Amanda and Myrna, A subject that is the very nearest to my heart. I have bored so many Adlanders with my experiences about forgiveness, so forgive me. It is really important. The one BIG gift that God gave me was the power AND THE DESIRE to forgive. So many people rightly say that to forgive actually makes you feel better but this shouldn't be the reason. I find it right and natural to forgive and for me, those who can't forgive present me with a challenge. There are VERY FEW evil people in the world and many cruel acts are committed through fear. Those who continue to perform dreadful or selfish acts need help and a few don't deserve forgiveness however if we do not try at least to understand, then we are doing ourselves a diservice. As somebody who finds forgiveness easy I can say that the only baggage that I carry is for family and close friend who find it hard to understand how I have forgiven folk who have harmed us at some time. FORGIVENESS IS A GIFT but a few need to search their hearts to find it.