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RE: Let's Start Sharing
4/28/2013 1:38:46 PM
Hi Georgi,
Visited your blog! Great article on singing to learn a new language...!
Lesly :-)
Lesly Federici RN http://www,
Andrew Anderson

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
9/23/2013 6:52:47 AM
As I stated in another post I have been blogging for over a decade having owned over a dozen blogs including MyViral Blog which was quite well known and loved prior to my taking a year off due to surgery and recovery. I was saddened to find when I came back online that I had forgotten to renew the domain.

I have now started over with a new blog at and I also blog about SEO on the soon to launch AZ where I will offer Local Search Optimization and Social Media Marketing services.

I am currently looking for opportunities to guest blog and for guest authors at Hot In Yuma which is focused on current events and online business marketing. The right bloggers come along and we might become regular contributors to keep content fresh on all our websites.

NOTE to potential contributors, I do have a echelon group planned where I will be teaching proprietary website and blog marketing tactics that have generated over 3 million monthly visitors for my former business at and had the PR3 MyViralBlog seeing 800K page views per month. I don't care if you're fighting bounce issues or have had trouble getting established as long as I see the following 3 things.

1. You own your own domain name - Quality Link Partner
2. Informative and well researched blog post.
3. Your blog is about Current events, Online Marketing, or Conservative Political Opinion.

All else we can work on together.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Let's Start Sharing
9/23/2013 8:48:09 AM

First of all I'm delighted to see Andrew here.

I have missed your input at Adland.


It's my intention to start blogging soon so will follow what happens here.

