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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Proof of Why it's So Darn Easy to Succeed Online.
1/13/2006 12:41:48 PM
HI Linda, You have great topics as always. In addition to what it was said in here I believe that small businesses will win over big guys because of the closer relationship. As you and I know, we work hard on building relationship with our customers and visitors. We offer way more value over the time through our products, services and free advice. In addition our customers are given option to earn money by recommending products which they believe in through affiliate program. In fact I wouldn't be able to produce 10% of what I'm producing without affiliate program. Bogdan Fiedur
Janise Collins

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Re: Proof of Why it's So Darn Easy to Succeed Online.
1/13/2006 12:44:25 PM
Linda, I use a monthly newsletter and I also have offered an Ezine book. But this past Christmas I offered a one-on-one contact contract which offered a Christmas elf who did all their christmas shopping. The customer emailed me their Christmas wish list and I offered from my online shopping mall. I used a spreadsheet and submitted my suggestions per the customer's list. It worked great and I had one-on-one contact with my customers. My suggestions and some of my methods :) Your friend, Classic Corners
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
John Dawson

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Re: Proof of Why it's So Darn Easy to Succeed Online.
1/16/2006 11:32:14 AM
Hi Linda, We agree with all the postings. Possibly another reason is the fact that you will speak to the person that actually made the product and knows what they are talking about. John & Barbara
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Re: Proof of Why it's So Darn Easy to Succeed Online.
1/18/2006 12:34:45 AM
I definately have to double up on Winstons' point. Great customer service is very important and that leads into another point which is constant contact with your customers. This keeps your name or brand in their eyes which will make your place one of the first stops when they need a product you provide.
Re: Proof of Why it's So Darn Easy to Succeed Online.
1/19/2006 1:01:26 AM
Hi everyone, I'll chime in on personal service being a very important reason for small business success. The lack of red tape is a big advantage to the samll business too. Nice to be here posting again. I was very busy over the Holidays and for the past couple of weeks. Larry

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