Hello everyone,
One of the reasons for creating this forum was to bring to the attention of all that with everything that is going on around us, we can no longer afford to live the pampered lives that we have been living. As Alexis pointed out, (With Proof) we have always had access to the Truth in our Bibles if we would only open the book and read it!! No matter what denomination we happen to be, we have found it easier to listen to what the clergy wants to teach us, and not teach ourselves. Therefore, if we did happen to have the chance to see a UFO in the skies, or a flotilla of ships, and the Air Force brought out a statement saying that it was a weather baloon or they were Marsh Gasses rising from the skies, we were comfortable with those explainations. Why? Because we don't want to believe that Life exists on other planets because we would then wonder what horrible things they could do to us if they did exist. What could they possibly do to us that we have not already done to ourselves? Are they going to skyjack passenger aircraft and steer them into tall buildings killing thousands of innocent people? Oh, wait a minute. We have already done that to ourselves. We have killed thousands of people in Gas chambers because we did not like their nationality. We have killed innocent first grade children, denying them the rights to a full life, and now we are fighting for the rights to own the assault rifles that took those children's from their loving families. Every single day, innocent people around the world die needlessly and by horrific means like being gang raped on a bus for two hours while the driver and passengers pretended that nothing was happening, or by someone in a movie theatre mowing down people that only wanted to enjoy a movie. We continue to look the other way while our neighbors and friends are being tortured, however we wonder what Diabolical Schemes our neighbors in the sky have in store for us. What could they possibly do to us they we have not already done to ourselves? When are we going to learn to love instead of Hate?
The U.S. Government Shut down the Space Program. Do you seriously believe that? The Space Program is Alive and Well, however it is now a Covert operation, and situated deep in the Earth's crust. There are areas on our planet where full cities exist miles below the surface. We cannot live our complacent lives anymore because a lot of the secret activity going on will be emerging very quickly, and if we are not prepared, we will be left behind.
There are several Galctic organizations that are preparing us for the change, however some new information is emerging that may question their true intentions. Our intergalatic neighbors are pretty much like us. Some are good while others are bad. Therefore, it is time to awake from our deep sleep, shake off the cob webs, and get down to business. Here are a couple of videos that hopefully will be Wake up calls.
Alien Contactee's Revelation on Radio
96 Answers of an Alien from Andromeda
If you have the time, watch the related videos as well, because there is a lot of information that we do need to know in order to make the right decision for our future.