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Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
2/11/2014 9:44:18 PM

Congressional Democrats include 70 members of Socialist Party

See also

February 11, 2014

It is well know that the far left has taken full control of the Democrat Party, and now more than every, more Democrat members of Congress are extreme leftists than ever. The Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist Party in the United States, reports that 69 members of Congress and one senator, Bernie Sander who is an admitted socialist, are members of their organization. Six of the ten members of the Congressional delegation from Massachusetts are on that list.

Of the 23 Democrats that serve on the all important Judiciary Committee in the Congress, 11 of them, almost half, are members of the Democratic Socialists of America. The Democrat leader of the committee, John Conyers, is a member of the DSA. The Judiciary Committee also includes far left Democrats Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez,
Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, and Linda Sanchez, all of whom are members of the DSA.

The Democrats also, in the House, have a far left group called The Progressive Caucus. Most members of The Progressive Caucus are also members of the DSA. And just about all the members of Congress who are members of the DSA, are also in The Progressive Caucus. Clearly this is a whos who of the most far left members of Congress currently in office.

The full list of these DemoCommunists is here.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
2/23/2014 12:31:27 AM
FEBRUARY 19, 2014


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
2/27/2014 6:13:37 PM
Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming

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There is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm, according to Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee on Tuesday.

Moore argued that the current argument that the burning of fossil fuels is driving global warming over the past century lacks scientific evidence. He added that the Earth is in an unusually cold period and some warming would be a good thing.

“There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years,” according to Moore’s prepared testimony. “Today, we live in an unusually cold period in the history of life on earth and there is no reason to believe that a warmer climate would be anything but beneficial for humans and the majority of other species.”

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“It is important to recognize, in the face of dire predictions about a [two degrees Celsius] rise in global average temperature, that humans are a tropical species,” Moore said. “We evolved at the equator in a climate where freezing weather did not exist. The only reasons we can survive these cold climates are fire, clothing, and housing.”

“It could be said that frost and ice are the enemies of life, except for those relatively few species that have evolved to adapt to freezing temperatures during this Pleistocene Ice Age,” he added. “It is ‘extremely likely’ that a warmer temperature than today’s would be far better than a cooler one.”

Indeed, cold weather is more likely to cause death than warm weather. RealClearScience reported that from “1999 to 2010, a total of 4,563 individuals died from heat, but 7,778 individuals died from the cold.” Only in 2006 did heat-related deaths outnumber cold deaths.

In Britain, 24,000 people are projected to die this winter because they cannot afford to pay their energy bills. Roughly 4.5 million British families are facing “fuel poverty.”

“The fact that we had both higher temperatures and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today fundamentally contradicts the certainty that human-caused CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming,” Moore said.

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“When modern life evolved over 500 million years ago, CO2 was more than 10 times higher than today, yet life flourished at this time,” he added. “Then an Ice Age occurred 450 million years ago when CO2 was 10 times higher than today.”

Moore, a Canadian, helped found the environmental activist group Greenpeace in the 1970s. He left the group after they began to take on more radical positions. He has since been a critic of radical environmentalism and heads up the group Ecosense Environmental in Vancouver, Canada.

Moore’s comments come after President Obama declared global warming a “fact” in the State of the Union. His administration has attempted to argue that the recent U.S. cold snap was influenced by a warmer planet.

Tags: Global Warming, Greenpeace, Patrick Moore

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
2/28/2014 4:29:21 PM

Bill O’Reilly challenges Valerie Jarrett: Get Jay-Z, ‘all these gangsta rappers, to knock it off’

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly squared off with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, blasting the Obama administration’s lack of “urgency” in dealing with the “gangsta culture.”

A believer that traditional family values can stem problems in low-income communities, O’Reilly accepted the White House’s invitation Thursday to an unveiling of President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative.

“You shocked a lot of people,” O’Reilly told Jarrett. “People were fainting when I walked in.”

Obama spoke of “a culture of cynicism” on the streets that saps young people of motivation to get ahead, O’Reilly said, adding that it’s not just black communities affected but also poor, low-income neighborhoods of all ethnicities.

“You’re going to have to get people like Jay-Z, Kanye West, all of these gangsta rappers, to knock it off,” he said. “Listen to me. You gotta get where they live. They idolize these guys with the hats on backwards.”

The boys need positive role models, Jarrett said.

“We have to take what’s working and take it to scale.”

O’Reilly accused her of blowing off his idea.

