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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 12:25:31 PM
Hey Diane welcome!

Glad to see you here. Love the name of your blog :-)

Yea, visiting and commenting will bring traffic to your blog. But fresh content on a regular bais will really improve ranking on the search engines so your site is not lost in the millions..

I'm hoping we can all help each other :-)

Look forward to visiting your blog!

Thanks again for joining, I appreciate it!

Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Branka Babic

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 2:29:41 PM
Hi Lesly,

I thank you very much for your kind words.
I have visited and enjoyed (and still I am there :) ) your "Mindful Birth and Parenting" blog. When I wish to post comment, I have a technical problem. I do not own any site nor blog, so I can't leave required web site link. This poor fact prevents me to access post comment field.

Your blog is very content and it provides such great and useful information. Even though I might not be in age for new parenthood, for me this is opportunity to validate, now from new perspective, my own experience, from my far distant pregnancy and delivery. I thank you for appearing here (now again, but with different reason). Pregnant woman and later mother, have not much in common. WOW it is now great to build a bridge between the two of them.

I enjoy all articles which I have read so far.
Another blog should wait to finish with this one.

Thank you.

RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 7:04:33 PM

I saw some really good bloggers in here, so I don't know if my blog is going to be interesting enough...
...though I'm writing for all the people in the world.

But surely I love blogging: it's one of the most inspirational things in the world. Because, while blogging, you are saying so many thing to so many people...

Finally, Branka is really AMAZING person!


Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 7:17:59 PM

This is great. Maybe this the time to commit.

I have meant to do a blog for a long time. I am very busy at present but will take a look at the weekend.


Diane Bjorling

2586 Posts
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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 7:48:34 PM
I hope that Lesly doesn't mind me answering you love art and you have found some awesome pictures...why not create a free wordpress blog ( sorry but I just love Wordpress)...put in the images you find with a bit of a write up..then you can put the images on to your blog..tweet and FB it if that is all the time you have
very workable


This is great. Maybe this the time to commit.

I have meant to do a blog for a long time. I am very busy at present but will take a look at the weekend.

