10 Best Home Remedies For Cough

Cough is the common health problem experienced by each and every person. To clear the blockage and irritant from airway coughing started. If there is blockage or obstruction in throat than cough started because brain thought its happening due to foreign elements. Cough can be caused due to so many reasons like smoking, common cold and flu. This can be caused due to other health problem s and disease also like asthma or lungs related problems. There are some home remedies for cough
1. Garlic-
Garlic is very helpful in treatment of cough because it contain the antibacterial and antimicrobial components which are very powerful weapon against cough. Boil a two or three cloves of garlic in cup of water. When this preparation temperature comes to room temperature then add honey in this and drink this solution. This will bring relief to throat problem and relief you from cough. Garlic is the natural antibacterial vegetables which are mostly used for cooking purpose.
2. Ginger-
The most popular natural cures for cough are ginger. Make small slices of fresh ginger and also crushed it little before boiling. After it boil add some honey to the solution or drink as it is.
3. Lemon-
Lemon contain infection fighting vitamin C .lemon is the most powerful weapon which can be used in number of ways in curing cough. You can add lemon in black tea which gives you relief from cough problems.
4. Hot milk with honey-
If you are suffering from dry cough than you should take hot milk with honey. This combination is also helpful in getting relief from chest pain which is caused due to continue coughing. Try this drink before sleeping. This will help in keeping your throat well soothing and clearing the mucus.
5. Turmeric-
The most common herbs which available in every kitchen are turmeric. Boil one tablespoon of turmeric power and one tbspoon of carom seed in a cup of water until the water volume become half. Take this herbal solution twice or thrice a day. You can also add honey with this solution for better taste.
6. Grapes-
With the help of grapes condition of lungs can be improved and coughing symptoms can be relief. The mucus can be release from the affected part of respiratory system with the help of grapes. Grapes juice with honey is very beneficial for health.
7. Cayenne-
The pain in chest which is caused due to continuous coughing can be reducing by use of cayenne. Cayenne is warm and stimulating remedy in relieving from cold and cough. We can make healthy syrup by adding cayenne with ginger, apple acid vinegar and honey. And take this syrup 2-3 times a day.
8. Carrot juice-
The goodness of many vitamins and nutrients carried by carrot. These vitamins and nutrients are very helpful in coming out of the problem of cough. Fresh juice daily helped in maintaining good health for lungs.
9. Almond-
Almond is very rich in nutritional properties and which are helpful in fighting against cough. Take 6-6 almonds and put it in water for 10 hours. After that make the paste of almonds and add butter in it. Eat this paste daily to cure yourself from cough.
10. Onion-
Onion is easily available in every kitchen. Very easy method to relief from cough is to cut onion. When onion cuts it vapors helps to stop coughing.