Hello friends, instead of replying to everyone individually, I'm going to talk to each of you in this one post.
First Myrna, it's good to know that we share so much in common, but as you stated, there are things we don't see eye to eye on and that's ok, just goes to prove that even though we see some things differently we still have respect for each other and that is not only a sign of maturity but also a sign of true friendship.
The same goes for Amanda, we've been friends for a long time but there are certain issues we don't agree on and probably never will but the respect and friendship remains. That is the way it is supposed to be. As humans we all have different likes and dislikes and different view points and though we may not like it, we respect each other's right to have their own opinion.
As for Miguel, I have a great deal of respect for you as a person. You've always impressed me as a gentle person who means no harm to anyone and appears to like to be a peace maker, which is a good thing, but there are a few things we seem to hold different views on, but again, it does not diminish my respect for you. Actually, believe it or not, I can respect someone more for taking a stand for what they believe in, although it may be different than my beliefs, than I can someone who straddles the fence and never takes a stand on any issue or if they do, never let it be known.
And now for my good friend Helen, who has brought much joy to us here in this thread. I guess I'm included in the "old codger" group but I want to ask you something. It has only been in the last few years that we "old codgers" have learned of much of what has been transpiring in the political world, or at least that has been the case in my situation. Thanks to the Internet, we now know that we've been lied to and mislead by the MSM and our government, so how were most of us to know we should be calling or writing our representatives about something we knew nothing about? The MSM not only didn't bring us the true facts but they twisted things around to where they have an entirely different meaning and they shield a lot of the politicians in their wrong doing, but politically massacre those who they think will cast them in a well deserved bad light.
As most of you know, I am very opinionated and I make no excuses about believing the way I do on certain issues and I hold no ill will against anyone who has a different opinion than mine.
There are some wonderful people here in this online community that I feel blessed to be associated with and yes as humans, we're going to have different view points on some things and of course we all have human failings too.
I sincerely appreciate each of you.