“You got to get them in there to tell these kids that you’ve got to stop the disruptive behavior or you’re going to wind up in a morgue or in prison,” O’Reilly said. Read On

Snurdly Kaddidlehopper In 1991, as Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard Daley, Valarie Jarrett interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office, and offered her the job immediately. Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet her fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor’s office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and “introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own.” She later took Michelle with her when she left the mayor’s office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development.
Jarrett is second generation of a family all about population control. That is the real agenda of Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare. Jarretts father Dr. James Bowden studied genetics in Iran with Dr. Harry Harris of Galton Laboratory in London in the early 1960's. Harris became Professor at University of PA and set up the Human Genome Project. His son is Lord Jonathan “Toby” Harris of London, England. There are a couple generations of Emanuals including Dr. Ezekiel Emanual that are geneticists and followers of Harris’s work at Univer. of PA. Dr. Ezekiel Emanual is the brother of Rahm Emanual and has recently been attributed to the designer of Obamacare.
Jarret is from the creator of the 1950's PROJECTS housing in Chicago! She is well versed on how to scam money from the 'Goberment 'for the poor! Her Grandfather built the ill fated Project Housing and her Dad was working as a geneticist in Iran......wonder what HE was doing???? She KNOWS THE LANDSCAPE for anyone wanting to cash in on American integrity.

Valerie and Michelle? Hmmmmm There must be more to this.
She was the architect of Moochelle’s make work, $300,000/year job at the U of Chicago Hospital. She stood to make millions if not billions had Chicago been awarded the Olympics due to her numerous, at best shady, real estate holdings and deals. She also has long been negotiating in secret with Iran and any time a hint comes out about it, the story is very quickly and emphatically denied. What I would love to know is exactly what she does, especially given that she has 24/7/365 Secret Service protection.WHAT NORMAL “FAMILY” has a guest EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for dinner. Takes that “GUEST” on holidays? Valarie Jarrett is IRANIAN. Don’t know if she’s SUNNI or not..think so. SHE is a communist, her parents were big time Commies in CHICAGO…she is the watchdog assigned to )bama by who? Soros? She RULES the roost. SHE is the nasty, bitter “We’re going to make our opponents pay ” from 2012. Every dastardly statement comes out of her EVIL HEART to Obama's mouth. FIND OUT WHO SHE IS, WHERE SHE CAME FROM….SHE IS EVIL WALKING. THIS MAN NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED…now. We can’t afford to wait for her/his policies to finish off the USA !! WE know how nasty these people are SUNSTEIN/POWERS/EMANUELS/AXELRODS and this UGLY, MEAN-SPIRITED EVIL JARRETT… NOW we know that it was MICHELLE'S college classmate who is a top dog at CGI (the firm who does the Campaign website for OBAMA) who was GIVEN (OUR MONEY) a BID-FREE (get that???) contract to do this B.S. website for OBAMA care…and Over $ 600 MILLION of our money… Crony, Classmate, NO BID …one of those should have made CGI ineligible ….all of them are like Obama himself, an OBAMINATION… IMPEACH HIM!!!

Published on Feb 27, 2014

Bill O'Reilly faced off with White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett Thursday night over President Obama's "My Brother's Keeper" initiative, and they tussled over the "gangsta" culture O'Reilly argued holds plenty of young people back and what the White House can do to help stem problems like teenage pregnancy and the collapse of the family unit. O'Reilly told Jarrett he doesn't think the Obama administration sees the "urgency" of many of these problems," and told her that "you're going to have to get people like Jay-Z, Kanye West, all of these gangsta rappers, to knock it off."

O'Reilly argued it's a problem when young black boys idolize "these guys with the hats on backwards" and "terrible rap lyrics" and drug use, and told Jarrett Obama has the power to "reverse the peer pressure." Jarrett agreed that it's important to have great "role models" for young people, but O'Reilly insisted, "You got to get them in there to tell these kids that you've got to stop the disruptive behavior or you're going to wind up in a morgue or in prison."

O'Reilly also said Michelle Obama should come on his show and say to the young women of America that getting pregnant at a young age is dangerous and wrong. Jarrett said it's more important to talk to young girls directly rather than going on TV, but O'Reilly insisted it would get loads of attention from a wide audience.

Jarrett told O'Reilly there are encouraging signs, that the boys at the White House today "were at risk last year" and now "they're standing tall and doing well in school."

