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8/21/2012 2:04:37 PM

Miguel a sick mind does sick things is the only explanation I can think of. :(

Have a blessed day. :)

Hi again Evelyn and friends,

This one story does call for exposition, it's so horrifying and certainly unforgivable.

Justice For Three Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks

Police in Cleveland, Ohio are searching for a man who committed a horrifying crime last week against three innocent dogs when he tied them to a secluded section of railroad tracks and attempted to video a train run them over. Two of the dogs were killed by an oncoming train, but the third was able to save itself by crouching off the side of the tracks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals posted a $5,000 reward Wednesday for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. Martin Mersereau, director for PETA, said the reward was offered because the man who tied the dogs to the tracks could “pose a serious threat to all animals – including humans.”

Police said the crime happened in the quiet waterfront neighborhood of Tremont. The shocking event was discovered by chance when a railroad employee witnessed from a distance the dogs being tied to the tracks and someone taking pictures or videotaping the offense.

By the time the worker got to the dogs, the train had passed by and the man was gone. The bodies of two of the dogs were on thetracks, but a two-year-old mix breed dog now called Chessie was alive.

Chessie was taken to the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. “She’s very lucky and very traumatized, but she is coming around,” said Shelter Kennel Manager Lesley DeSouza.

The deceased dogs and Chessie did not have tags or micro-chips. No one has come forward to claim any of the animals or offer leads to police.

After a ten day waiting period, Chessie became available for adoption on Friday. The shelter said it has been getting three emails or phone calls an hour about adopting her.

“She is amazingly friendly, and she likes to sit on your lap,” said DeSouza.

A Slap On The Wrist For Assailant

Before the weekend is over, little Chessie is certain to begin a new life. If her assailant is caught, he will only receive a “slap on the wrist” because of Ohio’s weak animal cruelty laws. ThinkProgress revealed that first time offenders in the state are sentenced with only 90 days in jail.

The Humane Society of the United States ranked Ohio 36 in its 2011 report, “Humane State Ranking” that assesses state animal protection laws. First time offenders of animal cruelty are charged with a second degree misdemeanor. The same offense is a felony in 44 other states.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund said, “The state’s lack of felony legislation for animal cruelty cases is a ‘substantial flaw’ in the law.”

Take Action: Please sign the petition – 3 Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks.

Related Stories:

Reward Offered For Dead Dog Covered In Graffiti

CJ The Chimp Escapes From Homes Twice

Top Reasons People Don’t Own A Pet

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
8/24/2012 9:18:12 PM

Miguel and Evelyn

This is worse than a sick mind. There is an explanation. The Devil knows his time is almost over and he is going back and forth through the earth to see whom he can devour and he is doing just that through any means he can find.

A mind that does these things is demonically possessed. It has to be. How else can you explain such evils as we are seeing today? Some come through prescription drugs and the other comes through people giving themselves over to Satan like those in the Illuminati and so on. Do you know that the Satanists in their rituals skin a baby while it is alive and then they kill it as a sacrifice to Satan?

In my studies of UFO and aliens, I have pretty much come to the conclusion that aliens are demonic beings. Some are benevolent and others are malevolent. The benevolent may be angels, I don't know but the malevolent seem to be demons. The malevolent demons are impervious to any and all armaments that have been used against them, it is said. The only thing that can keep them at bay is the name of Jesus. The Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow. At any rate, the demon leave when told to go in the name of Jesus. You might want to remember that if an alien tries to abduct you. They come to Florida, you know :))

The Bible says, "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." That reminds me of a man who died and came back to life. He tells what he saw on the other side. He says he was in hell or on the edge of hell. He described horrific abuse and evil. At one point, he began talking about God and Jesus. He said to the demonic beings abusing him it was like pouring boiling water on them and they would scream and retreat. He tried to pray but was having troubles remembering a prayer. Finally, he called out, "Jesus! Save me!" To make a long story short, Jesus came and healed and saved him.

