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Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
8/31/2013 7:23:49 PM

10_1_136.gifHi Roger,

I have been trying to respond to you ever since you posted. I finally made it. First, I want to thank you once again for all your support. I realize that there are many people that do not have the same beliefs as I have. I have repeatedly stated that fact. I also realize that there are thousands of people in the U.S. alone that have had some type of experience in this field. Many of those people were non believers before their encounter which left them shocked as an aftermath. There are so many things that we still do not know about our planet and I am just trying to ask people to keep an open mind on the subject. I will take the ridicule because I realize that that is the only way that some people know how to react. At the same time, I want those that share my beliefs to know that I support them 100% Here is a music video that depicts the topic. I noticed while viewing videos on you tube that these videos get a lot of views.

Sephiroth is Extraterrestrial




Thanks Mike,

Having difficulty with video I'm afraid.


10_1_136.gifHi Roger,

Yes, it does appear that way. I believe what I am in is what you would call a Sticky Wicker. I am going to try another video. These appear to be from either a seies of movies geared for the young, or in one response they seam to be characters in a video game.

Extraterrestrial Sephiroth

This next one is supposedly a message on a UK T.V. station. I know that the UK covers a lot of territory, however I brought this in to see if you recall hearing about it.

Alien Warning Message Live on T.V. in UK

I hope these two show up. As usual, I am not able to view the whole videos myself until I get a faster computer. The only way to do that is to go DSL, however at this point I cannot afford it. I try to view at least five minutes of any given video which takes about three hours. Just to let you know, the help that you gave me last year was helpful, however I made the wrong investment. Once my friend has some free time, I will be up and running once more, temporarily.



smogmeinichols3.jpgI wonder if she is British????

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
9/4/2013 1:13:51 AM

10_1_136.gifHi all,

As I do believe that Extraterrestrial beings do exist and that they have been here for quite some time, I do not believe that they are all good or all bad. I feel that there is good and bad in all beings. The more that I learn, however, the more that I tend to question. The Annunaki's, as an example, do not seem to have very good credibility on a whole. As I said, some good, some bad. Here are a couple of videos to help you decide for yourselves. I also believe that those that are working with various governments around the world seem more inclined to world domination rather then helping the citizens.

Annunaki: Don't watch this film-Extraterrestrial Origin


Solid Proof on 2012 and it is scary

Once again, I hope these come up


Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: UFO Revelations
9/4/2013 8:54:41 AM

What a wonderful subject this is. Even those who don't believe must be forced to think about it.

You stick with it Mike.

Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
9/4/2013 11:21:30 PM

10_1_136.gifHi Roger,

I agree with you that it is a wonderful subject. I don't know if I would use the term "Force" however for some people it would apply. Through my interest in ufology I have learned a lot more about GOD and the Bible then I have ever learned reading the bible. Life itself is a constantly changing chain of events. Evolution evolves beings to eventually change in terms of their environmental conditions from extreme cold to extreme heat. It has been proven by archaeologists that the great flood did happen, as ancient fish bone of all types have been uncovered in every desert on Earth. I don't base my assumptions on whimsical thoughts that occur to me, but rather on facts that I have studied. Although timelines seem to be a little off such as huge revelations on 12/12/2012, I do believe that the Raptor is coming. The biggest difficulty that I see is that we are receiving an avalanche of fact and fiction mixed together. The majority of people around the world (including myself) have never seen GOD face to face, however they still believe that he exists. However, the same people, having never seen an alien or a UFO refuse to believe that they exist. I call it selective beliefs. All I am saying is that if people could try to have an open mind on the subject, they will not panic as much when and if there is an invasion. Many alien races seem to have a much better understanding of who GOD is then we do. There is one theory that other worlds could not sustain life because there atmosphere has elements of ten or twenty poisonous gasses in it that would make it impossible for life to exist. Back in the mid 70's, when computers were becoming more sophisticated NASA probed a particular planet to see whether life could exist on that planet. Results were computerized and found that there were 137 toxic gasses and chemicals in the atmosphere including methane and arsenic, and the conclusion was that there was a zero percent change of any type of life existing in such a toxic atmosphere. NASA did the test about four more times, getting the same results every single time. The planet in question was EARTH!!



smogmeinichols3.jpgI think I saw her on the Golf Course today. She had a nice follow through.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
RE: UFO Revelations
9/5/2013 3:47:41 AM
Hi, I hate to disappoint you with all these great man made images. But you and me, and others aren't reading the scriptures correctly, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15 verse 40," There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of celestial is one, and the glory of terrestrial is an another. Man has stated EXTRA-terrestial not terrestrial. God states one thing and man want to make his own thoughts and reasoning which is foolish. The philosophy of man is foolish!! So I apologize for the misunderstanding to all.

These are nothing but Demons transformed to other images to distract from truth of Lord. This is not in the bible, so man has always twisted the scriptures according to their beliefs. God is not a liar. Man is a liar. Man doesn't want to listen nor subject to truth in the bible. God has pour his wrath on this corrupted world with pestilences, earthquakes, disease etc. I can't wait when the Messiah rules along with True Black Hebrew Israelites!!! Amen. God Bless and Take Care

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