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Branka Babic

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/24/2013 7:54:06 PM
Lesly, I was tiding up my personal stuff online, and my blog content couldn't follow my personal growth, so with a due appreciation to all what it meant to me in time when I posted it, I deleted it.

I wished to share my favorite blogger's links, but after shaking my mind, I assumed it won't be proper. He can do it alone.

To my joy, I'd now visit and read your blogs.
Please do not mind for my limping English. I'd give my best to enable you to understand what I meant. BTW, I didn't tell you how much I am happy for you joining us. It is obvious that you are person who makes difference, and it is always pleasure to exchange thoughts and opinion with those who dare to think and to follow their own idea.

Appreciatevely yours,
RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/24/2013 8:40:08 PM
Hi Branka,

I am understanding you :-) and thank you for the compliment! Yes, let your friend share his blog as well. There's nothing wrong with you sharing to.

But I want to help people who blog, blog better, and get more traffic by visiting and commenting. You will see such a difference in ranking.

Take your time on your personal plog. I bet it will be wonderful because it will reflect your wonderful personality. I am honored to know you.
I appreciate your kindness very much.
Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Dave Cottrell

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 3:05:20 AM
What a great idea, Lesly. We have another Adlandpro member for who has had for many years a blogging group on Facebook, called Get your Blog Followers.

I am looking forward to seeing what everybody is sharing here, having quite a few blogs, myself (all of which need some TLC.)

My longest running is West Coast Opinion

What a welcome addition to Adlandpro. Thank you, Lesly.

RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 3:16:55 AM
Hi Dave!
Thanks for joining and wonderful to meet you! Looking forward to reading your blogs!
I appreciate the warm welcome :-)
Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/25/2013 3:33:51 AM
Hi Lesly..this is a huge oops for not getting in here sooner, my only excuse ( and it's a good was that I have been working a lot today and just didn't get the time.

I do have a blog that I need to get content on has been a very long time ( ya another oops lol)

I need to get in and change that theme..looking for one I would like and get it cleaned up again. If you do happen to read some of the content..ignore the dates they were written? lol

This is a super good idea and I hope many people will join in and comment on each others blogs with good quality comments ( they are the best kind)

A hat tip to you