My but I do go on sometimes and right off topic, too. I just want people to understand how evil Satan and his demons are. I tell people (whenever I can get away with it) to memorize Joel 2:32 "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." The best way to memorize anything is to write it out long hand. So I recommend people write it out 100 times and send it to someone. They can send it to me if they wish. Write me for my address. It must be written in long hand, not typed and not emailed. Send it by fax (phone first) or by snail mail. If you send it to someone else, it is even better because it will open a conversation about it and you never know who will be saved through it all.

God blesses you and prospers you.



Miguel a sick mind does sick things is the only explanation I can think of. :(

Have a blessed day. :)

Hi again Evelyn and friends,

This one story does call for exposition, it's so horrifying and certainly unforgivable.

Justice For Three Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks

Police in Cleveland, Ohio are searching for a man who committed a horrifying crime last week against three innocent dogs when he tied them to a secluded section of railroad tracks and attempted to video a train run them over. Two of the dogs were killed by an oncoming train, but the third was able to save itself by crouching off the side of the tracks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals posted a $5,000 reward Wednesday for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. Martin Mersereau, director for PETA, said the reward was offered because the man who tied the dogs to the tracks could “pose a serious threat to all animals – including humans.”

Police said the crime happened in the quiet waterfront neighborhood of Tremont. The shocking event was discovered by chance when a railroad employee witnessed from a distance the dogs being tied to the tracks and someone taking pictures or videotaping the offense.

By the time the worker got to the dogs, the train had passed by and the man was gone. The bodies of two of the dogs were on thetracks, but a two-year-old mix breed dog now called Chessie was alive.

Chessie was taken to the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. “She’s very lucky and very traumatized, but she is coming around,” said Shelter Kennel Manager Lesley DeSouza.

The deceased dogs and Chessie did not have tags or micro-chips. No one has come forward to claim any of the animals or offer leads to police.

After a ten day waiting period, Chessie became available for adoption on Friday. The shelter said it has been getting three emails or phone calls an hour about adopting her.

“She is amazingly friendly, and she likes to sit on your lap,” said DeSouza.

A Slap On The Wrist For Assailant

Before the weekend is over, little Chessie is certain to begin a new life. If her assailant is caught, he will only receive a “slap on the wrist” because of Ohio’s weak animal cruelty laws. ThinkProgress revealed that first time offenders in the state are sentenced with only 90 days in jail.

The Humane Society of the United States ranked Ohio 36 in its 2011 report, “Humane State Ranking” that assesses state animal protection laws. First time offenders of animal cruelty are charged with a second degree misdemeanor. The same offense is a felony in 44 other states.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund said, “The state’s lack of felony legislation for animal cruelty cases is a ‘substantial flaw’ in the law.”

Take Action: Please sign the petition – 3 Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks.

Related Stories:

Reward Offered For Dead Dog Covered In Graffiti

CJ The Chimp Escapes From Homes Twice

Top Reasons People Don’t Own A Pet

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Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
8/24/2012 9:33:36 PM

Hello Everyone

This is really bad news but this is the kind of bad news everyone
needs to know whether you think so or not. Pass it on.

And whether you want them or not I am going to give you some of
my comments about this. :))

Watch the video first and/or read the article ...and then read my
comments below about how you might to talk to your teenager.

The most dangerous drug in the world:

SCOPOLAMINE - 'The Devil's Breath' chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill.

Read more:

Here's my comments and thoughts which I hope you might find
helpful. If not, just ignore them.

First, you must sit down with young people in your life and tell them
about this dangerous drug. If they tell you they know about this
drug already, ask them what they know about it. Tell them, it won't
hurt to hear about it again. INSIST ON IT! They may not have all the right information. Tell them so. Say this, if they say they know
about this drug, "From whom did you hear about it?
You might not
know everything about it and even if you do, I want you to watch
this video."

Anything they may have heard about this drug is more than likely
watered down and not the whole truth. Even the person selling
such a drug may or may not know everything about it.

Have them watch the video on the website. Have them watch it
periodically so they don't forget. Anyone who wants them to take
the drug isn't going to tell them all the bad stuff about it.

When you are talking to young people about drugs and other things
realize that it is pretty well a given that they will do what they will
do whether you want them to do it or not. So talk to them from
that angle.

