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8/20/2012 1:12:33 PM

Helen I know the drought situation here in the states is one of the reasons food prices keep going higher and just look at all the wild fires and the destruction they have caused. I'm of the opinion this could very well be God's wrath upon a nation that for the most part have turned away from Him and his teachings. Have blessed week, my friend. :)


Hello Everyone

This newsletter comes from a company called Wyatt Research.

Their website is

It is a newsletter about investments and most of them like to scare the pants off of people so that you will buy their reports and w.h.y. This particular newsletter talked about investments to do with water ...what else? If anyone wants me to send them the rest of it, please send me an email to my private email address which is below in my signature.

I am only posting the part about the drought in the USA because I figure we need to pray for them who are suffering through this. I think a lot of people think the government will take care of it. What if it can not do it? There is only One who can do it and I think we better seek His face.


"Water Shortage Could Shake World Food Security"

"Drought causes Kansas cities to curb water use"

"Drought Conditions Worsen"

"The drought situation throughout Asia and the Arab crescent is dire - and well known - but the water crisis is reaching American shores and it's far worse than you've heard..."

Dear Reader,

You're used to reading about droughts abroad - in the "poor" or chronically drought-stricken areas of the world. Maybe you've even seen some footage on the news of people in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Somolia, fighting in the streets over scarce water resources.

But today water shortage is beginning to affect U.S. citizens - here, in America.

Today, for instance, nearly 90% of the state of Indiana is in the midst of a severe drought.

And today - there's an opportunity to invest in the water space... Which I'll get to in a moment.

But first, you should know...

The statements I make in this letter will probably seem strange or even unbelievable at first. I'm going to reveal some ugly truths about water shortages throughout the world - yes - but I will also touch on some American water problems that you may not be ready to hear about.

For instance...

"Indiana drought worsening"

And it's not just Indiana.

Over 50% of the counties in U.S. are under drought conditions according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

That's unprecedented in the post dustbowl era...

And the worst part is, the problem won't go away by itself. Not here in the United States - and certainly not in Asia or the Middle East.

That's because while rainfall would "help" the drought situation, and maybe save some crops in the short term...

Even a month of rainfall would do little to change the LONG TERM water shortage we'll face in this country and throughout the world.

Let me explain why.

Most people think water shortage is strictly due to low rainfall.

But a dry spell just brings these issues to light.

Because in many of America's worst-hit dry areas the problem goes much deeper.

I'm talking underground aquifers - where most municipalities and townships get the bulk of their fresh water.

And there are two different types of underground water supply: replenishable and un-replenishable.

Unfortunately for you, me and everyone else on this planet, the biggest and most important aquifers are the second kind.

You might have heard of the Ogallala aquifer. It's the huge, underground water supply that's responsible for irrigating the entire bread basket of America's fertile heartland.

From South Dakota down to Texas - it's the water supply that feeds the crop land that feeds the world!

In fact, it's the largest underground supply of water in the world. And it's being further depleted, year after year.

Already, former agriculture boom towns in Texas are dry.

Farmers in a place called Happy, Texas aren't very happy anymore as ALL of the wells in their town are completely bone dry.

Grain elevators in Happy stand as empty as the wells below.

According to geologist David Brauer of the USDA, we've ALREADY pumped the Ogallala down from an average depth of 240 ft to just 80 ft since 1950.

It's more than 2/3 depleted.

To repeat: The world's largest supply of underground fresh water is 2/3 depleted.

And once the Ogallala is pumped dry, it won't ever replenish.

You might have heard of "Peak oil" - the idea that we'll someday reach peak pumping capacity for oil - followed by a long, slow decrease in production.

In effect, we've already gone far beyond that capacity for water. But no one ever talks about Peak Water...

- snip -

8/20/2012 1:14:05 PM
Herman Cain offers real solutions to America's biggest problems

by Herman Cain

It’s in my nature to be cheerful and optimistic, and I am optimistic about the future of the United States. But it’s not in my nature to be delusional, and no nation can realize the vision of its most optimistic people if it doesn’t face up to the serious problems confronting it.

A good leader understands and acknowledges when a nation faces serious problems – and offers real solutions to those problems.

