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9/2/2012 12:43:06 AM
Those of us who keep track of what is going on in the world through various news sources are well aware of the obvious bias of the MSM. Thankfully more people are gradually waking up to the true facts and are realizing just how biased and untrue most of their news reporting is. It's news sources like the CFP who are helping to educate those who want to be educated and as this writer points out there is so much at stake in this years presidential election. This years election is about salvaging what is left of our great nation and bring it back to it's former glory.

MSM influence is waning, readership numbers crumble, viewers

The Mainstream Media’s Last Stand

Dave Macy Saturday, September 1, 2012
This is it! The 2012 Election is all about the future of America either returning to sanity and her fundamental roots of hard work, fairness, and less government—or moving “forward” into a socialist dung heap.
But this election is also about the controlling liberal media. It’s the media’s last stand. There is a realization that the MSM influence is waning. The New York Times and other print media have seen their readership numbers crumble as Middle America chooses to seek out other forms of information.
The “big 3” networks ratings along with CNN, once the main disseminators of news (albeit biased) continue to flounder in the shallow end of the pool. The MSM sees this election as do or die. It is truly about their survival, their relevance, their influence—and they will stop at nothing to keep the country moving “forward” into the abyss.
After years of liberal colleges churning out liberal advocacy journalists, the power of the MSM is being tested in the most extreme manner. The attempt to hold on to a presidency they see as emblematic of their own values must end in Obama’s re-election for them to remain meaningful. This is more about them holding on to power as it is a president getting a second term.

Nothing they can write, nothing they can broadcast, nothing they can pixelate in their attempt to demonize Republicans can bring into focus any positive achievements by their hero. In reality, the MSM truly sees this as an election that will either solidify their influence or bring about a notice in the obituaries.

There is nothing the MSM can do to motivate a disenchanted middle class that four years ago bought into the hype of a mirage which they helped create. Not caring about whom Barack Obama was as much as what his presidency might mean to the progress of liberalism in America, they never vetted the candidate. The “story” of history being made was greater than the truth. Now, almost four years later, there is no more contagious hope and change surrounding a failed presidency. The disdain Obama has shown for the MSM is obvious in his lack of access to them, preferring to field interviews from People Magazine and late night entertainers.

And yet—they continue to carry water for an ideologue whose obvious contempt for any media that would even question his hard work and dedication to moving “forward”. Here’s the clincher: Barack Obama isn’t fooling the masses anymore. And the MSM knows it. This is truly a case of exercising what is left of their fading glory. It is in essence, the MSM’s Last Stand.

9/2/2012 1:29:28 AM

Faith is the foundation of America

We tried hope and change. It’s time for hope and redemption

- Guest Column--Adam Weiker Friday, August 31, 2012

As I sit here watching the final night of the 2012 RNC, I am simply blown away. I do believe I have been won over. The speakers of this RNC have given us the opportunity to see beneath the veil of political postering and intrigue, giving us the chance to find out about who Mitt Romney really is.

And I have to admit, he comes across as an honorable man.

Politics has become an incredibly ugly and dirty business. I sincerely do not expect any one person to enter politics, no matter how good or full of integrity they may be, to pass through 100% unscathed. We are all human and prone to make mistakes.

It is entirely possible that Romney and Ryan may be the right men at the right time.

As I look back over the last 100 years of American history, I can see the dominoes of a sinister and seductive plan to transform our country, tipping forward and falling one at a time, pushing forward towards a final act of fundamental change that would change the face of America forever.

But at the same time, I see a parallel path running alongside this dark agenda. One of hope and providence, of people working tirelessly to save America one day at a time. On September 11th, 2001, the worst act of war since Pearl Harbor happened on American soil. At the same time, Romney pulled the Winter Olympics out of not only a financial crisis, but a moral and ethical quagmire completely devoid of honor or integrity. Bush and Romney both played a role during this crisis, and now we have come full circle.

We have been on a path of self-destruction for such a long time now, but there is hope. Because we have also been on a parallel path of redemption without even realizing it. As dark as it may seem, there has been a beacon of hope burning in the night that has only just now become unveiled.
The time for hope and change has passed. The time for hope and redemption is upon us. We are now taking our first steps on this path with our eyes wide open, having been on this path for a long time now without even realizing it. It is not an easy path. Redemption never is. But it is a path worth traveling no matter what the cost, and one I myself am willing to travel. I hope my fellow Americans feel the same way, because united together we can bring about true hope and fulfill the promise of Redemption for the United States of America.
This is not the end of the path, but only the beginning. As long as we travel this path with eyes and hearts wide open, we can overcome any obstacle put in our way. Together. United. As a country and as a people.
Under God.
Faith is the foundation of America, no matter how much some people might wish to deny that fact. Faith, forgiveness, and redemption is the path to a better and brighter future.
Hold your heads high fellow Americans. Hold strong to your faith. Accept the flawed humanity that we are and embrace the outstretched hand of providence as it offers us Redemption in our darkest hours.
May God bless America.

9/2/2012 7:22:15 PM

By Catherine Jimenez

One of the things that drives me nuts about being a Conservative woman is that I am automatically type-casted as a Victorian-era, traditionalist stick in the mud. Conservative women are often viewed as wanting the world to “put women in their rightful place.” Which apparently is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant with no vote, no voice or no free will. They for some reason believe women in the Conservative world are “Stepford Wives” or controlled robots.

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Claire Huxtable's feminist rant!

9/3/2012 1:08:13 PM
Happy Monday Helen, I never go to McDonald's and rarely go to Burger King but occasionally I will go to Taco Bell when I am in the mood for a crunchy taco. Until I started on my gluten free diet my favorite fast food hamburger was Wendy's and their Berry Almond Chicken salad is fantastic but unfortunately is only a seasonal item. This past Saturday afternoon when I went to go get one they told me they were fazing them out for the summer. They were also out of the Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing that goes with the salad so they asked me if the Pomegranate Vinaigrette would be ok and it was just as good if not better than the raspberry. Salads are about the only thing I get at the fast food places anymore.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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9/3/2012 8:25:26 PM
Hi Evelyn

I rarely eat at any of these places either. Once or twice a year I eat a Big Mac. The point of the pictures is that the ads ALWAYS show better pictures than what you actually get.

I never eat at Burger King or Taco Bell and Wendy's is not convenient for me. I do eat a Teen Burger at A & W once in a while.

You don't need this stuff now that you have Thrive. You can take it with you wherever you go.


Happy Monday Helen, I never go to McDonald's and rarely go to Burger King but occasionally I will go to Taco Bell when I am in the mood for a crunchy taco. Until I started on my gluten free diet my favorite fast food hamburger was Wendy's and their Berry Almond Chicken salad is fantastic but unfortunately is only a seasonal item.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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