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Jim Allen

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Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
5/6/2012 1:15:06 PM
I have news for Occupy supporters, you are ready and willing to accept Communism in some form... WHY? In this country especially would you be willing to choose communism? It doesn't give you freedom nor liberty. Perhaps more research of your own is needed and wuit falling for every Tom, Dick, Jane and Mary that says its all about love. It ain't true, real love its fakery. Just as the jihadist use Taglyah a lie is a lie.

Anarcho-communism stresses egalitarianism and the abolition of social hierarchy and class distinctions arising from unequal wealth distribution, as well as the abolition of money and private property (while retaining respect for personal property). Replacing these outdated, harmful approaches would be collective production and distribution of wealth by means of voluntary association. In anarchist communism, the state and private property would no longer exist. Each individual and group would be free to contribute to production and to satisfy their needs based on their own choice. Systems of production and distribution would be managed by their participants.

The abolition of wage labor is central to anarchist communism. With distribution of wealth being based on self-determined needs, people would be free to engage in whatever activities they found most fulfilling and would no longer have to engage in work for which they have neither the temperament nor the aptitude.[15]

Anarchist communists argue that there is no valid way of measuring the value of any one person's economic contributions because all wealth is a collective product of current and preceding generations.[50] For instance, one could not measure the value of a factory worker's daily production without taking into account how transportation, food, water, shelter, relaxation, machine efficiency, emotional mood etc. contributed to their production. To truly give numerical economic value to anything, an overwhelming amount of externalities and contributing factors would need to be taken into account – especially current or past labor contributing to the ability to utilize future labor. As Kropotkin put it: "No distinction can be drawn between the work of each man. Measuring the work by its results leads us to absurdity; dividing and measuring them by hours spent on the work also leads us to absurdity. One thing remains: put the needs above the works, and first of all recognize the right to live, and later on, to the comforts of life, for all those who take their share in production.."[51]

Anarchist communists argue that any economic system based on wage labor and private property requires a coercive state apparatus to enforce property rights and to maintain unequal economic relationships that inevitably arise from differences in wages or amount of property. They further argue that markets and systems of currency divide labor into classes and assign arbitrary numerical values to an individual's work and attempt to regulate production, consumption and distribution. They argue that money restricts an individual's ability to consume the products of their labor by limiting their intake with prices and wages. Anarchist communists recognize money as fundamentally quantitative in nature, rather than qualitative. They believe production should be a qualitative matter, and that consumption and distribution should be self-determined by each individual without arbitrary value assigned to labor, goods and services by others. In place of a market, most anarcho-communists support a currency-less gift economy where goods and services are produced by workers and distributed in community stores where everyone (including the workers who produced them) is essentially entitled to consume whatever they want or need as "payment" for their production of goods and services. A gift economy does not necessarily involve an immediate return (such as with remuneration); compensation comes in the form of whatever the person decides is of equal value to their products of labor (what is commonly called bartering). Any limits on production and distribution would be determined by the individuals within the groups involved, rather than by capitalist owners, corporations, investors, banks or other artificial market pressures.

The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin, influential work which presents the economic vision of anarcho-communism

Communist anarchism shares many traits with collectivist anarchism but has defining differences. Collectivist anarchism believes in collective ownership but communist anarchism negates the entire concept of ownership in favor of the concept of usage.[52] Thus, things are seen as either private possessions used by an individual, or social possessions used to produce for society. Anarcho-communists believe that means of production should not be owned by any one person or entity, leaving it free to be used by individuals for their own self-determined needs and wants. Land and housing would no longer be subject to rent or property taxes (and therefore, its use would be free of eviction threats). It would instead be subject simply to the desires of occupants on an egalitarian basis. For example, in an apartment building in which many live, no one person would have a say in the arrangements. All who live there would be involved in decision-making. It's typically argued that everyone should share certain responsibilities on a revolving-door basis rather than relegate them to any particular individual. This way, no one would get stuck doing labor considered relatively degrading.

Crucially, the abstract relationship of "landlord" and "tenant" would no longer exist, as such titles are held to occur under conditional legal coercion and are not absolutely necessary to occupy buildings or spaces. (Intellectual property rights would also cease, since they are a form of private property.) In addition to believing rent and other fees are exploitative, anarcho-communists feel these are arbitrary pressures inducing people to carry out unrelated functions. For example, they question why one should have to work for 'X hours' a day to merely live somewhere. So instead of working conditionally for the sake of the wage earned, they believe in working directly for the objective at hand.[15]From this it follows that, rather than land being for sale or rent, vacant land and housing would be freely taken regardless of one's employment or financial status (essentially, the "for sale" sign could be replaced by a "vacant" sign). Therefore, in anarcho-communist theory, land used by individuals for themselves or their families, or productive property used to produce for an individual (such as a small farm), would be considered private possessions (personal property) rather than social possessions. The individual would be perfectly free to create something and keep it as long as it is not a crucial means of production for the community or general public. So an artist's paintbrushes would not need outside approval to be utilized, and the same basic principle would apply to other personal items such as one's toothbrush, musical instruments or book collection, which others needn't tamper with. However, if the matter at hand involves production for society (such as a factory which makes toothbrushes, musical instruments or books), it would become a social possession, accountable to all who work within it and the consuming public. In that regard, anarcho-communism could be considered a compromise between collective and individual use.[53][15][14]

