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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 3:17:40 AM

Oh my Kathleen, I've never known anyone that had to "practice" in order to eat chocolates. LOL!! I hope you can "practice" enough so you're an expert by Valentine's Day. :)


I'm very glad February is here so I can start practicing eating chocolates so I'll be perfect at it when Valentine's Day arrives! :)~

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 3:19:09 AM

Excellent poem Amanda!!

Hello Myrna,
Hot off the press, I wrote a poem while I am still composing my letter..

Fluoride the Silent Deadly Chemical Weapon

The FDA and American Dental Association approve and enforce
this fluoride cocktail into our water supply and tell us it is law!
because they say it prevents childrens tooth decay
This same FDA who approves dangerous drugs that kill and maim?

How can enforcing known poisonous chemical weapons be law?
this is assault and if you have a well they say they will put it in your bore
Treason and Medical Tyranny is the name of the game
Let's wake up and say to this New World Order - No Way!

There are tablets you can give to your child if you really prefer
putting in general water supply with no options is more than I can endure.
Fluoride is a deadly poison, and there are many facts
why they even use these ingredients to kill off Rats!

This is making our children into Fluoride Heads whom are dumbed down
surely we can not accept this farse, fraud, deception laying down
there are more adults than children, toothpaste should be enough?
it effects every human, animal, pet, in our food. Enough of this stuff !

America has the highest cancers on record and it is through the roof
obesity, diabetes, lung diseases, malnutrition is getting up there too
Fluoride, silently deadly has its lethel effects on every part of our bodies
Please, against this great travesty, we have to boldly lobby

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
1 February 2012

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 3:25:11 AM
Hello friends, instead of replying to everyone individually, I'm going to talk to each of you in this one post.
First Myrna, it's good to know that we share so much in common, but as you stated, there are things we don't see eye to eye on and that's ok, just goes to prove that even though we see some things differently we still have respect for each other and that is not only a sign of maturity but also a sign of true friendship.
The same goes for Amanda, we've been friends for a long time but there are certain issues we don't agree on and probably never will but the respect and friendship remains. That is the way it is supposed to be. As humans we all have different likes and dislikes and different view points and though we may not like it, we respect each other's right to have their own opinion.
As for Miguel, I have a great deal of respect for you as a person. You've always impressed me as a gentle person who means no harm to anyone and appears to like to be a peace maker, which is a good thing, but there are a few things we seem to hold different views on, but again, it does not diminish my respect for you. Actually, believe it or not, I can respect someone more for taking a stand for what they believe in, although it may be different than my beliefs, than I can someone who straddles the fence and never takes a stand on any issue or if they do, never let it be known.
And now for my good friend Helen, who has brought much joy to us here in this thread. I guess I'm included in the "old codger" group but I want to ask you something. It has only been in the last few years that we "old codgers" have learned of much of what has been transpiring in the political world, or at least that has been the case in my situation. Thanks to the Internet, we now know that we've been lied to and mislead by the MSM and our government, so how were most of us to know we should be calling or writing our representatives about something we knew nothing about? The MSM not only didn't bring us the true facts but they twisted things around to where they have an entirely different meaning and they shield a lot of the politicians in their wrong doing, but politically massacre those who they think will cast them in a well deserved bad light.
As most of you know, I am very opinionated and I make no excuses about believing the way I do on certain issues and I hold no ill will against anyone who has a different opinion than mine.
There are some wonderful people here in this online community that I feel blessed to be associated with and yes as humans, we're going to have different view points on some things and of course we all have human failings too.
I sincerely appreciate each of you.
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 3:40:18 AM

Mike I know exactly where you're coming from. The military does not take care of those who have served our country. I've read so much about this and know first hand how they keep brushing aside someone who was injured in the service of their country. First I want to say Kudos to you for being one of those who has served our country.

My son came back from a six month tour of duty in Iraq with two herniated discs, one in his neck and one in his lower back. That has been over two years now and they're still giving him the run a round about getting medical treatment. Though he is in almost constant pain he works at a regular job driving a tanker truck because he has a family to support. I think this is one of the most disgraceful things our government has ever done, and is still doing, in not taking care of those who served their country, whether it be medical or financial.

I'm also well aware of all the homeless veterans, a national disgrace, but you don't see anyone protesting on their behalf instead they actually get blamed for the situation, a situation they have no control over. Yes it is disgraceful to see our men and women who served our country honorably, mistreated this way, and I wonder why no one is protesting on their behalf. Really makes you wonder doesn't it?