Unfortunately, the United States now faces a shockingly large number of big, serious problems and does not have the leadership in place that knows how to fix them – nor is our current leadership even willing to do so. Consequently, as we choose new leadership in this year’s elections, we must be clear about the problems we face and the solutions that are necessary to deal with them. One could argue that we face hundreds of problems, but I believe we will turn the country in the right direction if we focus on the right problems and get them fixed – and they are these:

Economic stall

Just because we are not technically in a recession doesn’t mean you can call our economic state of affairs a “recovery.” When the growth of our gross domestic product is sputtering along at a pathetic 1.5 percent, we are not recovering. The Obama administration was pretty excited last week when the new jobs report showed an uptick of 164,000, but it shouldn’t have been. That’s barely more than the number of people entering the work force, and the last two months the figure was about half that. This is why unemployment remains at a historically high 8.3 percent.
The jobs are not there. Why? Not only is the administration committed to anti-business policies today – particularly with the imminent tax increases associated with Obamacare – but the uncertainty over any number of future policies is killing job growth because businesses are unwilling to make big commitments. They have no idea what’s coming even in the near term.

The solution to this is to make economic growth the nation’s priority, and to eliminate all economic policies that inhibit it. More on that below.

National security weakness

If the coming defense sequester happens, we will see $500 billion automatically chopped from the defense budget. And shockingly, that only builds on existing policies of national security weakness. We are already reducing the size of our naval fleet. We are already seeing rising tension in the Middle East. Unfriendly nations like Russia and Iran have no fear of challenging the United States. Allies like Great Britain and Poland cannot count on us for support, or even to keep commitments we have already made. Israel has no confidence the U.S. will have its back if it becomes necessary to use military force to defend itself.

The solution to this is to prioritize federal budgeting (but then we would need a budget in the first place. More on that below) to fulfill the crucial constitutional duty of protecting national security, and to practice clarity in foreign policy so we treat our friends as friends and we let our foes understand that they should fear confronting us. A president who thinks killing Osama bin Laden was a tough call is not going to give us these kinds of national security policies.

Out-of-control federal spending

The federal government is spending a quarter of the entire economy, and liberal demand-siders don’t even think it’s enough! It’s enough to generate annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion, though, as the national debt grows to $16 trillion and beyond. Senate Democrats refuse to even hold a vote on a federal budget, and the nation has not had one since 2009. Everyone can see that federal entitlement programs are growing out of control and need to be restructured, but Congress and the White House are afraid to even touch the issue.

The solution to this one is simple – but not easy. The American people must demand fiscal responsibility, and must make clear to politicians that they will face the most severe consequences if they do not rein in federal spending and restructure entitlement programs. As long as politicians think the safest move for their political careers is to do nothing, that is what they will do. Only the American people can change that dynamic.

Tax insanity

It’s bad enough that tax rates are high, and that Obama wants them even higher. The real problem with the tax code is that it is a complicated mess of exemptions, deductions, special favors and “incentives” designed to manipulate behavior, reward people politicians like and punish those they don’t like. And it gets more complicated every year as Congress adds new twists and features designed to achieve political ends. Americans spend billions just to make sure they’re in compliance with this monstrosity.

The reason my 9-9-9 plan resonated during my presidential campaign last year was that it solves this problem! It throws out the entire federal tax code and replaces it with something simple, straightforward and fair. Its goal is simply to raise the revenue the federal government needs to operate, and to do it in a way that removes barriers to prosperity. It would take the power away from Congress to add new politically motivated nuances to the tax code every year, and return that power to the people.

That’s why Washington hates it. What do you think of that?

Energy foolishness

America can grasp energy independence today. We can drill existing oil resources, begin aggressive pursuit of plentiful coal, natural gas and oil share resources, and empower the private sector to pursue alternative energy concepts like wind, solar and biofuels. If there is way to make these ideas work, the private sector will find it, and I will be the first to cheer. If they can’t work, then we shouldn’t waste money pretending they can!

Instead, the federal government is beating up oil companies and won’t even approve the Keystone XL pipeline that would allow us to buy massive quantities of oil from friendly Canada (while also creating a lot of jobs, I might add). Meanwhile, it invests billions of Energy Department dollars in so-called “green energy” companies that are going bankrupt.

If we were smart about the use of our energy resources, we could make them the new currency by which we achieve economic prosperity on a global basis. But in this area, under the leadership of Obama, we are dumb.

Immigration insecurity

It’s too bad Washington has made such a mess of immigration. It’s a good thing for our nation when smart, hard-working people decide to come here and do so legally. But immigration doesn’t work when you simply allow people to sneak across the border en masse, many of them bringing in weapons and drugs and glomming onto public assistance programs once they get here.

The border is not secure, and there is no making sense of why Washington refuses to secure it. Illegal is illegal – there is no other way to look at it. If we were simply to enforce our existing laws, we could clean up the problem that has exploded to see 12 million people living here illegally. But we won’t even do that. This is not a problem that requires a difficult solution. The solution is easy. It just requires leaders who have the political will to enforce the laws they’ve already passed. Is that really so hard?

