
Who is Bob Shoaf?

Bob Shoaf

Bob Shoaf
Member SinceThursday, November 1, 2012
Last ActivityThursday, October 8, 2020
LocationAlamogordo, New Mexico, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I, Bob, was born in Missouri. After high school graduation I joined the Air Force. I was in the Air Force 8 years. I met Lucy here in Alamogordo, NM while stationed at Holloman AFB. We were married in June, 1964. Gong on 49 years now. Best thing I've ever done. She encouraged me to go to college. After being out of high school for 8 years, that was quite a struggle. But I made it. I fell in love with Computer Science. I spent many, many hours in their lab. I got a Math degree with a very strong Computer Science minor.

We have 4 daughters and 8 grandchildren. All have gone through the 12 years of education here in Alamogordo. They have all graduated from high school very well prepared for college. They all have degrees from New Mexico Stat University in Las Cruces, NM.

Our oldest Sandy is a Computer Scientist. Lisa, a high school Math teacher, Barbara, a nursing degree and Nancy a business degree.

Lucy has a Masters as Reading Specialist. Taught 7th and 8th for years.
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Ralph White - (1/23/2016 9:17:08 PM) : "QUOTE OF THE DAY" Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no ti
Ralph White - (3/5/2015 7:31:54 AM) : “By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” ~Dr. Edward Group III
Mohamed Hassan - (3/4/2015 2:57:20 AM) : Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing.
Ralph White - (7/10/2014 2:29:15 PM) : Hello, my fellow Adland member. I hope that you are having a wonderful day and always remember that making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.
Danny Kuhlmann - (5/30/2014 12:45:51 AM) :
Ralph White - (4/28/2014 4:37:09 PM) : Success Quote For My Fellow Adland Member “Success is not obtained overnight. It comes in installments; you get a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow until the whole package is given out. The day you procrastinate, you lose that day's success.” ― Israelmore Ayivor
Christina Ann - (1/27/2014 1:27:54 AM) : Hello :-)
Lynn Lamont - (12/19/2013 1:52:37 PM) : Hello Bob and Lucy, I am an educator also with a M A degree from NYU in Education. After teaching for 12 years, I am now working from home for Empower Network, a marketing company that has grown to $72M in just two years. May I kindly have your email address> If you like I would send you more information. I saw your interest in home businesses. Thanks! Lynn Lamont
Nellie . - (12/7/2013 4:29:52 AM) : Hi Bob and Lucy, Happy Holidays! Nellie
Janeil Bent - (11/27/2013 10:41:26 PM) : Thank you Bob, Happy Holidays!


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