10_1_136.gifWe all know what the homeless like to do. Did you know that the majority of homeless people in America are Vetweran's who served our country to keep us free. After they were deployed to war zones for the second or third time and came back with more wounds, not just the physical wounds but the wounds of seeing their comrades shot to death or blown to pieces right in front of them, they were hospitalized for their trauma and given a medical discharge. Many of these veteran's were married with children. It was impossible for them to re-enter civilian life styles and they were not getting treated for their constant nightmares. No more families, no place to call home, and a country that no longer cared because they were damaged property. I lived on the streets for six months, never got drunk in public, never bothered anyone, never took drugs, and never peed in public. I did enter several programs to test drugs so that the animals rights activists could have their way. That's right. The activists put up such a squawk about testing untried drugs on animals that the labs began testing on human beings instead. When you enter a program you have to sign a statement saying that if you die, no one is held responsible. On one of these (study programs) those that were taken part were being monitored for two weeks with either three or four study days. On the study days, we each received 94 blood sticks over the course of an eight hour day. When the study was over, we each received $950.00 cash. Later that day I was beaten and robbed of about half the money that I had. I say half because the first thing that I did when I left the hospital was to open an account in the bank. I did about four studies a year for about three years just to try to stay above water. Please understand that when you say that you know how the homeless are, do you really? Do you know how it feels to come home from protecting your country to be rejected by your own family or community? Do you know how it feels to go to a Veteran's office for help with food or transportation, and be told that they don't have enough funds. I served in the United States Air Force for five years, The Army National Guard for four years and the Army Reserve for four years, and now that I have finished serving they cannot find the funds to help me. Shirley knew my situation when she came out to me, and she helped me to get away from the study programs and supported me every step of the way, and she has never called me a quiter or loser, and everything that we do have we have worked together to get. For us to get any kind of help from the Veteran's office we would have to travel about twelve miles which we cannot do, which we did do about ten years ago, had an interview, and after about three hours it was decided that they could not help us at the time. We had no money to get back home and started to walk when someone from the office noticed what we were doing and offered to take us home. Many people do not ask to live the life styles that they do, nor do they asked to have a label put on them without knowing their circumstances, but many people conclude that they love to get drunk and they love to get high. I am fotunate that I never had to see action, however an old man pointed to his whiskey bottle and said, "As long as I stay numb, I don't see the faces of the women and children that I had to kill." They laugh and they are sometimes loud, but their country sent them to do a job and when they finished their job their country forgot who they were. It is difficult. I love my country but I'm ashamed of it as well.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 3:56:38 AM
Hello Mike,
There are all sorts of homeless and not all are Veterans and you have picked out veterans to support and that's perfectly OK. I didn't say Veterans nor was I thinking of them in my comment.
Yes I agree, the veterans have been treated appallingly and used as pawns in the hijacked Govt run by the privately own Federal banks, games of being the Bully on the Block and wanting to take what is not theirs and they do not care whether it is won by fair means or fowl as they use money paid through our taxes and buy the equipment and send our Military to do their dirty work and they don't care who gets killed or maimed on either sides, then there is not enough money to assist our injured when they do get back. It is even worse now because this same Govt has stolen all their pension from their spouses and children too along with all the retired people. We see more and more elder men and women having to go back to work in their 70s! I am also outraged.
However, I would like you to understand what I am seeing, and what has been spoken about on various threads on the Occupy movement and even how the general public are being treated by police - tazings, pepper-spraying, billy clubs and arrests if you even try to protect your face or body or curl up in a ball you are breaking the law and arrested for resisting.
There were a huge amount of people arrested at the end of summer I think in New York and held in an old warehouse that had housed oil, diesel and other fuels as well as lots asbestos. Many of these people were sick and had burns on their skins from the chemicals. This is just one incidence of many how out of hand the police has become.
The police are selecting people to pick a fight with, they were more than likely told which types of homeless to go and single out to send them to the Occupy areas to disrupt as there would be MSM there to report their activities to say 'look at what the Occupy Movements are doing' etc etc...
In answer to your question, no I have not had to live on the street, but I have had to live in a women's hostel for a whole year and take a hand out from the Govt back in New Zealand and have the oldest junker car mismatched paint job my ex had just bought and fixed up out of 2 other cars that I usually had access too, a suitcase of clothes and my computer because my ex husband was punishing me because I dared to walk away from our marriage and he thought I would come running back if he cut me off from our joint bank account and everything else I owned half of. As you can see, I never went back.
But living in this hostel was very stressful with women under stress from similar situations as myself and fighting, or finding solace in drinking and other ways as women and young children came and went to disrupt the flow as well as I was training to be a LPN which was stressful in itself.
When I came out to the USA in June 99 to marry James within the 3 months my ex suddenly decided to put a spanner in the works of the divorce and it wasn't until March that we could marry. The early years of living in the States was also a stressful time with the different culture that I thought it was, as I did not know then what I know now that it was the hijacked govt using the USA to be their Beta tester to bring down first.
There has been many other bumps along the road and all as I can say is it has built character in James and I and only made our marriage so much stronger. I look upon these past 10 years as a build up of what we have to face now and in the future.
Myrna, You are not alone in your support of the Occupy movement, I believe everyone has the right to protest against injustices.
They have stayed true to their goals despite the many times they have been arrested, forced out of the parks they were originally permitted to be and had their possessions stolen etc..
I have followed along and realise there have been many outside paid disruptive influences come into Occupy to deliberately misinform and cloud the judgement of the general public watching from the Mafia Slothful Media (and many other names I could call them) whom will focus on these outside people doing what-ever damage they are paid to do to discredit the movement.
I also know that Police have been told to send all the Homeless to these parks and we all know what many of them like to do - drink, shoot up drugs etc then defficate because they are alcoholics and druggies and cannot or do not know what the heck they are doing.
This is all Deliberate sabotage from the George Soro's etc

