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
1/26/2006 3:23:29 AM
John Pal Congratulations you truly deserve this honour. The hard work you put in to your work and Projects. I am highly honoured in having you as a friend. You give a lot of friendship out at Adland. Thanks Linda
Eva Gutray

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Re: It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy
1/26/2006 3:30:07 AM
01/26/2006 Tasmania - Australia Dear Mr. John Sanchez, Congratulations Mr.John and enjoy the nomination and your family especially your grandson Warm Regards Eva ____________________________________________ We are Inviting you to Exchange Links with Us at : Http:// is interested in using the Internet to help bring and end to Child Poverty, and any person, and animals abuse, through education, and support of worthy organizations as chosen by the purchaser of World Win Sweepstakes The winner of Greeting - Gift all in one, will receive All expenses - paid VIP holiday for two + $$$$ in Australia - Tasmania, and many more CASH prizes
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Re: *Welcome John Sanchez! Winner Of The POTY 2005 Election*
1/26/2006 3:39:42 AM
Hello Marilyn! :-) Thank you so much for your kind words. You know that I have the deepest respect and admiration for you my friend. I feel that we're kindred spirits, you too enjoy doing the Lord's work. And you my friend do it with such a humble spirit. It's an honor to call you my friend. Love and blessings to you my sister in Christ! JOHN Blogs

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