Here's something I might say......

"I know that when you have to make a decision about drugs,
drinking, smoking, sex, etc., I will probably not be there to see to
it that you make the right decision. So tell me then, who decides
what you will do. Does your teacher? Does your Dad? Does your
friends? Who makes the decision?" Now wait to hear the answer.

Throughout this whole conversation, you are just giving them things
to think about and help them make, hopefully, the right decision if
they ever need to make it.

Continue to ask questions and wait for the answer. Don't insist.
Just wait. If they don't answer you might suggest the answer or
go to the next question. Remember, you are going to have this
conversation again and again, I hope. Once is not enough. You
might do it again in 6 months and then once or twice a year.

Keep in contact with your child and have them give you the latest.
If they don't bring up the subject of drugs, admit that it worries you
and that you have heard how the nicest of kids have gotten sucked
into taking them and just ruined their entire lives. Skidrow is full of
them. We should go down there and have a look sometime. So tell
me, are you being asked to do drugs?" If he/she says 'yes', ask
her/him what did they do or say or ??

You might ask, "If someone wants you to try a drug, what are you
going to do?" This type of question might not illicit a response.
That's ok! You want them to think about this and say to
themselves if not to you, "Yeah, what will I do?"

Then you might say, "May I tell you what I would do if someone
asked me to take a drug of any kind?" Response or not ... "I would
say, 'well, I'd like to think about it. You can do it if you want. I
won't tell on you but I don't want to do this right now'."

Continue "This way you are not saying 'no' to your friends and it
buys you time for what you might do next time or whatever. Most
friends want you to do this with them because they want you to be
bad with them or they are afraid you might tell on them. Be sure to
assure them that you will not tell on them. If you want to you can
say 'This is not for me' ".

"What will you do in case they ask you next time?" If the teenager
shrugs and doesn't answer, it is because they just haven't thought
about it.

Continue with "You might want to consider making new friends. You
will become like those you hang around with. Take a good look at
them and see if that is the way you want to be. Some of these
friends may be very likable but do you want to go down the road
they are going?"

"If you don't want to change friends, is there something you can
do to educate or change your friends mind about things like drugs
or other things? For example, after you watch this video yourself,
you can say to your friends,'There's a street drug you might not
have heard about (or maybe you have). Let's check it out. It's on
the internet. Come to my house and let's watch the video together'.
I am just throwing out some ideas. You need to do this in your
own way."

Now tell them, "This is a biggie. I want you to promise me one
thing. Promise that you will ALWAYS do research on anything
anyone might want you do. Please check it out FIRST! And check
it out very well ..on the internet, in books and people who might
know. Come and talk to me about it whenever you wish. I may not
know much about it but we can talk and do research together or
separately. Always check it out first, ok? Will you do that?" This
time expect an answer to this last question." Add, "You will have
plenty of time to take the drugs if that is what you choose. I hope
you won't choose that but if you do, it will probably be too late for
me to do something about it so the ball's in your hands. Are you
going to throw it or are you just going to let it fumble out of your

"Most of the decisions people make occur on the spur of the
moment. Don't let that be you when it comes to something this

Have your kid phone me and talk to me if you wish. I remember a
time when some teenagers wanted me to buy booze for them. I
said, "No way!!" They asked me why. I told them, "I love you too

Please remember to pass this on ...all of it.


For those who have someone already involved in drugs, send me an email for the name of
something that may help them to break the addiction.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
8/26/2012 3:10:59 PM

Helen thank you for this explanation, it does make a lot of sense. When there are people who's only goal in life is to try and tear down someone and smear their good name, there seems to be no other explanation because as you say, how else can you explain such evils except they are demoniacally possessed. No one knows better than I do about these types who have a sick mind. Have a blessed week.


Miguel and Evelyn

This is worse than a sick mind. There is an explanation. The Devil knows his time is almost over and he is going back and forth through the earth to see whom he can devour and he is doing just that through any means he can find.