Anarcho-communists reject mutualist economics because they believe that market competition, even non-capitalist markets, inherently create inequalities in wealth and land which would lead to inequalities of power - thus the recreation of the State and capitalism as some workers would have more access to capital and defence force than others. They reject collectivist economics arguing that remuneration would require a type of currency, which, again, anarcho-communists reject as an artificial measurement of the value of labor. They further argue that those who are not part of collective groups or unions in workers' councils and collectives could be alienated from access to capital, and thus promote free common use over ownership by society.

Reflections on the Beach (2000), Anarcho-communism, and the Market Economy

Kim Jong Il just died and since I never really understand those at the extreme and violent left, I figured I should reflect, write, and share my thoughts on the kind of communism without an authoritarian coercive state.

It always ends the same so Go to work.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
5/6/2012 3:04:27 PM
Educational purposes only is my intent here. I am exploring words used everyday in our media. I am sharing some results I found interesting to learn what the words used defines. This following article goes into the gory details.

The Death Wish of the Anarcho-Communists

Mises Daily: Friday, June 02, 2006 by

[This article first appeared in The Libertarian Forum , January 1, 1970.]

Now that the New Left has abandoned its earlier loose, flexible non-ideological stance, two ideologies have been adopted as guiding theoretical positions by New Leftists: Marxism-Stalinism, and anarcho-communism.

Marxism-Stalinism has unfortunately conquered SDS, but anarcho-communism has attracted many leftists who are looking for a way out of the bureaucratic and statist tyranny that has marked the Stalinist road.

And many libertarians, who are looking for forms of action and for allies in such actions, have become attracted by an anarchist creed which seemingly exalts the voluntary way and calls for the abolition of the coercive State.

It is fatal, however, to abandon and lose sight of one's own principles in the quest for allies in specific tactical actions. Continue reading

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
5/6/2012 3:51:38 PM


This is a very interesting forum.

I will try hard to keep up with the content. The subject requires far more time than I can give it but I'm pleased to say that even if I didn't agree with everything I am so pleased that you have the freedom to bring these things.

Here in the UK we have, despite a coalition with the Liberal Party, probably the most right-wing government since Margaret Thatchers in 80s and 90s. We are the most snooped upon nation in Europe and high and amongst the worlds most camera spied upon nations. All this despite having a Nation Health Service free to all and funded through taxation.

Interesting how both extremes tend to create the same worrying jackboot systems.


Jim Allen

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
5/7/2012 2:05:28 PM
Hello Roger,

I see nothing wrong with being a bit right wing, though I am sure "right" carries different meaning depending where you are. But you are correct they all windup as jackbooted oppressors. I hope to see others sharing their thoughts too. But there are varying forms of communism and it seems the world is willing to settle for form or the other. Because of dependency and no other reason. Become independent of others for your existence and your view changes drastically. I believe it is human nature to seek paths of least resistance. But, I have found that the best fishing is found least in the least accessible spots only a few of us will venture into the weeds to find out.

I found this clip this morning on FB, and I want to let you know that I think Alex J. EXAGGERATES a lot and is sometimes over the top but I do not support these actions by our troops and ALEX is right that these sick folks will soon be patrolling our streets. Since the military, is supposed make great police officers. I used to think so too, until I saw some these videos. Wake America it's coming to a neighborhood near you. Think about it, and decide if this type of AGENDA 21 bullying is what you want. Nope not me. Warning not for children..



This is a very interesting forum.

I will try hard to keep up with the content. The subject requires far more time than I can give it but I'm pleased to say that even if I didn't agree with everything I am so pleased that you have the freedom to bring these things.

Here in the UK we have, despite a coalition with the Liberal Party, probably the most right-wing government since Margaret Thatchers in 80s and 90s. We are the most snooped upon nation in Europe and high and amongst the worlds most camera spied upon nations. All this despite having a Nation Health Service free to all and funded through taxation.

Interesting how both extremes tend to create the same worrying jackboot systems.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Which brand of communism are you settling for? Anarcho-communism
5/7/2012 5:13:46 PM

In the end I just couldn't watch.

What the heck is happening to discipline in the ranks?

I'm sorry to say that recently I was talking to a British soldier who had served in Irag alongside US troops. He said that they were the best equiped and that they were good tacticians but that gung ho behaviour was common.

Why is this when they represent a country which prides itself on freedom?



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