Hi Evelyn, Amanda and Helen,

Evelyn, you know we have so much in common is is almost unbelievable. The thinks you have posted, the things you have said, plus the music, is what I like too, there is few things that I see a difference. One is Occupy. These people are working very hard to get the truth out about the banks, the war, freedom,now they are helping with the Monsanto issues. I have been on Occupy live stream many times and listened to the things they are working for. Yes, there are issues there too, but we as people of this world have to start somewhere. The news media has not given them a good report, which is part of the plan to make them look bad.

Amanda, your poem is super, gee on top of everything else you are a poem. You go girl. It must be that good stuff from New Zealand. I meet another lady from NZ about a year ago she is a great to have as a friend too. I will have to tell her about ALP and see if we can get her aboard, that would be cool, huh!

Helen, I have been signing so much stuff against Monsanto, or anyone else that is harming our earth, or anything I don't feel is good for man kind. I will sign it. i can't do a lot of other things, but I can type, copy and paste and make some kind of noise for man kind to make it a better world for all humans and animals. AS far as anyone listening. I wonder how much they pay attention to anything. Don't trust most of them, however, there are a few good ones left, but few and far between.
10_1_136.gifWe all know what the homeless like to do. Did you know that the majority of homeless people in America are Vetweran's who served our country to keep us free. After they were deployed to war zones for the second or third time and came back with more wounds, not just the physical wounds but the wounds of seeing their comrades shot to death or blown to pieces right in front of them, they were hospitalized for their trauma and given a medical discharge. Many of these veteran's were married with children. It was impossible for them to re-enter civilian life styles and they were not getting treated for their constant nightmares. No more families, no place to call home, and a country that no longer cared because they were damaged property. I lived on the streets for six months, never got drunk in public, never bothered anyone, never took drugs, and never peed in public. I did enter several programs to test drugs so that the animals rights activists could have their way. That's right. The activists put up such a squawk about testing untried drugs on animals that the labs began testing on human beings instead. When you enter a program you have to sign a statement saying that if you die, no one is held responsible. On one of these (study programs) those that were taken part were being monitored for two weeks with either three or four study days. On the study days, we each received 94 blood sticks over the course of an eight hour day. When the study was over, we each received $950.00 cash. Later that day I was beaten and robbed of about half the money that I had. I say half because the first thing that I did when I left the hospital was to open an account in the bank. I did about four studies a year for about three years just to try to stay above water. Please understand that when you say that you know how the homeless are, do you really? Do you know how it feels to come home from protecting your country to be rejected by your own family or community? Do you know how it feels to go to a Veteran's office for help with food or transportation, and be told that they don't have enough funds. I served in the United States Air Force for five years, The Army National Guard for four years and the Army Reserve for four years, and now that I have finished serving they cannot find the funds to help me. Shirley knew my situation when she came out to me, and she helped me to get away from the study programs and supported me every step of the way, and she has never called me a quiter or loser, and everything that we do have we have worked together to get. For us to get any kind of help from the Veteran's office we would have to travel about twelve miles which we cannot do, which we did do about ten years ago, had an interview, and after about three hours it was decided that they could not help us at the time. We had no money to get back home and started to walk when someone from the office noticed what we were doing and offered to take us home. Many people do not ask to live the life styles that they do, nor do they asked to have a label put on them without knowing their circumstances, but many people conclude that they love to get drunk and they love to get high. I am fotunate that I never had to see action, however an old man pointed to his whiskey bottle and said, "As long as I stay numb, I don't see the faces of the women and children that I had to kill." They laugh and they are sometimes loud, but their country sent them to do a job and when they finished their job their country forgot who they were. It is difficult. I love my country but I'm ashamed of it as well.

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