A mind that does these things is demoniacally possessed. It has to be. How else can you explain such evils as we are seeing today? Some come through prescription drugs and the other comes through people giving themselves over to Satan like those in the Illuminati and so on. Do you know that the Satanists in their rituals skin a baby while it is alive and then they kill it as a sacrifice to Satan?

In my studies of UFO and aliens, I have pretty much come to the conclusion that aliens are demonic beings. Some are benevolent and others are malevolent. The benevolent may be angels, I don't know but the malevolent seem to be demons. The malevolent demons are impervious to any and all armaments that have been used against them, it is said. The only thing that can keep them at bay is the name of Jesus. The Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow. At any rate, the demon leave when told to go in the name of Jesus. You might want to remember that if an alien tries to abduct you. They come to Florida, you know :))

The Bible says, "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." That reminds me of a man who died and came back to life. He tells what he saw on the other side. He says he was in hell or on the edge of hell. He described horrific abuse and evil. At one point, he began talking about God and Jesus. He said to the demonic beings abusing him it was like pouring boiling water on them and they would scream and retreat. He tried to pray but was having troubles remembering a prayer. Finally, he called out, "Jesus! Save me!" To make a long story short, Jesus came and healed and saved him.

My but I do go on sometimes and right off topic, too. I just want people to understand how evil Satan and his demons are. I tell people (whenever I can get away with it) to memorize Joel 2:32 "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." The best way to memorize anything is to write it out long hand. So I recommend people write it out 100 times and send it to someone. They can send it to me if they wish. Write me for my address. It must be written in long hand, not typed and not emailed. Send it by fax (phone first) or by snail mail. If you send it to someone else, it is even better because it will open a conversation about it and you never know who will be saved through it all.

God blesses you and prospers you.



Miguel a sick mind does sick things is the only explanation I can think of. :(

Have a blessed day. :)

Hi again Evelyn and friends,

This one story does call for exposition, it's so horrifying and certainly unforgivable.

Justice For Three Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks

Police in Cleveland, Ohio are searching for a man who committed a horrifying crime last week against three innocent dogs when he tied them to a secluded section of railroad tracks and attempted to video a train run them over. Two of the dogs were killed by an oncoming train, but the third was able to save itself by crouching off the side of the tracks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals posted a $5,000 reward Wednesday for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. Martin Mersereau, director for PETA, said the reward was offered because the man who tied the dogs to the tracks could “pose a serious threat to all animals – including humans.”

Police said the crime happened in the quiet waterfront neighborhood of Tremont. The shocking event was discovered by chance when a railroad employee witnessed from a distance the dogs being tied to the tracks and someone taking pictures or videotaping the offense.

By the time the worker got to the dogs, the train had passed by and the man was gone. The bodies of two of the dogs were on thetracks, but a two-year-old mix breed dog now called Chessie was alive.

Chessie was taken to the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. “She’s very lucky and very traumatized, but she is coming around,” said Shelter Kennel Manager Lesley DeSouza.

The deceased dogs and Chessie did not have tags or micro-chips. No one has come forward to claim any of the animals or offer leads to police.

After a ten day waiting period, Chessie became available for adoption on Friday. The shelter said it has been getting three emails or phone calls an hour about adopting her.

“She is amazingly friendly, and she likes to sit on your lap,” said DeSouza.

A Slap On The Wrist For Assailant

Before the weekend is over, little Chessie is certain to begin a new life. If her assailant is caught, he will only receive a “slap on the wrist” because of Ohio’s weak animal cruelty laws. ThinkProgress revealed that first time offenders in the state are sentenced with only 90 days in jail.

The Humane Society of the United States ranked Ohio 36 in its 2011 report, “Humane State Ranking” that assesses state animal protection laws. First time offenders of animal cruelty are charged with a second degree misdemeanor. The same offense is a felony in 44 other states.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund said, “The state’s lack of felony legislation for animal cruelty cases is a ‘substantial flaw’ in the law.”

Take Action: Please sign the petition – 3 Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks.

