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Cheri Merz

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Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:58:59 PM
Linda, Here's my answer: I believe that it can be learned, hands down. I believe that because of my own experience, and oddly enough part of my experience included the movie "What the Bleep?" When we were kids, I used to annoy my sister no end when she would say "You're right." and I would reply "I'm always right." (I've always had a pretty high opinion of my own intelligence, lol. My only redeeming social value was my ability to laugh at myself.) Curiosity was in my blood, but I wouldn't say that adventure was. Nevertheless, it was when I began to let go of that 'always right' attitude that I also began to be open to learn why I hadn't experienced the success in business that I wanted. As soon as I became more willing to make a mistake, as soon as I became more open, I began to experience more and more success in many aspects of my life, including financial. I want to make it clear that the only thing I changed radically was my attitude. All other changes, mostly minor in terms of my actions, were a result of the change in attitude. Now, I'm not saying that I'm done. And it's true that the first thing one must do is open one's mind. Some people seem to be born that way, others have to make an effort. I had to make an effort. But I have proven to myself at least that one can learn the power of choosing one's attitude. I did, and so have all the students of NLP, all the followers of the teachings of Abraham and other spiritual leaders, all of the students of the Sedona Method, followers of the various Science of Mind spiritual beliefs and the many Bleepers out there. Oh, yes, it can be learned. Cheri
Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 1:05:59 PM
Hi Bryan; ========================================= The three groups I find are;-) 1. No money and they think the Internet is the answer, they believe all the hype and get sucked in to more debt. 2. Have been burned by a program, and still looking for the one that will give them big bucks with no investment, of time or money. 3. And the best ones are the ones that sign up for every offer on the net and then when you try to contact them they tell you that they did not. ========================================= Those are ALL subsets of Group 1 in my list. They are doing the same things over and over - and they don't work. I've worked with a LOT of business owners from all walks of life. I've worked with major television stations, major magazines, and I've worked with small home businesses. Right now, I am working on a home based business and I am also working on the web presentation for a charity event that will be featured at the Golden Globes and on E! Entertainment television. So, when I say I have worked with "all walks of life" I'm not kidding, nor am I patting myself on the back. Just the facts. Speaking very honestly, I'd say that 90% of people at Adland fit into Group 1. (From my "group" descriptions, not yours. lol) That doesn't mean they aren't nice people. There's lots of nice people failing at business. It doesn't mean they aren't willing to help others. There's lots of people with failing businesses that will give you the shirt off their back. But, willingness to help only goes so far. One can't feed the hungry when one's own cupboards are bare. Where people fit into the groups I described has nothing to do with how nice they are, or how helpful they are. It has to do with whether their habits are working FOR their business - or against it. : ) Linda
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 1:12:22 PM
Hi Linda, You asked. So, what do you think? Do you think the traits of people in Group 3 are learned? Or things they're born with? I don't think people are necessarily born with certain traits. Some people who are quite successful have parents who were poor and exactly the opposite to what we consider as success. If people were born with abilities to be successful, everybody in their families should be successful or successful to some degree based on the genetics. We know that this is not the case. We learn to be successful through our experiences and environment. There was this case where a women was in the car accident and she lost her memory. She used to be single mom living on social assistance. When she got healthy again, she wrote a book and become very successful person who would go from seminar to seminar and teach people how to succeed in life. She was very confident and cheerful, which was the opposite to what she used to be before the accident. I'm pretty positive that everybody has things in them to make them successful, they just need to discover it and unfortunately 95% of them never do. This is partly due to our education system and thy way we are raised. Bogdan Fiedur
Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 1:39:42 PM
Hi Bogdan; =========================================== Some people who are quite successful have parents who were poor and exactly the opposite to what we consider as success. If people were born with abilities to be successful, everybody in their families should be successful or successful to some degree based on the genetics. We know that this is not the case. We learn to be successful through our experiences and environment. =========================================== That's a very excellent point. because we DO see families where most of the family are successful. And, also, families where most of the family are not successful. - Look at Ann Landers and Dear Abby. - And the Baldwin brothers (Alec Baldwin & brothers) Another excellent example is Nicholas Cage. He's the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, but went into acting using the last name Cage to make it on his own merit. Though the "name" didn't help him rise to success because he didn't use it, what he LEARNED from his family very certainly did. In the same token, we see families where generation after generation works in construction, or labour, or in the mines. We see generation after generation living on social assistance. So - perhaps genetics may not be the factor - but perhaps what we LEARN from our families just might have an effect. The bonus to this is that we can always unlearn and relearn. As you said... "We learn to be successful through our experiences and environment" That is very true. Change our environment and change our experiences - and we learn different things. : ) Linda
Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 1:52:57 PM
Linda stated But, willingness to help only goes so far. One can't feed the hungry when one's own cupboards are bare. I think this could be expanded upon a little bit. The willingness to help is always very nice however if the help is offered from a knowledge base that has no foundation in the help they are offering or the person that is offering the help has a complete lack of credability in the information, then is it really any help or just another chance to post something? A lot of the so called help that people offer is based upon wrong information that they themselves think is correct and it might not be or it is based upon a total and complete lack knowledge.

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