
Who is Georgi Dimitrov?

Georgi Dimitrov

Georgi Dimitrov
BirthdayMonday, August 28, 1989
Member SinceThursday, March 28, 2013
Last ActivityTuesday, June 4, 2013
LocationSofia (София), Sofia (София), Bulgaria Bulgaria
About Me
About Me

If you find my name a little bit strange, you can call me whatever you like: it could be Geo, or George, or GoGo, or anything. For me it's not that important, because I want to communicate with all of you. Yes, with all of you!

All my life I've been searching for something: some distant and unknown land, the Love of my life, Knowledge, Freedom, even the Life itself! I guess it's going to be like that till the end of my days.

Fortunately, I have found a lot of things throughout my existence (very short for some of you) and I consider it a "must" to share. With all of you.


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Lesly Federici - (5/2/2013 6:18:34 PM) : Hi Georgi, received your email today. Thank you so much and look forward to a good friendship! Have a wonderful day...
Diane Bjorling - (4/2/2013 8:27:02 PM) : What a wonderful invitation you sent and I am very glad to accept. I hope that you have a good time here..lots of things happening! If you need any help, I will do all I can to give you the answers I do have and will search for the ones I don't know..that way we can help each other
Alain Deguire - (4/2/2013 5:52:24 PM) : Thank You Georgi for Joining The Busine$$ Succe$$ Group.I am glad to have YOU in! All The Best!
Branka Babic - (4/1/2013 10:28:05 PM) : Ken, thanks for offering support to Georgi. After reading his "About me" and after a few brief contacts, I am really willing to help as much as I can. Georgi, to your success!
Ken Wolff - (3/30/2013 10:42:25 PM) : Hi Georgi! Welcome to Adlandpro. If I can help you to get the most out of this great community, please give me a shout. Ken


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