Related Stories:

Reward Offered For Dead Dog Covered In Graffiti

CJ The Chimp Escapes From Homes Twice

Top Reasons People Don’t Own A Pet

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8/26/2012 3:32:37 PM

Happy Sunday everyone, when I read this article today from my daily email from the CFP it brought back lots of memories. I always enjoyed reading anything Lewis Grizzard wrote and was shocked and saddened at his death at the age of 48. He was truly a patriotic soul and he wasn't bashful about letting everyone know it. Hope you enjoy this article. :)

Lost in the 60s of Drive-in movies, catfish and Dixie

- Calvin E. Johnson Jr. Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello America!

Do you remember the late Southern-American columnist, comedian and speaker Lewis Grizzard (October 20, 1946 –March 20, 1994) who made us laugh, think and be proud of whom we are? There are few that write with the heart and soul of Mr. Grizzard who wrote and spoke compassionately about subjects that included the American-South.

This column is dedicated in memory of an American-son of Dixie, Lewis McDonald Grizzard, Jr.

Do you remember when people didn’t always apologize for America and Lewis Grizzard, with his witty humor and Southern accent was un-apologetically proud of his Southern birth and that of his Confederate ancestors who defended their homes, family and way of life during the War Between the States, 1861-1865?

In an article from February 5, 1993, Mr. Grizzard wrote quote, “Whatever the reason, there was a citizenry that once saw fit to fight and die and I come from all that, and I look at those people as brave and gallant, and a frightful force until their hearts and their lands were burnt away. I will never turn my back on that heritage.” unquote

My memories of the 1960s include Saturday night supper with my family at the Rio Vista Restaurant on Stewart Avenue that featured all you can eat catfish or fried chicken and golden brown “melt in your mouth” hush puppies for a dollar and a quarter and later a double-feature movie at the Stewart Drive-in theater. Stewart Avenue and Theater were named after a Confederate soldier but sadly the street has since been renamed and the theater is gone. The Starlight Six is the only drive-in theater remaining in Atlanta, Georgia. See their website at:

New York City the “Big Apple” was famous in the 60s for the Broadway shows and folks came way down South in “Dixie” for Tara, Southern Belles and a taste of our famous Southern Hospitality. Soul Food Restaurants were also popular in the South with a deliciously different cuisine that included: ham hocks, black eyed peas, turnips and hush puppies that are just down home Southern food.

The Academy Award winning movie in 1965 was “The Sound of Music” with Julie Andrews that premiered in New York City and later in Atlanta for a near two-year run at Martin’s Georgia Cinerama Theater, which was located on Peachtree Street near the Fabulous Fox Theater.

During the 1960s America celebrated the War Between the States Centennial, 1961-1965, the Vietnam War was in its early days and we mourned the deaths of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963 and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968, and….

Dan Emmett’s song Dixie was still played at college football games from the Dixie Redcoat Marching Band at the University of Georgia to the “Pride of the South” University of Mississippi Band at Ole Miss where Colonel Reb was the school mascot.

In 1965, Atlanta’s Minor League team the Atlanta Crackers played their last season at the new Fulton County, Georgia stadium and the following year the Major League team the Atlanta Braves made their debut at that stadium…And, what about current Braves Veteran of 19 years Chipper Jones who celebrated his 40th birthday this year? Did you know the “Beatles” tour of the USA included Atlanta’s Fulton County Stadium in August of 1965?

Elvis Presley, Diana Ross and the Supremes and The Beach Boys were hot on the Rock and Roll scene and Loretta Lynn, George Jones and Roy Acuff performed at the Ryman Auditorium then Home of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee. Do you remember the Hullabaloo show on NBC during 1965 and ‘66 that aired the top pop hits of the day with guest hosts that included: Michael Landon, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Jerry Lewis?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin of America’s Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969, Colonel Sanders Kentucky “finger licking good” fried chicken was served at Davis Brothers Cafeteria, Jacobs Drug Stores where Coca Cola was first served still thrived and the “Popeye Club” with Office Don aired live in the early ‘60s from WSB TV White Columns on Peachtree in Atlanta.

Wherever you call home, memories with family and friends last forever. Ya’ll come back now, you hear!


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