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Lydia Fokina

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 7:42:06 PM
Hi, Amanda! Glad to see you again, thank you for your very warm welcome!
> Ditch water between the> interesting! We have not used this option yet.
And this is another video of the relay race on an icy hill (I was doing it from12-storey house)

Hello Lydia,
I just saw your post come up and wanted to come in and
wish you a very warm welcome back and nice to see you again.
I am home with my husband whom is home for the weekend and enjoying each other's company - he works away from home through the week.
I watched your two video's you did yourself and enjoyed seeing the activities of your area.
This second one Drag Rope - which in New Zealand is called 'tug of war' is very popular too and sometimes the game has had the two teams one at each end with a ditch of water in between and the side whom pulls the hardest to win will pull several front people into the water..
The drag rope game you videoed had a many participants for such a cold day to come out was surprising to me, because people will not go out as much on a rainy day..LOL

Hi Kathlen! Happy to see You again!
Are such events also popular with you? (drag rope)


Hi Lydia,

That was a good video! If we didn't know it was Russia, it could be anywhere, the snow and trees and people look like they could be from USA or anywhere! ...

Lydia Fokina

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 8:08:49 PM
Hello once more gushy Mary Evelyn, thank You for Your forum and invitation.
I see here my gushy friends and I am happy to communicate with them

Greetings from Russia, Lydia


Hello and welcome Lydia, it is absolutely wonderful to see you here in my forum and back at adland. You have been missed.

Your video is fantastic. You did good. :)

Hi all, I thank Mary Evelin for inviting me to this interesting forum.
I have long been absent from the Adland, it is interesting to see what's new.
I was just learning to work with a video camera and venture to suggest you look at a series of my first video - do not judge too harshly.
This is the video about the festival in our village in honor of Christmas and New Year.

Greetings from Russia, Lydia

Mr. D

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 8:18:13 PM

Hi Lydia, you don't know me yet but,

I like watching winter stuff, ……………on TV and my computer.

The only winter sports and activities I get into these days are snow

blowing the driveway and getting to work on snow days that when

the schools are closed, then I should be able to stay home too.

Oh almost forgot. I work for myself so only if the work has to be done that day.

I have more time to play and to do this.

Michael Caron

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 10:00:24 PM
10_1_136.gifHi Lydia,
I would also like to welcome you back. I love watching these snow scenes, especially this year because I can still look out the window and see lots of green grass.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/6/2012 1:31:41 AM

Mark, thank you so much for your support and a special thanks for my opening page graphic.

Are you wanting recipes for desserts? If so I bet there are some excellent cooks here who will be more than happy to help you out with some TNT (Tried And True) recipes.

By the way, you have a lovely wife, who I am sure has another name besides Mrs. Dewey. You must introduce her sometime. :)


Hi Mary, and friends....
I have been watching this thread for a while and all though I do not comment on everything, does not mean that it has been unseen. Just nothing to say at the moment, or not concerned with it.
I see that you have taken a step to bring back your original idea with you forum. Not saying what people are talking about is not important or need to be said, just maybe in the right location. So I will just say to all of you that what goes on, and is written, is seen by many even though we are not commenting on it.

When my love and I are setting together in the morning having a cup of coffee,
we talk of what are plan is for that day, projects I am working on, new video's I am working on, how her family is and funny things they maybe doing, and what we should plan on for dinner.
Not covering all, but that is kind of what we might be talking about over a cup of coffee.
When there is no directive, or topic to cover, it can get out of hand pretty easy with out even knowing it is coming until the **** hits the fan. I tried this in another network that worked a little, but there was too much of everyone trying to sell to everyone that came with in reach of them. Each day can be something new like share you funny joke day, or an upcoming movie, or one you have seen, music day, your special desert (give details, I like this one) or anything that you might talk with to your friends.

You can tell that this forum is one hot place to be just by the header.

Happy Sunday friends, I sincerely wish each of you a blessed day.
I would like to gather all of you around for some serious chit chat. I am truly saddened by the tone this thread has taken on with all the political posts. That was never my intention when I started this forum. My goal was to have a fun place with a light hearted ambience where everyone could feel at ease and maybe just forget their troubles for a while by engaging in pleasant camaraderie with fellow adlanders.
Things started off that way but have gradually gotten away from my initial goal. There are numerous threads already discussing almost any political subject you can think of and I would greatly appreciate everyone's cooperation in posting your political views in any of those.
Also for those who have forums of those types, or any type forum for that matter, you are more than welcome to post a link to it here and as a matter of fact I welcome those links. By posting links to other forums we are helping to connect more people and that will also give those who want to participate a choice of which ones they want to participate in and maybe make them aware of certain forums they were not aware of before.
I ask each of you for your cooperation and again I thank everyone for their participation in making this thread the success it has become.

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