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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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8/2/2012 4:29:49 AM

Hi Peter,

It all boils down to character. We all have problems, we all have human bodies that get sick or injured, but we don't all ask strangers for money.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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8/2/2012 4:42:01 AM

Mary Evelyn,

I didn't say ALL men were bad, I said MOST major crimes are committed by men, and almost everything is run by men. If USA and the world wants things to change, it will have to change first the imagery of females in everything. Women are exploited for their bodies by the male-dominated media, and then judged for making decisions about their own bodies. When you posted the photos of the Colorado movie theater and the abortion clinic and said that's where lots of murders happen, think about many mass shootings can you think of that were committed by a woman? How many women were on the Supreme Court when abortion was legalized? Change needs to start with the male population. I didn't say all men were bad, but they are the root of most major situations. There are a lot of good men out there, they need to guide the decisions of those who are making bad choices, and do the right thing for the female population as far as media imagery and being responsible partners and fathers.


It's just not fair is it Kathleen. :) Seriously though, I know several good men, a lot of them in my family and a lot of them friends so they can't all be put in one category and to be honest, I wouldn't change from a woman to a man if I could. Even with all the inequities against the female race I still enjoy being a part of it. :)


Mary Evelyn,

Sexual preference (heterosexual) is in everyone's face all the time in mainstream media advertising, using women to sell everything from cars to soda to beer to phone minutes.

It would be an interesting study to make a note of every time we see images of women used on TV or online or in print advertising, to sell stuff, whether the product/service has anything to do with women or not.

Then make notes of the news about how many bad things are caused by men, most bad news is caused by men. All pregnancies are also caused in part by men. Abortion was passed by an all-male Supreme Court 40 years ago. No men have to stop having fun for 9 months during a pregnancy, no man has to go to the doctors every month during a pregnancy and pee in a cup. Women can only have 1 pregnancy within 9 months. How many babies can a man make in 9 months?

If men & women were of 2 different races instead of different genders, the world would be in a constant riot, the status differences would be glaringly obvious and appalling. If the world was to seriously look at everything men do to create chaos and put rules upon women, while the men go play, or while they sit in judgement...but the world doesn't want to take a serious look at that.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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8/2/2012 9:57:35 AM

Hello Evelyn

I have highlighted a short sentence below in your post.

Am I being bullied somewhere? Where? They better not be accusing me of scamming because when I am finished with them they will wish they had been nice to me. They will be wishing very much.

What is the url for 'the scam site' you mentioned?

If you would rather, email me at my private email address. I don't understand what is going on. Are these people somebody I know from Adland? Or are you talking about another Helen?



Kathleen, I think a lot of us were bullied in school, I know I was but I soon got tired of it and scratched the bully very bad on her hands after she kept sticking her pencil in my back. It was all done very quietly and the teacher never knew about it but I will never forget the look on this girls face when I turned around and dug my nails into the back of her hand and drawing blood. That was the last time she ever stuck me with a pencil. :)

I for one admire you for the job you're doing in your online business, especially knowing how you're harassed by the two stalking cyber bullies, but know what? I wonder if they know just what most people really think of them. They are obsessed with me and follow me constantly and everyone that posts in my forums they attack them on the scam site. Today it was Helen. The only thing is though they can yell scam all they want too but they have NEVER provided proof that anything is a scam, they just use this as an excuse to bad mouth and tell lies on people. Did you know they even said Shaklee was a scam, a reputable company that has been in business for over 50 years? That is how ignorant they are. Neither one of them would know a scam if it hit them in the face. I think it's hilarious that most of the other posters ignore them and some have even complained publicly about their gossiping. They are two hate filled, envious, jealous idiots and be sure and watch because tomorrow after they read this they will really be on my case. :)

Isn't it strange that FB is full of MUCH worse things than Adland but you can bet you sweet booty they aren't going to take on FB. No they'll just continue to be obsessed with Adland and some of us members until the day comes they're brought down by a higher power and it will happen because constantly lying on people and trying to put them in a bad light will eventually backfire on them. It may take a while but it will happen so just be patient and keep on doing what you've been doing with your online business.

