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What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:09:30 PM
Hi! Have you seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" If you've ever had any fascination with how your mind affects your life, you'll really enjoy the movie. "What the Bleep?" helped me see what I've experienced with clients in a new light. See, every client comes to me wanting to make the web "work" for them. I realized that, when it comes to business, there are three "kinds" of people that I've worked with. What's more, I can predict their odds of success depending on which group they are in. Group 1: The biggest group The biggest group of people are those that are set in their ways - and their ways aren't working. They are the people that don't want to change anything "they" are doing - but want me to come up with a magic solution that will make what they're doing work. I could give you tons of examples of that group. People in this group are in the same place (or worse) that they were a year ago, and they'll be in the same position a year from now, too. Success rate in this group is pretty close to nil. For those people, my words of advice would be this; "The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same things and expect different results." Group 2: The second largest group The second largest group are the people will will read, learn and absorb - but will not apply what they have learned. They can't leave the safe harbour of their comfort zone. They continue "doing" the same things that aren't working. Success rate in this group is very low, but occassionally happens. Usually they succeed if their competition is even less adventurous and less competent than they are. For those, my words of advice would be this; "You can't get to treasure island without first leaving the shore" Group 3: The smallest group The smallest group of people are those that truly realize the power of choice. Those that are committed to finding answers over preserving ego. Those that are willing to change what they are doing and try new things. Adventure and curiosity are in their blood. Those that are willing to make mistakes in order to learn from them and refuse to see a mistake as a failure. Instead, they see a mistake as one more step to finding out what works. For those, my words of advice would be this; "Never stop asking questions. Never get so comfortable that you stop growing, because you are one of the people that progess depends on. Continue growing and everyone will benefit. You will, yes, but others will, too." Almost every success story that I have worked with has been people from Group 3. Rarely, a group 2 person will succeed. But, rarely. People talk of the statistics of success. We have here, too. 95% of websites fail. 2% of affiliates make 98% of the profit. 95% of people fail to succeed in MLM. And yet.... if we separated people into the above three groups, those numbers would play out very differently. In Group #3, the success rate would be so high that it would blow your mind. So - here's a question for you. Do you think the "nature" of people in Group #3 is learned? Or something they're born with? Linda
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:25:37 PM
Hi Linda, You must have felt my energy today and wrote this article so I could use it to support what I needed to say to my group of attendees of my online workshop. Thank you for that. Bogdan Fiedur
Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:42:31 PM
Hi Bogdan; You're very welcome! So, what do you think? Do you think the traits of people in Group 3 are learned? Or things they're born with? : ) Linda
Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:42:41 PM
So - here's a question for you. Do you think the "nature" of people in Group #3 is learned? Or something they're born with? As we know from the study of Quantum Physics, "Matter" can move forward and backward in time and objects may be in two places at once. Wait, you say you didn't know that, or you didn't know that by simply looking at an event you can alter it instantaneously? Well you just learned and if you learned these already known and accepted facts then you also understand that the "nature" of people in group 3 is or can be learned.
Bryan Backstrom

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Re: What the bleep? Three kinds of people...
1/10/2006 12:49:01 PM
Hi Linda, The three groups I find are;-) 1. No money and they think the Internet is the answer, they believe all the hype and get sucked in to more debt. 2. Have been burned by a program, and still looking for the one that will give them big bucks with no investment, of time or money. 3. And the best ones are the ones that sign up for every offer on the net and then when you try to contact them they tell you that they did not. Well enough of that. I have found a lot of friends here at Adland, that are willing to help out and they fit into your groups. Most are in the group 3. So we here at Adland are more than just friends we are business people with our own little businesses but always have time to help when needed. A friend or a friend of a friend. Bryan
Bryan Backstrom Extreme Team Leader Enviro-Max Plus

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