Constitutional disregard

There is a determined segment of this nation that sees the Constitution as a serious inconvenience, because it prevents them from achieving the massive power grabs of their dreams. These people should never be allowed near public office, and certainly not near any federal court. The Constitution limits the powers of the federal government because that is the best way to protect the liberty of the American people. When our elected leaders ignore constitutional limits, or try to find tricks to get around them – and worse yet, when the Supreme Court upholds these schemes – we have come to an age when there are not real limits on federal power.

This one is also on the American people. We must know and understand the Constitution, and we must demand that anyone who wants to be elected to public office respect it.

I told you I was optimistic! Every problem has a solution. You just need people who are willing and able to fight for the solutions. And that starts with recognizing that the leaders we have now are not those people.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/20/2012 4:28:30 PM
Hi Evelyn and friends,

I recently came across a number of articles that made me sick. They all tell outrageous stories of our times. These stories occurred in the US, but they could certainly have happened almost anywhere in the world. I guess posting each and every one of them would be too much, so I will just list here their titles and the links to them.



Woman Could Be Fined $600 For Giving Children Free Lunches

Pediatrician Arrested for Waterboarding His Own Daughter

14-Year-Old Boy Dies After Playing “Choking Game”

Ohio and Florida Public Schools Lock Mentally Disabled Children in Closets

How Alcohol Ads Target Kids

Feds: Authorities in Meridian, Miss. Violated Rights of Black Children

Woman Jailed for 4 Months on Suspicion of Being Undocumented

Denial of Heart Transplant For Autistic Man Sparks Outrage

* * *

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/20/2012 5:21:53 PM
Hi again Evelyn and friends,

This one story does call for exposition, it's so horrifying and certainly unforgivable.

Justice For Three Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks

Police in Cleveland, Ohio are searching for a man who committed a horrifying crime last week against three innocent dogs when he tied them to a secluded section of railroad tracks and attempted to video a train run them over. Two of the dogs were killed by an oncoming train, but the third was able to save itself by crouching off the side of the tracks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals posted a $5,000 reward Wednesday for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. Martin Mersereau, director for PETA, said the reward was offered because the man who tied the dogs to the tracks could “pose a serious threat to all animals – including humans.”

Police said the crime happened in the quiet waterfront neighborhood of Tremont. The shocking event was discovered by chance when a railroad employee witnessed from a distance the dogs being tied to the tracks and someone taking pictures or videotaping the offense.

By the time the worker got to the dogs, the train had passed by and the man was gone. The bodies of two of the dogs were on thetracks, but a two-year-old mix breed dog now called Chessie was alive.

Chessie was taken to the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. “She’s very lucky and very traumatized, but she is coming around,” said Shelter Kennel Manager Lesley DeSouza.

The deceased dogs and Chessie did not have tags or micro-chips. No one has come forward to claim any of the animals or offer leads to police.

After a ten day waiting period, Chessie became available for adoption on Friday. The shelter said it has been getting three emails or phone calls an hour about adopting her.

“She is amazingly friendly, and she likes to sit on your lap,” said DeSouza.

A Slap On The Wrist For Assailant

Before the weekend is over, little Chessie is certain to begin a new life. If her assailant is caught, he will only receive a “slap on the wrist” because of Ohio’s weak animal cruelty laws. ThinkProgress revealed that first time offenders in the state are sentenced with only 90 days in jail.

The Humane Society of the United States ranked Ohio 36 in its 2011 report, “Humane State Ranking” that assesses state animal protection laws. First time offenders of animal cruelty are charged with a second degree misdemeanor. The same offense is a felony in 44 other states.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund said, “The state’s lack of felony legislation for animal cruelty cases is a ‘substantial flaw’ in the law.”

Take Action: Please sign the petition – 3 Dogs Tied To Railroad Tracks.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

8/21/2012 2:02:15 PM

Hi Miguel, I agree there are too many things going on in this old world that are sickening but then too we have to try and look on the bright side because there are also many good things happening too. I know it's hard but from experience I know how dwelling on the negative can put you in a funk. Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)

Hi Evelyn and friends,

I recently came across a number of articles that made me sick. They all tell outrageous stories of our times. These stories occurred in the US, but they could certainly have happened almost anywhere in the world. I guess posting each and every one of them would be too much, so I will just list here their titles and the links to them.



Woman Could Be Fined $600 For Giving Children Free Lunches

Pediatrician Arrested for Waterboarding His Own Daughter

14-Year-Old Boy Dies After Playing “Choking Game”

Ohio and Florida Public Schools Lock Mentally Disabled Children in Closets

How Alcohol Ads Target Kids

Feds: Authorities in Meridian, Miss. Violated Rights of Black Children

Woman Jailed for 4 Months on Suspicion of Being Undocumented

Denial of Heart Transplant For Autistic Man Sparks Outrage

* * *


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