O'Reilly also grilled Jarrett about Obama's worsening poll numbers. Jarrett acknowledged the "challenging time" the White House has been through, but said Obama has never focused on the daily polling numbers."

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
6/23/2014 10:35:20 PM

Russia 'secretly working with environmentalists to oppose fracking'

Nato chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, says Moscow mounting disinformation campaign to maintain reliance on Russian gas

David Cameron's home in Dean, Oxfordshire, being turned into a
David Cameron's home in Dean, Oxfordshire, being turned into a 'fracking site' in protest at shale gas development. Photograph: Kristian Buus/Greenpeace/PA

The head of one of the world’s leading groups of democratic nations has accused Russia of undermining projects using hydraulic fracturing technology in Europe.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, secretary-general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato), and former premier of Denmark, told the Chatham House thinktank in London on Thursday that Vladimir Putin’s government was behind attempts to discredit fracking, according to reports.

Rasmussen said: “I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations - environmental organisations working against shale gas - to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas.”

He declined to give details of those operations, saying: “That is my interpretation.”

Fracking, a process that involves blasting dense shale rocks with a high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals to release the tiny bubbles of natural gas trapped within, has been the subject of protests in the UK and other parts of Europe, and is opposed by many environmental groups.

It has been associated with methane leaks and the pollution of water sources in the US, and green campaigners fear that it will lead to a rise in the use of fossil fuels, exacerbating global warming.

Rasmussen made clear that fracking should be used, in his view, to increase Europe’s energy security, by providing a new source of gas and oil supply.

Nato's press office said the remarks were Rasmussen's personal views, not official policy.

Nato was originally formed at the start of the cold war as an alliance of western states, including the US and many European nations, and historically has often opposed Russia. Rasmussen himself has spoken out previously against Russia's actions in Ukraine.

A Nato official told the Guardian that Russia's influence on energy supplies was causing problems for Europe. The official said: "We don't go into the details of discussions among allied leaders, but Russia has been using a mix of hard and soft power in its attempt to recreate a sphere of influence, including through a campaign of disinformation on many issues, including energy. In general, the potential for Russia using energy supplies as a means of putting pressure on European nations is a matter of concern. No country should use supply and pricing terms as tools of coercion.

"As energy supplies and routes are an issue mostly for the EU, we count on the EU to take into account the new security realities in Europe and look at whether there is a need to review diversifying energy sources and expanding energy infrastructure. Clearly, it is in the interest of all Nato allies to be able to have adequate energy supplies. This is critical to our economies, our security and our prosperity. We share a concern by some allies that Russia could try to obstruct possible projects on shale gas exploration in Europe in order to maintain Europe’s reliance on Russian gas."

Surveys in the UK have found that there is a potentially large supply of shale gas and oil, perhaps enough to fulfil gas needs for several decades, though it is unclear how much of that can be profitably extracted. No shale gas has yet been produced in the UK.

Russia, a major source of international gas supplies, recently signed a $400bn deal with China to supply gas for decades to come, and has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine, emphasising its willingness to exploit its dominant position in fossil fuel markets for political ends.

But the future of fracking in Europe is less clear than Rasmussen acknowledged.

The Polish government’s leading fracking expert recently told the Guardian that geology, rather than political concerns, was likely to be the main obstacle.

Katarzyna Kacperczyk, under-secretary of state for non-European policy and public and economic diplomacy in the Polish foreign ministry, and its leading voice on fracking, told the Guardian: “It is all about geology, whether you can extract the gas. Different parts of the world have different geologies.”

She said that there was “political will” to explore fracking in the country, but that even so there was no guarantee that Poland would be able to access its shale gas reserves. Poland is thought to have some of the best shale gas formations in Europe, but attempts to exploit it have so far come to nothing, though companies are still trying.

In the US, the development of modern fracking technology has led to a boom in gas production, but that situation may not be easily replicated in other, more densely populated countries, with differing geologies.

Green groups were swift to attack Rasmussen’s views, saying that they were not involved in any alleged Russian attempts to discredit the technology, and were instead opposed to it on the grounds of environmental sustainability.

“The idea we’re puppets of Putin is so preposterous that you have to wonder what they’re smoking over at Nato HQ,” said Greenpeace, which has a history of antagonism with the Russian government, which arrested several of its activists on a protest in the Arctic last year.

Andrew Pendleton, a campaigner at Friends of the Earth, added: “Perhaps the Russians are worried about our huge wind and solar potential and have infiltrated the UK government.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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