Here's my answer: I believe that it can be learned, hands down. I believe that because of my own experience, and oddly enough part of my experience included the movie "What the Bleep?"
When we were kids, I used to annoy my sister no end when she would say "You're right." and I would reply "I'm always right." (I've always had a pretty high opinion of my own intelligence, lol. My only redeeming social value was my ability to laugh at myself.) Curiosity was in my blood, but I wouldn't say that adventure was.
Nevertheless, it was when I began to let go of that 'always right' attitude that I also began to be open to learn why I hadn't experienced the success in business that I wanted. As soon as I became more willing to make a mistake, as soon as I became more open, I began to experience more and more success in many aspects of my life, including financial. I want to make it clear that the only thing I changed radically was my attitude. All other changes, mostly minor in terms of my actions, were a result of the change in attitude.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm done. And it's true that the first thing one must do is open one's mind. Some people seem to be born that way, others have to make an effort. I had to make an effort. But I have proven to myself at least that one can learn the power of choosing one's attitude. I did, and so have all the students of NLP, all the followers of the teachings of Abraham and other spiritual leaders, all of the students of the Sedona Method, followers of the various Science of Mind spiritual beliefs and the many Bleepers out there. Oh, yes, it can be learned.