Hi Alexia,
First off, you never have to apologize for stating your opinion in here. I respect you and your opinion. If there is anyone in here that tries there very best to be close to GOD it is you. GOD wrote the bible, however as you stated Man translated the bible to contour to the religious beliefs of his particular sect. Although not all words were changed, certain religious orders gave their definition of what those words meant. The Bible has always been called "The book of Mysteries." There are a lot of beliefs that we have all grown up with that were taught to us by whatever Denomination we belonged to, however many of these beliefs are not even written in the bible. As an example, the Book of Genesis. When Eve took a bite of the fruit from the tree of knowledge (there was never any mention that the fruit was an apple, we assumed that it was) and handed the fruit to Adam and inticed him to take a bite (they both noticed that they were naked, and being ashamed they hid and covered their bodies) When GOD called out, asking why they hid themselves, they were afraid. Not because they disobeyed HIS orders not to partaked of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, but rather because they were naked and knew that it was wrong. GOD did not say that being naked is wrong, that was an assumption made by Adam and Eve. Even those that can get by this revelation seem to miss the main point of this whole scenario. If they had never been tempted, humans throughout history would be running along the plains, hunting for their next meal, an oblivious to the world around them. Therefore, in conclusion to this message, it was never intended for humans to be the intelligent race on Earth. Had Satan not intervened, we would all been naked. Wait a minute, in some cases that would not be so bad. As there has always been a Grand plan, who, or what, would have represented the knowledge on Earth? There is a lot of speculation on this, however In The Beginning one day represented 50,00 years to 1,000,000 years. Remember Carl Sagan said that there are billion and billions of planets in the Universe.
Therefore, you may be correct in saying that there are cellestial bodie, human bodies and terrestrial bodies on Earth. So, extraterrestrial bodies may be travelling here not to invade, but rather come home. It is an undeniable fact written in the Bible, that we humans were never meant to have intelligence. So, if that be the case, all I have left to say is, Welcome Home!!!
It has been a long, long time.
If you need directions, be sure to drop in.