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10/28/2013 2:14:29 PM
U.S. House Stenographer Dragged Off To Mental Hospital After Freemason Rant.

Published on Oct 17, 2013

House Stenographer Dianne Reidy was dragged off to a mental hospital after she took control of the microphone in the House of Representatives during a vote on ending the government shutdown, stating that the United States was controlled by Freemasonry and that the country had never really been, "One Nation Under God."

This is becoming a pattern with the Obama administration; disagree too publicly and you get slapped in the nuthouse. Just last Summer, Marine veteran and talk show host Brandon Raub was committed to a mental hospital after making a Facebook post critical of the President. He was held for over a week until a judge ordered his release, stating that there was never a valid reason to commit Raub in the first place.

NOTE: Although those who drag Reidy off call her "Molly," or "Holly," her name has been reported as Dianne Reidy by several news outlets.

From Fox News: Fox News identified the stenographer as Dianne Reidy, who went to the Speaker's Chair while the vote was in progress and said, "Praise be to God Jesus Christ." She also appeared to make references to America not being one nation under God because "Freemasons" wrote the Constitution. She also seemed to say something about a "house divided."

A woman tried to calm Reidy as others summoned police.

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., the presiding officer, banged the gavel to restore order several times, but did not deter Reidy, who screamed "You cannot serve two masters" as she was removed from the floor.

According to Ros-Lehtinen, Reidy "came up to the podium area beneath where I was standing and asked me if the microphones were on. I said that I didn't know. I assumed that perhaps I was chatting too much to the helpful parliamentarians around me. Then she suddenly faced the front and said words like 'Thus spoke the Lord.' And, 'This is not the Lord's work.'

"I hammered to get control and hush her up. She said something about the devil. It was sudden, confusing and heartbreaking. She is normally a gentle soul."

Reidy was questioned by U.S. Capitol Police after her removal from the floor and was later taken to a local hospital for a mental health evaluation. It was not immediately clear whether criminal charges would be filed.

The disruption stunned members of Congress already jumpy after two weeks of partisan invective over the partial government shutdown and Thursday's debt ceiling deadline.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, told Fox News, "You have a lot of members who are concerned about who is allowed on the floor when something like that happens."

Fox News' Chad Pergram and Nicholas Kalman contributed to this report.

10/28/2013 4:55:48 PM
Published by: Herman Cain on Monday October 28th, 2013

We can go back to the bad news tomorrow.

My pastor spelled it out yesterday morning during his sermon at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta. All we hear about these days is bad news. And it's true. Bad news about scandals. Bad news about health care policy. Bad news about the economy. Especially if you focus on news about the government, there's just about no escaping the negative.

But I thought that as conservatives we were supposed to believe that the heart of this nation is its people, not its government. And if that's the case, then maybe we partially have ourselves to blame for being so down in the dumps over what's happening. Maybe we spend too much of our time thinking about the government. Yes, the government is a mess, but there is an awful lot going on in this nation that is good and uplifting.

This morning on the radio show, I talked about a young woman who met a young man at a car show, hit it off with him and decided to donate her kidney to him. She was a perfect match (how's that for divine intervention?), and three years later they got married. I told the story of a Detroit mailman who saved a homeowner on his route from a house fire, then calmly went on to finish his deliveries. I told the story of a serviceman who survived the suicide bombing that took the lives of his buddies, and even though he lost his legs and suffered severe damage to his arms, he still gave everything he had to salute his commanding officer upon receipt of his Purple Heart.

This is a great nation, because the nation is made up of great people. Yes, it's a shame the people governing us are not great, and we'll go back to dealing with that tomorrow. But our government does not define who we are as a people. We do that ourselves, and that's why - once you make up your mind to focus on good news - you can always find some.

10/28/2013 7:33:23 PM

10/29/2013 2:54:38 AM
This article made me so angry not mention sad and brought a lump to my throat. Another case of government mismanagement, although this time it was state government and endangered people's lives. Why in heavens name if they were going to shut the place down did they not see to it that all the residents were relocated. This is criminal, in my opinion.

Posted: 8:18 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013

By Kevin L. Jones


An assisted living facility for the elderly in Castro Valley was evacuated Saturday afternoon after almost all of its staff abandoned the facility, which was still housing over a dozen patients, when it was shut down by the state days before, according to authorities.

About 14 patients at Valley Springs Manor, an elderly care facility on Apricot Way in Castro Valley, were evacuated by paramedics starting around 4 p.m. Saturday.

Alameda County Fire officials said that many of the patients were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment.

According to Alameda County Sheriff's officials, the California Department of Social Services shut down the facility on Thursday, Oct. 24, and the majority of employees left, as they would not be receiving wages from then on.

But 14 of the patients receiving care there were unable to leave the facility for various reasons -- several were bedridden -- so some staff members stayed, including a cook, some janitorial staff and one caregiver, according to the sheriff's department.

The authorities were not alerted to the situation until early Saturday, after one of the patients went missing.

Upon arrival, emergency responders found only a skeleton crew assisting dozens of elderly residents, some in need of full-time care.

Alameda County Sheriff's Department were also scene Saturday evening, looking for the facility's owners, as they faced charges of elderly abuse.

"We're talkiing about human beings here. How do you just abandon them? It's heartbreaking," said Sgt. JD Nelson, Alameda County Sheriff's public information officer.

One review of Valley Springs Manor posted on reads:

"Check the public record for reasons this place has been fined several times for several things. The owner is not permitted on the property. Please keep looking. We have no nurses and the food is not conducive to balanced nutrition or diabetic needs," said the review, written by "Karlek."

This story will be updated when more details become available.

Peter Fogel

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10/29/2013 3:30:40 PM
Of course you are Evelyn. AND, for your information Alan West is an Uncle Tom if you didn't know. :)




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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