Remember, although we don't always see eye to eye on everything, I still have faith in you and your abilities. :)


Hi Mike,

I also got bullied in school, I've had very pale skin all my life, got called names, teased, made to feel like an outcast, and then in 7th grade had to start public school because my parents didn't feel like paying for Catholic school anymore because the tuition was going up, that was difficult, I had to make all new friends, go thru a lot of teasing again, and you know how we learn to be precise in Catholic school and very organized, and that was also a point of teasing from the public school kids. I also had knee surgery at age 12 and had a horrible 7-inch scar which was deep purple for a few months and also a reason for other girls not to want to have me on their teams in gym.

Now I've been losing my hearing for several hears, can't hear much at all anymore, and I tell people that on the phone and they keep yacking as if what I just told them is not any more important than the weather.

My younger son is also hearing impaired and has a serious knee problem that prevents him from running or lifting heavy objects or standing for too long, and my older son was sent home from the military because of stress issues, he's painfully shy and quiet and also has to tolerate negative commentary from people who don't understand that he's a very talented artist and has a heart of gold, neither of them has a job but they help me with everything I need help with, even walking with me a couple blocks to the vets office on ice in winter to get medicine for the cats, my oldest son is right by my side when I need his help, no matter what people say about him not having a job, or me not having a "real job"...and some of that negative commentary is from relatives who don't know anything about the internet or the fact that I taught myself HTML and taught my sons HTML without going to tech school to learn it. I work hard online every day and feel like I've run a marathon every day, and today was on phone calls that I could barely hear, thru my breakfast and dinner.

Then I have to tolerate online harassment from some people who bash the businesses I promote when they don't even understand the businesses, and bash me when they don't even know me or how hard I work and how much effort I put in every day.

There were times a few years ago when I was making jewelry for consignment shops, staying up all night, my fingers frozen in winter, with a blanket wrapped around me, and also taught both my sons how to make jewelry & ornaments. Not very many young men would learn beadweaving with their mom, but my sons are my heart & soul and they knew I needed all their help.

My life has not been easy either, my parents had 6 kids, one was disabled, my dad was the only one working, only had one car, my mom didn't drive, and we all wore hand-me-downs when we weren't wearing our school uniforms. Nobody's life has been perfect, and my hearing is worse every day, I don't realize it until I have to talk to someone on the phone, and sometimes I DO have to. I don't want a hearing aid, my father refuses to get one, I'll get one when he does, probably never, or when the world stops all the stuff I don't want to listen to.

NONE of that matters enough for me to mention it on a regular basis, BECAUSE, as I've said before, I was raised with a sister who was born with Cerebral Palsy, and nothing else is as big or bad as that, nothing else overshadows knowing that a loved one will never run or do everything the rest of us do. None of my problems or my sons problems are that big. Nothing in my world will ever be as big as that, and having a sibling with a major disability is a driving force, it's a pivotal force in my entire daily life. My hearing loss is a minor issue, harassment is a minor issue, nothing else matters except wishing she had the life we all had, and she worked her butt off, and now so do I, no matter what other people think or say, and it's not to "rub salt in a wound" of anyone else who's not earning online, because I NEED TO earn online, and when other people state their problems, I know I have my own problems, and I keep working and working and working because my problems are not a major lifetime disability, and I know that, my problems are small and always will be, compared to my sister's life, my lifetime is easy and always will be.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
8/2/2012 12:31:40 PM

Hi Peter, you know I don't like deleting anything although I did delete an ad today and after warning the poster I finally had to take further action by banning him and as you know that is another thing I only do when necessary. I only have one rule for this thread and that is no ads and this one person was the only one who kept violating my one rule. Hope you're having a good day. :)

Hi Evelyn, Mark & All,

I can't agree more Mark but it goes way beyond that. I've been reading this thread from the start and have a feeling that some people are giving more information about themselves and their personal lives then others want to know (aside from the "stalkers"). It feels like an overload of info and with some I have a feeling they have ulterior motives for this overload.

The problem is that sometimes people go through difficult patches whether it be financial, personal, relationship issues etc. It can sometimes temporarily alter your way of thinking and cause you to say or write things that in the past were not the views you had. What we all must remember is that we're addressing not only the forum members, participants and followers but the WWW.

I read all your posts Mike and feel that you've lost all sense of what should or shouldn't be shared with others. Much of what you shared with the world should have been kept within the 4 walls of your home, mind and heart unless you have an ulterior motive for sharing that with the WWW. I've read similar posts over the years and could never understand how a person who claims to be an agent for artists could self destruct as you've done. A simple question I'm asking is what artist in his right mind would go to a person who looks for cigarette butts in the streets? It seems like a you're in self destruct mode.

You know Mike panhandling isn't only standing on street corners or on sidewalks but threads begging for money is a form of panhandling too. The list of people responding has dwindled to a total of zero and there's no surprise in that. I wonder how many now will wonder if you'll buy cigarettes rather then food and pay bills after learning about your cigarette butt street hunts?

Hey Evelyn, I'll not be insulted if you decide to delete this post but these are just some of my thoughts and felt like sharing them after reading these self flagellation posts.




Anyone Have Any Ideas what this Means?

This is getting…..

Posting facts and discussing them is one thing.

Talking about opinions is well, you know what they say…..

Do you get the feeling that The coffee is getting a little to hot?

Anyone know of the Three things that you should not talk about?

I forgot!

8/2/2012 12:34:35 PM

Hi Kathleen, sorry, I guess I misunderstood what you were saying. You're right about some of things you're saying but remember, there is good and bad in all, some just have more bad than others.


Mary Evelyn,

I didn't say ALL men were bad, I said MOST major crimes are committed by men, and almost everything is run by men. If USA and the world wants things to change, it will have to change first the imagery of females in everything. Women are exploited for their bodies by the male-dominated media, and then judged for making decisions about their own bodies. When you posted the photos of the Colorado movie theater and the abortion clinic and said that's where lots of murders happen, think about many mass shootings can you think of that were committed by a woman? How many women were on the Supreme Court when abortion was legalized? Change needs to start with the male population. I didn't say all men were bad, but they are the root of most major situations. There are a lot of good men out there, they need to guide the decisions of those who are making bad choices, and do the right thing for the female population as far as media imagery and being responsible partners and fathers.


It's just not fair is it Kathleen. :) Seriously though, I know several good men, a lot of them in my family and a lot of them friends so they can't all be put in one category and to be honest, I wouldn't change from a woman to a man if I could. Even with all the inequities against the female race I still enjoy being a part of it. :)


Mary Evelyn,

Sexual preference (heterosexual) is in everyone's face all the time in mainstream media advertising, using women to sell everything from cars to soda to beer to phone minutes.

It would be an interesting study to make a note of every time we see images of women used on TV or online or in print advertising, to sell stuff, whether the product/service has anything to do with women or not.

Then make notes of the news about how many bad things are caused by men, most bad news is caused by men. All pregnancies are also caused in part by men. Abortion was passed by an all-male Supreme Court 40 years ago. No men have to stop having fun for 9 months during a pregnancy, no man has to go to the doctors every month during a pregnancy and pee in a cup. Women can only have 1 pregnancy within 9 months. How many babies can a man make in 9 months?

If men & women were of 2 different races instead of different genders, the world would be in a constant riot, the status differences would be glaringly obvious and appalling. If the world was to seriously look at everything men do to create chaos and put rules upon women, while the men go play, or while they sit in judgement...but the world doesn't want to take a serious look at that.


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